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lib/App/JobLog/Command/  view on Meta::CPAN

package App::JobLog::Command::add;
$App::JobLog::Command::add::VERSION = '1.042';
# ABSTRACT: log an event

use App::JobLog -command;
use Modern::Perl;
use autouse 'Getopt::Long::Descriptive' => qw(prog_name);
use autouse 'App::JobLog::Time'         => qw(now);
use Class::Autouse qw(App::JobLog::Log);

sub execute {
    my ( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_;
    my $tags = $opt->tag;
    unless ($tags) {
        $tags = [] if $opt->clear_tags;
    my $log        = App::JobLog::Log->new;
    my ($last)     = $log->last_event;
    my $is_ongoing = $last && $last->is_open;
        $tags ? ( tags => $tags ) : (),
        description => [ join ' ', @$args ],
        time        => now
    if ( $is_ongoing && _different_day( $last->start, now ) ) {
        say 'Event spans midnight. Perhaps you failed to close the last event.';

sub _different_day {
    my ( $d1, $d2 ) = @_;
    return !( $d1->year == $d2->year
        && $d1->month == $d2->month
        && $d1->day == $d2->day );

sub usage_desc { '%c ' . __PACKAGE__->name . ' <description of event>' }

sub abstract { 'log an event' }

sub full_description {
Log an event. E.g.,

  @{[prog_name($0)]} @{[__PACKAGE__->name]} munging the widget

All arguments that are not parameter values are concatenated as a description
of the event. Logging an event simultaneously marks the end of the previous
event. Events may be tagged to mark such things as client, grant, or 

sub options {
    return (
'tag the event; multiple tags are acceptable; e.g., -t foo -t bar -t quux',
            'inherit no tags from preceding event; '
              . 'this is equivalent to -t ""; '
              . 'this option has no effect if any tag is specified',

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