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# Send a post request (LWP)
perl -MLWP -le '$u=shift; $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->env_proxy;  $rc=$ua->post($u,{qw/^Crstname FIRST lastname LAST/}); print $rc->content' $u

## Perl Modules - LWP::UserAgent

# Get http request. practice using LWP::UserAgent
perl -MLWP::UserAgent -MData::Dumper -le '$u=""; $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->env_proxy; $r=$ua->get($u); print $r->header("Server")'

## Perl Modules - Mail::Address

# Example of using Mail::Address.
perl -Mojo -MMail::Address -E 'say r $_ for Mail::Address->parse("First Last email\@localhost")'
bless( [
], 'Mail::Address' )

bless( [
], 'Mail::Address' )

bless( [
], 'Mail::Address' )

## Perl Modules - Math::Combinatorics

# Get permutations of lists (make a table).
perl -lE '$_="{0,1}"x3; say for glob'
perl -E 'say for glob "{A,B}{1,2}"'
perl -lE 'say for glob "{0,1}{0,1}{0,1}{0,1}"'
perl -MMath::Combinatorics=permute -lE 'say for map{"@$_"} permute(qw/a b c/)'

## Perl Modules - Math::Factoring

# Factoring a number to get the prime numbers
perl -MMath::Factoring=factor -E "say for factor 666"

## Perl Modules - Modern::Perl

# Modern::Perl defaults to v5.12 (bug!?)
perl -E 'say $^V'
perl -Modern::Perl -e 'say Modern::Perl::validate_date(2022)'
perl -Modern::Perl -e 'say Modern::Perl::validate_date()'
perl                    -E 'sub abc ($n) {$n}'
perl -Modern::Perl=2022 -e 'sub abc ($n) {$n}'
perl -Modern::Perl      -e 'sub abc ($n) {$n}'
Illegal character in prototype for main::abc : $n at -e line 1.
Global symbol "$n" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $n"?) at -e line 1.
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

## Perl Modules - Module::CoreList, corelist

# Find perl module
perl -MModule::CoreList -le 'print for Module::CoreList->find_modules("Class")'
cpan -l | grep -e '^Class'

# Find all available modules for a certain version
perl -MModule::CoreList -le 'print for Module::CoreList->find_modules(/5.010/)'

# Find find release of a perl module
corelist Data::Dumper

# Find all release versions of a perl module
corelist -a Data::Dumper

## Perl Modules - Module::Starter

# Create a new distribution in perl abd run it.
x2hs -X Example      # Pure Perl
h2xs -A -n Example   # XS
perl Makefile.PL
perl -Mblib -MExample2 -E 'Example2::print_hello()'

# Using -Mblib is similar to using:
perl -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch -MExample2 -e 'Example2b::print_hello'

# Create a new distribution in perl.
module-starter --module=My::Test --distro=my-test --author="AUTHOR" --email="EMAIL" --mb --verbose

# Additional folder preparation (module-starter)
mv App-Pod/* .
rmdir App-Pod
mv ignore.txt .gitignore
echo "*.swp" >> .gitignore
chmod +x Build.PL
# Remove MYMETA.* and META.*
# Prepend to Build.PL
"#!/bin/env perl

# Additional folder preparation (module-starter)
# Add to Build.PL
    meta_merge     => {
        resources => {
            bugtracker => '',
            repository => '',

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