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lib/AWS/  view on Meta::CPAN

    $ docker run -p 9000:8080 hello-perl:latest

Now, you can test a function invocation with cURL.

    $ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'

To upload the container image, you need to create a new ECR repository in your account and tag the local image to push it to ECR.

    $ aws ecr create-repository --repository-name hello-perl --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true
    $ docker tag hello-perl:latest
    $ aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
    $ docker push

Finally, create new function using awscli.

    $ aws --region "$REGION" --profile "$PROFILE" lambda create-function \
        --function-name "hello-perl" \
        --code \
        --handler "handler.handle" \
        --runtime provided.al2023 \
        --role arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/service-role/lambda-custom-runtime-perl-role

=head2 Run in Local using Docker

Prebuilt Docker Images based on L<> are available.
You can pull from L<> or L<>,
and build zip archives to deploy.

    # Install the dependency.
    docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/var/task shogo82148/p5-aws-lambda:build-5.38.al2023 \
        cpanm --notest --local-lib extlocal --no-man-pages --installdeps .

    # run an event.
    docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/var/task shogo82148/p5-aws-lambda:5.38.al2023 \
        handler.handle '{"some":"event"}'

=head2 Pre-installed modules

The following modules are pre-installed for convenience.


=item L<AWS::Lambda>

=item L<AWS::XRay>

=item L<JSON>

=item L<Cpanel::JSON::XS>

=item L<JSON::MaybeXS>

=item L<YAML>

=item L<YAML::Tiny>

=item L<YAML::XS>

=item L<Net::SSLeay>

=item L<IO::Socket::SSL>

=item L<Mozilla::CA>

=item L<local::lib>


L<Paws> is optional. See the "Paws SUPPORT" section.

=head2 AWS X-Ray SUPPORT

L<AWS X-Ray|> is a service that collects data about requests that your application serves.
You can trace AWS Lambda requests and sends segment data with pre-install module L<AWS::XRay>.

    use utf8;
    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use AWS::XRay qw/ capture /;

    sub handle {
        my ($payload, $context) = @_;
        capture "myApp" => sub {
            capture "nested" => sub {
                # do something ...
        capture "another" => sub {
            # do something ...


=head1 Paws SUPPORT

If you want to call AWS API from your Lambda function,
you can use a pre-built Lambda Layer for L<Paws> - A Perl SDK for AWS (Amazon Web Services) APIs.

=head2 Use Prebuilt Public Lambda Layers

Add the perl-runtime layer and the perl-paws layer into your lambda function.

    aws --region "$REGION" --profile "$PROFILE" lambda create-function \
        --function-name "hello-perl" \
        --zip-file "fileb://" \
        --handler "handler.handle" \
        --runtime provided.al2023 \
        --role arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/service-role/lambda-custom-runtime-perl-role \
        --layers \
            "arn:aws:lambda:$REGION:445285296882:layer:perl-5-38-runtime-al2023-x86_64:5" \

Now, you can use L<Paws> to call AWS API from your Lambda function.

    use Paws;
    my $obj = Paws->service('...');
    my $res = $obj->MethodCall(Arg1 => $val1, Arg2 => $val2);
    print $res->AttributeFromResult;

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