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lib/AWS/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
package AWS::IP;
use Cache::File;
use Carp;
use HTTP::Tiny;
use JSON::XS;
use File::Temp 'tempdir';
use Net::CIDR::Set;

# required by HTTP::Tiny for https
use IO::Socket::SSL 1.56;
use Net::SSLeay 1.49;

use constant CACHE_KEY => 'AWS_IPS';

our $VERSION = 0.04;

# ABSTRACT: Get and search AWS IP ranges in a caching, auto-refreshing way


  use AWS::IP;

  my $aws = AWS::IP->new(600, '/tmp/aws_ip_cache');

  # get the raw data as a Perl reference
  my $aws_ip_data = $aws->get_raw_data;

  # check if an ip address is AWS
  if ($aws->is_aws_ip('')

  # get a list of all AWS cidrs
  my $cidrs = $aws->get_cidrs;

  for (@$cidrs)

  # create your own ip checks
  use Net::CIDR::Set;

  my $ec2_cidrs = $aws->get_cidrs_by_service('EC2');
  my $aws_ec2_set = Net::CIDR::Set->new( @$ec2_cidrs );

  if ($aws_ec2_set->contains($ip)

  # time passes, cache has expired
  $aws_ip_data = $aws->get_raw_data; # auto refreshes


AWS L<publish|> their IP ranges, which periodically change. This module downloads and serializes the IP ranges into a Perl data hash reference. It caches the data, and if the cache expires, re-downloads a...

=head2 new ($cache_timeout_secs, [$cache_path])

Creates a new AWS::IP object and sets up the cache. Requires an number for the cache timeout seconds. Optionally takes a cache path argument. If no cache path is supplied, AWS::IP will use a random temp directory. If you want to reuse the cache over ...


sub new
  croak 'Incorrect number of args passed to AWS::IP->new()' unless @_ >= 2 && @_ <= 3;
  my ($class, $cache_timeout_secs, $cache_path) = @_;

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