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- Dumpvalue:                     1.11
- Getopt::Long:                  2.36
- IO::CaptureOutput:             1.03
- Test::Simple:                  0.65
- Time::Local:                   1.17

- Date::Calc:                    5.4
- Time::Local:                   1.17

- ASNMTAP::Time:
- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap:
- Carp:
- Config::General:               2.33
- Config::General::Interpolated: 2.06
- Getopt::Long:                  2.36
- HTML::Entities:                1.29
- Mail::Sendmail:                0.79
- Time::Local:                   1.17

- ASNMTAP::Time:
- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications:
- Carp:
- CGI::Session:                  4.20
- Date::Calc:                    5.4
- NetAddr::IP:                   4.007
- Proc::ProcessTable:            0.39
- Time::Local:                   1.17

- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications:
- Carp:
- Time::Local:                   1.17

- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Applications:
- Carp:
- Time::Local:
- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap:
- Time::HiRes:                   1.9704

- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins:
- IO:                            1.20

- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins:
- Time::Local:                   1.17
  - Net::LDAP:

    Dependencies Net::LDAP:
    - Convert::ASN1   - required
    - URI::ldap       - optional, needed for URL parsing
    - Digest::MD5     - optional, needed for SASL CRAM-MD5 auth
    - Net::SSLeay     - optional, needed for IO::Socket::SSL
                        needed OpenSSL-0.9.7b or newer...
    - IO::Socket::SSL - optional, needed for Net::LDAPS
    - XML::Parser     - optional, needed for Net::LDAP::DSML

- Date::Calc:                    5.4
- Email::Simple:                 1.996
- Mail::POP3Client               2.17
- Mail::Sendmail:                0.79
- MIME::Base64:                  3.01
- MIME::Parser                   5.419
- Net::IMAP::Simple:             1.16
- Net::POP3:                     2.28
- Time::Local:                   1.17

- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins:

- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins:
- SOAP::Lite:

  Dependencies SOAP::Lite:
  - libwww-perl:
  - MIME::Base64:
  - URI:
  - WSRF::Lite:
  - XML::Parser:

  Dependencies WSRF::Lite:
  - DateTime:
  - DateTime::Format::Epoch:
  - DateTime::Format::W3CDTF:
  - Digest::SHA1:
  - Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA:
  - Crypt::OpenSSL::X509:
  - HTTP::Daemon::SSL:
  - MIME::Base64:
  - Sys::Hostname::Long:
  - XML::CanonicalizeXML:
  - XML::DOM:

  Following modules will be loaded on demand only, and are considered optional:
  - Crypt::SSLeay     HTTPS/SSL support
  - Apache            mod_perl server implementation (included with mod_perl)
  - Net::POP3         POP3 server implementation
  - MIME::Lite        SMTP client implementation
  - IO::File          FTP client and IO server
  - Net::FTP          FTP client
  - MQSeries          MQSeries transport
  - Net::Jabber       Jabber transport
  - FCGI              FastCGI server implementation
  - IO::Socket::SSL   SSL support for TCP transport
  - MIME::Tools       MIME attachment support
  - DIME::Tools       DIME attachment support
  - Compress::Zlib    HTTP compression support

- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins:
- Bundle::LWP:                   1.11
- CGI:                           3.28
- Compress::Zlib:                2.004
- Digest::MD5:                   2.33
- Crypt::SSLeay:                 0.56
- MIME::Base64:                  3.01
- Net::FTP:                      2.58
- URI:                           1.35

- ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins:
- XML::Parser:                   2.34
- XML::LibXML:                   1.63
- XML::Simple:                   2.14

- Cwd:                           3.25
- Data::Dumper:                  2.12
- File::Basename:                2.73


1) How can i unbless a data structure:

use Data::Structure::Util qw(unbless);

Dependencies Data::Structure::Util
- Clone
- File::Find::Rule
- Test::Builder::Tester
- Test::Pod

# COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

© Copyright 2000-2007 by Alex Peeters []

Version 3.000.004, 2006/02/12, ASNMTAP CPAN module ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Mail and  ASNMTAP::Asnmtap::Plugins::Modem

Version 3.000.003, 2006/02/03, ASNMTAP CPAN module

Version 3.000.002, 2006/01/08, ASNMTAP Package Object Oriented Perl

Version 3.000.001, 2006/01/01, ASNMTAP Package

'ASNMTAP' is based on 'Process System daemons v1.60.17-01' written by Alex Peeters []
'' is based on 'Process System daemons v1.60.17-01' written by Alex Peeters []

Purpose: CronTab (CT, sysdCT),
         Disk Filesystem monitoring (DF, sysdDF),
         Intrusion Detection for FW-1 (ID, sysdID)

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