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     update_modules_according_to_our_policy(ref $phish) if !$phish->is_latest_version();
If you have L<IO::Redirect> installed, the verbose output from the L<CPAN> module is stored in $phish->get_errstr() if there is a problem.
Otherwise the L<CPAN> functions will have output that you can't control, so its recommended you install L<IO::Redirect> if its not already.
=head2 $phish->get_languages_hashref()
Returns a hashref of language info. It can be used to view all the available languages, their name, targets, and two letter code.
It is probably most usefull if you need to reference what the two letter code is for a given langauge.
    use Data::Dumper;
    print Dumper $phish->get_languages_hashref; # AltaVista::BabelFish->get_languages_hashref works also
=head2 $phish->fishinfo()
Returns content for an html page (no header) if called via a browser (IE !-t STDIN) and a text page if via CLI (IE -t STDIN)
In void context prints its info, otherwise it returns it.
    print CGI::header();
    print $htmltop;
    print $phish->fishinfo(); # AltaVista::BabelFish->fishinfo() works also

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( run in 1.049 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )