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alienfile  view on Meta::CPAN

use alienfile;
use strict;
use Config;

plugin 'Probe::CBuilder' => (
  libs    => '-lsnappy',
  lang    => 'C++', # to include snappy-stubs-public.h
  version => qr/version = 'version = [0-9\.]+'/,
  program => <<'EO_SNAPPY_VERSION'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <snappy-c.h>
#include <snappy-stubs-public.h>

int main() {
printf("version = '%d.%d.%d', link_ok='%d'\n", SNAPPY_MAJOR, SNAPPY_MINOR, SNAPPY_PATCHLEVEL, snappy_max_compressed_length(1));
return 0;

meta->after_hook( probe_system => sub {
    my ($build) = @_;
    use Data::Dumper;
    print Dumper($build);
  #$build->runtime_prop->{$flag} = '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/pkg/lib ' . $build->runtime_prop->{$flag};

after 'gather' => sub {
    my ($build) = @_;
    use Data::Dumper; CORE::say Dumper($build);

share {
    # The tarball from the 1.1.8 release and the 1.1.8 tag produce different
    # libraries -- and from some preliminary testing, the tarball version isn't
    # compatible with most existing uses(?!).
    # Could be the bug github bug that's been biting me with libgraphqlparser,
    # where they sometimes serve the wrong binaries.  Still, the tag never lies,
    # so download that:
    plugin 'Download::GitHub' => (
        github_user => 'google',
        github_repo => 'snappy',
        tags_only   => 1,
        prefer      => '1.1.8',

    plugin Extract => 'tar.gz';

    patch [
        '%{patch} -p1 < %{.install.patch}/0001-fPIC-for-the-static-library.patch',

    plugin 'Build::CMake' => ();
    my @cmake_args = (
        '-DSNAPPY_BUILD_TESTS=OFF', # otherwise it requires a bunch of libraries
        @{ meta->prop->{plugin_build_cmake}->{args} },
    build [
            '%{cmake}', '.',
        '%{make} VERBOSE=1',
        '%{make} install',
        '%{make} clean',
            '%{cmake}', '.',
        '%{make} install',

    gather sub {
        my ($build) = @_;
        my $prefix = $build->runtime_prop->{prefix};
        $build->runtime_prop->{cflags}      ||= " -I$prefix/include ";
        $build->runtime_prop->{libs}        ||= " -L$prefix/lib -lsnappy ";
        $build->runtime_prop->{libs_static} ||= " -L$prefix/lib -lsnappy -stdlib=libc++ ",

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( run in 0.636 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )