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package Text::Patch;
use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT = qw( patch );
our $VERSION = '1.1';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

sub patch
  my $text = shift;
  my $diff = shift;
  my %options;
  if( ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' )
    %options = %{ $_[0] };
    %options = @_;

  return patch_unified( $text, $diff ) if $options{ 'STYLE' } eq 'Unified';
  croak "required STYLE option is missing";

sub patch_unified
  my $text = shift;
  my $diff = shift;
  my @text = split /^/m, $text;
  my @diff = split /^/m, $diff;
  my @hunks;
  my %hunk;
  for( @diff )
    #print STDERR ">>> ... $_";
    if( /^\@\@\s*-(\d+),(\d+)/ )
      #print STDERR ">>> *** HUNK!\n";
      push @hunks, { %hunk };
      %hunk = ();
      $hunk{ FROM } = $1 - 1; # diff is 1-based
      $hunk{ LEN  } = $2;
      $hunk{ DATA } = [];
    push @{ $hunk{ DATA } }, $_;
  push @hunks, { %hunk }; # push last hunk
  shift @hunks; # first is always empty  

  for my $hunk ( reverse @hunks )
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #print STDERR Dumper( $hunk );
    my @pdata;
    for( @{ $hunk->{ DATA } } )
      next unless s/^([ \-\+])//;
      #print STDERR ">>> ($1) $_";
      next if $1 eq '-';
      push @pdata, $_;
    splice @text, $hunk->{ FROM }, $hunk->{ LEN }, @pdata;
  return join '', @text;  


=head1 NAME

Text::Patch - Patches text with given patch


    use Text::Patch;
    $output = patch( $source, $diff, STYLE => "Unified" );

    use Text::Diff;
    $src  = ...
    $dst  = ...
    $diff = diff( $src, $dst, { STYLE => 'Unified' } );
    $out  = patch( $src, $diff, { STYLE => 'Unified' } );
    print "Patch successful" if $out eq $dst;


Text::Patch combines source text with given diff (difference) data. 
Diff data is produced by Text::Diff module or by the standard diff
utility (man diff, see -u option).

=over 4

=item patch( $source, $diff, options... )

First argument is source (original) text. Second is the diff data.
Third argument can be either hash reference with options or all the
rest arguments will be considered patch options:

    $output = patch( $source, $diff, STYLE => "Unified", ... );

    $output = patch( $source, $diff, { STYLE => "Unified", ... } );

Options are:

  STYLE => 'Unified'

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