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inc/Text/  view on Meta::CPAN

      $hunk{ LEN  } = $2;
      $hunk{ DATA } = [];
    push @{ $hunk{ DATA } }, $_;
  push @hunks, { %hunk }; # push last hunk
  shift @hunks; # first is always empty  

  for my $hunk ( reverse @hunks )
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #print STDERR Dumper( $hunk );
    my @pdata;
    for( @{ $hunk->{ DATA } } )
      next unless s/^([ \-\+])//;
      #print STDERR ">>> ($1) $_";
      next if $1 eq '-';
      push @pdata, $_;
    splice @text, $hunk->{ FROM }, $hunk->{ LEN }, @pdata;

t/maintainer/dependencies.t  view on Meta::CPAN

The list of modules that can be assumed to always be present
regardless of the version of Perl, and need not be checked for.  By
default only pragmatic modules (starting with a lowercase letter) and
modules that already were in 5.000 according to L<Module::CoreList>
are listed.


our @pervasives = qw(base warnings strict overload utf8 vars constant
                     Config Exporter Data::Dumper Carp
                     Getopt::Std Getopt::Long
                     DynaLoader ExtUtils::MakeMaker
                     POSIX Fcntl Cwd Sys::Hostname
                     IO::File IPC::Open2 IPC::Open3
                     File::Basename File::Find

=head2 @maintainer_dependencies

The list of modules that are used in C<t/maintainer>, and for which

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