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META.json  view on Meta::CPAN

            "Alien::Base" : "0.038",
            "Alien::Build" : "0.25",
            "base" : "0",
            "strict" : "0",
            "warnings" : "0"
      "test" : {
         "requires" : {
            "Capture::Tiny" : "0",
            "Data::Dumper" : "0",
            "English" : "0",
            "Env" : "0",
            "File::Spec" : "0",
            "IPC::Cmd" : "0",
            "Test2::V0" : "0",
            "Test::Alien" : "0",
            "Test::Alien::Diag" : "0",
            "Test::More" : "0"

META.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

  - 'Will Braswell <>'
  Alien::Build: '0.32'
  Alien::Build::MM: '0.32'
  Alien::Build::Plugin::Download::Negotiate: '1.30'
  Alien::gmake: '0.11'
  Archive::Tar: '0'
  Capture::Tiny: '0'
  Config: '0'
  Data::Dumper: '0'
  English: '0'
  Env: '0'
  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '6.52'
  File::Spec: '0'
  HTTP::Tiny: '0.044'
  IO::Socket::SSL: '1.56'
  IO::Zlib: '0'
  IPC::Cmd: '0'
  Mojo::DOM: '0'
  Mojolicious: '7.00'

Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

        'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => '6.52'
    'PREREQ_PM' => {
        'Alien::Base'           => '0.038',
        'base'                  => 0,
        'strict'                => 0,
        'warnings'              => 0
        'Capture::Tiny'         => 0,
        'Data::Dumper'          => 0,
        'English'               => 0,
        'Env'                   => 0,
        'File::Spec'            => 0,
        'IPC::Cmd'              => 0,
        'Test2::V0'             => 0,
        'Test::Alien'           => 0,
        'Test::Alien::Diag'     => 0,
        'Test::More'            => 0,

t/02_pcre2_config.t  view on Meta::CPAN

our $VERSION = 0.027_000;

use Test2::V0;
use Test::Alien;
use Alien::PCRE2;
use File::Spec;  # for splitpath() and catpath()
use Env qw( @PATH );
use IPC::Cmd qw(can_run);
use English qw(-no_match_vars);  # for $OSNAME
use Capture::Tiny qw( capture_merged );
use Data::Dumper;  # DEBUG


# load alien
alien_ok('Alien::PCRE2', 'Alien::PCRE2 loads successfully and conforms to Alien::Base specifications');

my $pcre2_bin_dirs = [ Alien::PCRE2->bin_dir() ];
diag "\n\n", q{<<< DEBUG >>> in t/02_pcre2_config.t, have $pcre2_bin_dirs = '}, Dumper($pcre2_bin_dirs), q{'}, "\n\n";

subtest 'Check bin_dir permissions' => sub {

t/03_pcre2grep.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = 0.020_000;

use Test2::V0;
use Test::Alien;
use Alien::PCRE2;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);  # for $OSNAME
use Data::Dumper;  # DEBUG

if( Alien::PCRE2->install_type('system') ) {
    skip_all 'pcre2grep might not be installed for system install';
} else {

# load alien
alien_ok('Alien::PCRE2', 'Alien::PCRE2 loads successfully and conforms to Alien::Base specifications');

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( run in 1.267 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )