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lib/Bundle/Advent/  view on Meta::CPAN

package Bundle::Advent::Year2000;

our $VERSION = '0.02';




=head1 NAME

Bundle::Advent::Year2000 - Modules of the 2000 Perl Advent Calendar

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.02


Bundle for the modules featured in the 2000 Perl Advent Calendar:

    $ cpan Bundle::Advent::Year2000


Data::Dumper - L<pod|Data::Dumper>, L<>

LWP::Simple - L<pod|LWP::Simple>, L<>

POE::Component::IRC - L<pod|POE::Component::IRC>, L<>

Exporter - L<pod|Exporter>, L<>

Time::Local - L<pod|Time::Local>, L<>

Time::Object - L<pod|Time::Object>, L<>

Tie::Scalar::Timeout - L<pod|Tie::Scalar::Timeout>, L<>

Tie::HashDefaults - L<pod|Tie::HashDefaults>, L<>

Crypt::RC4 - L<pod|Crypt::RC4>, L<>

GD - L<pod|GD>, L<>

Image::Imlib2 - L<pod|Image::Imlib2>, L<>

File::Remote - L<pod|File::Remote>, L<>

XML::Grove - L<pod|XML::Grove>, L<>

Getopt::Long - L<pod|Getopt::Long>, L<>

File::Find - L<pod|File::Find>, L<>

DBI - L<pod|DBI>, L<>

Memoize - L<pod|Memoize>, L<>

Storable - L<pod|Storable>, L<>

Inline - L<pod|Inline>, L<>

Class::Virtual - L<pod|Class::Virtual>, L<>

Class::Multimethods - L<pod|Class::Multimethods>, L<>

Symbol::Approx::Sub - L<pod|Symbol::Approx::Sub>, L<>

Template - L<pod|Template>, L<>

Date::Christmas - L<pod|Date::Christmas>, L<>

=head1 AUTHOR

David Westbrook (CPAN: davidrw), C<< <dwestbrook at> >>

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Bundle::Advent::Year2000

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