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lib/Bundle/Advent/  view on Meta::CPAN


Bundle for the modules featured in the 2000 Perl Advent Calendar:

    $ cpan Bundle::Advent::Year2000


Data::Dumper - L<pod|Data::Dumper>, L<>

LWP::Simple - L<pod|LWP::Simple>, L<>

POE::Component::IRC - L<pod|POE::Component::IRC>, L<>

Exporter - L<pod|Exporter>, L<>

Time::Local - L<pod|Time::Local>, L<>

Time::Object - L<pod|Time::Object>, L<>

lib/Bundle/Advent/  view on Meta::CPAN

Class::Accessor::Chained - L<pod|Class::Accessor::Chained>, L<>

String::ShellQuote - L<pod|String::ShellQuote>, L<>

CPAN::Mini - L<pod|CPAN::Mini>, L<>

Module::Pluggable - L<pod|Module::Pluggable>, L<>

Term::ProgressBar - L<pod|Term::ProgressBar>, L<>

Data::Dumper::Simple - L<pod|Data::Dumper::Simple>, L<>

Proc::Daemon - L<pod|Proc::Daemon>, L<>

Data::UUID - L<pod|Data::UUID>, L<>

Encode - L<pod|Encode>, L<>

Text::Unidecode - L<pod|Text::Unidecode>, L<>

Devel::Trace - L<pod|Devel::Trace>, L<>

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