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package Adapter::Async::Model;
$Adapter::Async::Model::VERSION = '0.019';
use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

Adapter::Async::Model - helper class for defining models

=head1 VERSION

version 0.018


Generates accessors and helpers for code which interacts with L<Adapter::Async>-related 
classes. Please read the warnings in L<Adapter::Async> before continuing.

All definitions are applied via the L</import> method:

 package Some::Class;
 use Adapter::Async::Model {
  some_thing => 'string',
  some_array => {
   collection => 'OrderedList',
   type => '::Thing',

Note that methods are applied via a UNITCHECK block by default.


use Log::Any qw($log);

use Future;

use Module::Load;
use Data::Dumper;
use Variable::Disposition qw(retain_future);

=head2 import

=over 4

=item * defer_methods - if true (default), this will delay creation of methods such as C<new> using a UNITCHECK block, pass defer_methods => 0 to disable this and create the methods immediately

=item * model_base - the base class to prepend when types are specified with a leading ::



my %defined;

sub import {
	my ($class, $def, %args) = @_;
	my $pkg = caller;
	# No definition? Then we're probably just doing a module-load test, nothing
	# for us to do here
	return unless $def;

	$defined{$pkg} = 1;
	$args{defer_methods} = 1 unless exists $args{defer_methods};
	($args{model_base} = $pkg) =~ s/Model\K.*// unless exists $args{model_base};

	my $type_expand = sub {
		my ($type) = @_;
		return unless defined $type;
		$type = $args{model_base} . $type if substr($type, 0, 2) eq '::';

	my %loader;

	my @methods;
	for my $k (keys %$def) {
		my $details = $def->{$k};
		$details = { type => $details } unless ref $details;
		my $code;
		my %collection_class_for = (
			UnorderedMap => 'Adapter::Async::UnorderedMap::Hash',
			OrderedList  => 'Adapter::Async::OrderedList::Array',
		if(defined(my $from = $details->{from})) {
			$log->tracef("Should apply field %s from %s for %s", $k, $from, $pkg);
			++$loader{$_} for grep /::/, map $type_expand->($_), @{$details}{qw(type)};
		} else {
			no strict 'refs';
			no warnings 'once';
			push @{$pkg . '::attrs'}, $k unless $details->{collection}

		if(my $type = $details->{collection}) {
			my $collection_class = $collection_class_for{$type} // die "unknown collection $type";
			$log->tracef("%s->%s collection: %s", $pkg, $k, $type);
			++$loader{$_} for grep /::/, map $type_expand->($_), @{$details}{qw(key item)};
			$code = sub {

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