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    say color("red on_bright_yellow" => "text");
    say STDERR color("red on_bright_yellow" => "text");

Returns colored formatted string if is session was runned from terminal

Supported normal foreground colors:

    black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white

Bright foreground colors:

    bright_black, bright_red,     bright_green, bright_yellow
    bright_blue,  bright_magenta, bright_cyan,  bright_white

Normal background colors:

    on_black, on_red,     on_green, on yellow
    on_blue,  on_magenta, on_cyan,  on_white

Bright background color:

    on_bright_black, on_bright_red,     on_bright_green, on_bright_yellow
    on_bright_blue,  on_bright_magenta, on_bright_cyan,  on_bright_white

See also L<Term::ANSIColor>

=head2 deprecated

    deprecated('foo is DEPRECATED in favor of bar');

Warn about deprecated feature from perspective of caller.
You can also set the C<ACRUX_FATAL_DEPRECATIONS> environment
variable to make them die instead with L<Carp>

=head2 dformat

    $string = dformat( $mask, \%replacehash );
    $string = dformat( $mask, %replacehash );

Replace substrings "[...]" in mask and
returns replaced result. Data for replacing get from \%replacehash

For example:

    # -> 01-foo-bar.baz.tgz
    $string = dformat( "01-[NAME]-bar.[EXT].tgz", {
        NAME => 'foo',
        EXT  => 'baz',

See also L<CTK::Util/dformat>

=head2 dtf

See L</fdt>

=head2 dumper

    my $perl = dumper({some => 'data'});

Dump a Perl data structure with L<Data::Dumper>

=head2 eqtime

    eqtime("from/file", "to/file") or die "Oops";

Sets modified time of destination to that of source

=head2 fbytes

    print fbytes( 123456 );

Returns formatted size value

=head2 fdate

    print fdate( time );

Returns formatted date value

=head2 fdatetime

    print fdatetime( time );

Returns formatted date value

=head2 fdt

    print fdt( $format, $time );
    print fdt( $format, $time, 1 ); # in GMT context

Returns time in your format.
Each conversion specification is replaced by appropriate characters as described in the following list

    s, ss, _s - Seconds
    m, mm, _m - Minutes
    h, hh, _h - Hours
    D, DD, _D - Day of month
    M, MM, _M - Month
    Y, YY, YYY, YYYY - Year
    w       - Short form of week day (Sat, Tue and etc)
    W       - Week day (Saturdat, Tuesday and etc)
    MON, mon - Short form of month (Apr, May and etc)
    MONTH, month - Month (April, May and etc)
    Z       - Diff of TimeZone in short format (+0300)
    z       - Diff of TimeZone in lomg format (+03:00)
    G       - Short name of TimeZone GMT (for GMT context only)
    U       - Short name of TimeZone UTC (for GMT context only)


    # RFC822 (RSS)
    say fdt("%w, %D %MON %YY %hh:%mm:%ss %G", time(), 1); # Tue, 3 Sep 2013 12:31:40 GMT

    # RFC850
    say fdt("%W, %DD-%MON-%YY %hh:%mm:%ss %G", time(), 1); # Tuesday, 03-Sep-13 12:38:41 GMT

    # RFC1036
    say fdt("%w, %D %MON %YY %hh:%mm:%ss %G", time(), 1); # Tue, 3 Sep 13 12:44:08 GMT

    # RFC1123

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