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      for my $y (0..$j){
	next if $remove_empty && !$not_empty[$y];
	no warnings;
	my @cell = !$header_last&&$nodup&&$nodup[$x][$y]
     	         ? ($nodup>0?():((" " x (($width[$y]-length($nodup))/2)).$nodup))
                 : split("\n",$$tab[$x][$y]);
	  my $line=$row_start_line+$_;
	  my $txt=shift(@cell);
	  $txt='' if !defined$txt;
	  $txt=sprintf("%*s",$width[$y]-1,$txt) if length($txt)>0 && !$left[$y] && ($x>0 || $no_header_line);
	    my $wider;
	       $wider = $txt=~/<input.+type=text.+size=(\d+)/i?1+$1:0;
	    $tabout[$line].= ' ' x ($width[$y]-length($txt)-$wider);

    #--lage streker?
    if(not $no_header_line){
	for my $y (0..$j){
	  next if $remove_empty && !$not_empty[$y];
	  $tabout[$row_start_line].=('-' x ($width[$y]-1))." ";
	    $x%$pagesize==0 || $nodup>0&&!$nodup[$x+1][$nodup-1]
	    and $x+1<@$tab
	    and !$no_header_line
  }#for x
  return join("\n",@tabout)."\n";

=head2 serialize

Returns a data structure as a string. See also C<Data::Dumper>
(serialize was created long time ago before Data::Dumper appeared on
CPAN, before CPAN even...)

B<Input:> One to four arguments.

First argument: A reference to the structure you want.

Second argument: (optional) The name the structure will get in the output string.
If second argument is missing or is undef or '', it will get no name in the output.

Third argument: (optional) The string that is returned is also put
into a created file with the name given in this argument.  Putting a
C<< > >> char in from of the filename will append that file
instead. Use C<''> or C<undef> to not write to a file if you want to
use a fourth argument.

Fourth argument: (optional) A number signalling the depth on which newlines is used in the output.
The default is infinite (some big number) so no extra newlines are output.

B<Output:> A string containing the perl-code definition that makes that data structure.
The input reference (first input argument) can be to an array, hash or a string.
Those can contain other refs and strings in a deep data structure.


- Code refs are not handled (just returns C<sub{die()}>)

- Regex, class refs and circular recursive structures are also not handled.


  $a = 'test';
  @b = (1,2,3);
  %c = (1=>2, 2=>3, 3=>5, 4=>7, 5=>11);
  %d = (1=>2, 2=>3, 3=>\5, 4=>7, 5=>11, 6=>[13,17,19,{1,2,3,'asdf\'\\\''}],7=>'x');
  print serialize(\$a,'a');
  print serialize(\@b,'tab');
  print serialize(\%c,'c');
  print serialize(\%d,'d');
  print serialize(\("test'n roll",'brb "brb"'));
  print serialize(\%d,'d',undef,1);

Prints accordingly:

 ('test\'n roll','brb "brb"');

Areas of use:

- Debugging (first and foremost)

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