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package Acme::RunDoc;

use strict;
use autodie;

	$Acme::RunDoc::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
	$Acme::RunDoc::VERSION   = '0.002';

# 'undef' is Text::Extract::Word's default filter, and probably the only
# one that makes sense.
use constant FILTER => undef;

use Carp qw//;
use Data::Dumper qw//;
use File::Spec;
use IO::File;
use Text::Extract::Word;
use Module::Runtime qw//;

sub do
	my ($class, $file) = _args(@_);
	my $text = Text::Extract::Word->new($file)->get_body(FILTER)
		or CORE::do { $! = 'cannot read file'; return undef };
	return CORE::eval($text);

sub require_file
	my ($class, $file) = _args(@_);
	my $fh = IO::File->new($file, 'r')
		or Carp::croak("Could not require file $file: $!");
	$class->do($fh) or Carp::croak("Could not require file $file: $@");

sub require
	my ($class, $module) = _args(@_);
	(my $filename = Module::Runtime::module_notional_filename($module))
		=~ s{ \.pm $ }{ '.docm' }ex;
	my ($file) = 
		grep { -e $_ }
		map { File::Spec->catfile($_, $filename) }
	Carp::croak("Could not find $filename in \@INC: ".join q{ }, @INC)
		unless defined $file;

sub use
	my ($class, $module, @args) = _args(@_);
		my $import = $module->can('import');
		@_ = ($module, @args);
		goto $import if $import;

sub import
	my ($class, @args) = _args(@_);
	my $caller = scalar caller;
	local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
	while (@args)
		my $module = shift @args;
		my $args   = ref $args[0] ? shift @args : undef;
		my $eval = sprintf(
			"{ package %s; my \@args = %s; Acme::RunDoc->use('%s', \@args); }",
			ref $args eq 'HASH'
				? sprintf('do { my %s; %%$VAR1 }', Data::Dumper::Dumper($args))
				: ref $args
				? sprintf('do { my %s; @$VAR1 }',  Data::Dumper::Dumper($args))
				: '()',
		eval "$eval; 1" or Carp::croak($@);

sub _args
	my (@args) = @_;
	return @args if $args[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
	return @args if UNIVERSAL::can($args[0] => 'isa')
	             && $args[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__);
	unshift @args, __PACKAGE__;
	return @args;


=head1 NAME

Acme::RunDoc - executes a Microsoft Word document as if it were Perl code




It is recieved wisdom that word processors are better than text editors.
After all, you can style your documents with different fonts and colours;
you can take advantage of the built-in spell check; and your ugly single
and double quote characters get auto-replaced with "smart" curly versions.

This module allows you to run Perl documents edited in Microsoft Word
(and other word processors capable of saving in the ".doc" format) as
normal Perl code. You can write scripts and run them like this:

  perl -Microsoft::Word helloworld.doc

or call them from other files using:


You can write Perl modules using Microsoft Word too. (Just take care to
rename ".doc" to ".docm".) To "require" them:


Acme::RunDoc searches C<< @INC >> just like you'd expect.

You can even "use" modules written in Microsoft Word:

    require Acme::RunDoc;
    Acme::RunDoc->use("Hello::World", "greet");

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