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lib/Acme/  view on Meta::CPAN

  print $rightside_out->greeting(), "\n";      # prints Hello, my name is Dork Face


Exports C<guts()> which takes a L<Class::InsideOut> object and returns a normal
blessed hashref object.

One of the most serious flaws of Class::InsideOut is that it encapsulates data,
making it difficult to directly minipulate the object's internal state.
Attempting to inspect the reference to an inside out object with
L<Data::Dumper>, you'll find this:

    $VAR1 = bless( do{\(my $o = undef)}, 'My::Class' );

Fear not!  Acme::RightSideOutObject to the rescue!

Acme::RightSideOutObject work exactly like the inside out object it replaces
except that it is also a hashref full of the object's instance data.
Methods may be called on it.

Options are available, mix and match style:

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