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lib/Acme/Pythonic/  view on Meta::CPAN

The programming-language "Python" offers some basic string-, list- and other functions, that can be used quite intuatively. Perl often uses regular-expressions or special variables for these tasks. Although Perl's functions are in general more flexib...

=head2 print-Replacement-Function

=over 12

=item C<pyprint>

Python adds a (system-dependent) newline-character by default to strings to be printed.
This is rather convenient and can be found in the say()-function of Perl 5.10 and above too. I wasn't happy with the way, say() prints lists though. You can have that with something like 'say for @a;', but I like the way, Python prints lists better. ...
If you have to print more complex data-structures, use Data::Dumper.


=head2 String-Functions

=over 12

=item C<endswith($foo, $bar)>

Tests whether $foo ends with $bar (return-value: 1 or 0).

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