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lib/AI/PredictionClient/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
package AI::PredictionClient::InceptionClient;
$AI::PredictionClient::InceptionClient::VERSION = '0.05';

# ABSTRACT: A module implementing the TensorFlow Serving Inception client

use 5.010;

use Data::Dumper;
use Moo;

use AI::PredictionClient::Classes::SimpleTensor;
use AI::PredictionClient::Testing::Camel;

extends 'AI::PredictionClient::Predict';

has inception_results => (is => 'rwp');

has camel => (is => 'rw',);

sub call_inception {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $image = shift;

  my $tensor = AI::PredictionClient::Classes::SimpleTensor->new();
  $tensor->shape([ { size => 1 } ]);

  if ($self->camel) {
    my $camel_test = AI::PredictionClient::Testing::Camel->new();
    $tensor->value([ $camel_test->camel_jpeg_ref ]);
  } else {

  $self->inputs({ images => $tensor });

  if ($self->callPredict()) {

    my $predict_output_map_href = $self->outputs;
    my $inception_results_href;

    foreach my $key (keys %$predict_output_map_href) {
      $inception_results_href->{$key} = $predict_output_map_href->{$key}
        ->value;  #Because returns Tensor objects.


    return 1;
  } else {
    return 0;





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=head1 NAME

AI::PredictionClient::InceptionClient - A module implementing the TensorFlow Serving Inception client

=head1 VERSION

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