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lib/AI/ML/  view on Meta::CPAN

    $th::Lapack::Matrixref(1)m = lrelu($m, 0.0001);
    $m = m->lrelu(0.1);


sub lrelu {
    my ($self, $v) = @_;
    return bless { package => __PACKAGE__, type => 'lrelu', args => [$self, $v] } => __PACKAGE__;

sub eval_lrelu {
    my ($tree, $v) = @_;
    if (ref($tree) eq "Math::Lapack::Matrix") {
        return _bless _lrelu($tree->matrix_id, $v);
    die "lReLU for non matrix";

=head2 d_lrelu

Allows apply the function d_lrelu to every element of the matrix.

    $th::Lapack::Matrixref(1)m = lrelu($m, 0.0001);
    $m = m->lrelu(0.1);


sub d_lrelu {
    my ($self, $v) = @_;
    return bless { package => __PACKAGE__, type => 'd_lrelu', args => [$self, $v] } => __PACKAGE__;

sub eval_d_lrelu {
    my ($tree, $v) = @_;
    if (ref($tree) eq "Math::Lapack::Matrix") {
        return _bless _d_lrelu($tree->matrix_id, $v);
    die "lReLU for non matrix";

=head2 softmax
Allows apply the function softmax to every element of the matrix.

    $m = softmax($m);
    $m = $m->softmax();

sub softmax {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return bless { package => __PACKAGE__, type => 'softmax', args => [$self] } => __PACKAGE__; 

sub eval_softmax {
    my $tree = shift;
    if (ref($tree) eq "Math::Lapack::Matrix") {
        my $s = $tree->max();
        my $e_x = exp( $tree - $s );
        my $div = sum( $e_x, 1 );
        return $e_x / $div;
        #use Data::Dumper;
        #print STDERR Dumper $matrix;
#        return _bless _softmax($tree->matrix_id);
    die "softmax for non matrix";

=head2 d_softmax
Allows apply the function d_softmax to every element of the matrix.

    $m = d_softmax($m);
    $m = $m->d_softmax();

sub d_softmax {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return bless { package => __PACKAGE__, type => 'd_softmax', args => [$self] } => __PACKAGE__; 

sub eval_d_softmax {
    my $tree = shift;
    if (ref($tree) eq "Math::Lapack::Matrix") {
        return _bless _d_softmax($tree->matrix_id);
    die "d_softmax for non matrix";

=head2 tanh
Allows apply the function tanh to every element of the matrix.

    $m = tanh($m);
    $m = $m->tanh();

sub tanh {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return bless { package => __PACKAGE__, type => 'tanh', args => [$self] } => __PACKAGE__;

sub eval_tanh {
    my $tree = shift;
    if( ref($tree) eq "Math::Lapack::Matrix"){
        return _bless _tanh($tree->matrix_id);
    die "tanh for non matrix";

=head2 d_tanh
Allows apply the function d_tanh to every element of the matrix.

    $m = d_tanh($m);
    $m = $m->d_tanh();

sub d_tanh {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return bless { package => __PACKAGE__, type => 'd_tanh', args => [$self] } => __PACKAGE__;

sub eval_d_tanh {
    my $tree = shift;

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