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lib/ABNF/Generator.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

package ABNF::Generator;


=head1 NAME

B<ABNF::Generator> - abstract base class for ABNF-based generators


B<ABNF::Generator> is the root of the Honest and Liar generators


B<ABNF::Generator> is the abstract base class for ABNF-based generators.

Also it provides function B<asStrings> to stringified generated sequences

=head1 METHODS


use 5.014;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "recursion";

use Carp;
use Readonly;
use Method::Signatures;
use Data::Dumper;

use Parse::ABNF;
use List::Util qw(shuffle);

use ABNF::Grammar qw($BASIC_RULES splitRule);
use ABNF::Validator;

use base qw(Exporter);

Readonly our $CHOICE_LIMIT => 128;

Readonly our $CONVERTERS => {
	"hex" => sub { hex($_[0]) },
	"bin" => sub { oct($_[0]) },
	"decimal" => sub { int($_[0]) },


=head1 ABNF::Generator->C<new>($grammar, $validator?)

Creates a new B<ABNF::Generator> object.

$grammar isa B<ABNF::Grammar>.

$validator isa B<ABNF::Validator>.

Children classes can get acces for them by $self->{_grammar} and $self->{_validator}


method new(ABNF::Grammar $grammar, ABNF::Validator $validator?) {
	my $class = ref($self) || $self;

	croak "Cant create instance of abstract class" if $class eq 'ABNF::Generator';

	$self = {
		_cache => {},
		_grammar => $grammar,
		_validator => $validator || ABNF::Validator->new($grammar)

	bless($self, $class);


	return $self;

method _init() {
	$self->{handlers} = {
		Range => $self->can("_range"),
		String => $self->can("_string"),
		Literal => $self->can("_literal"),
		Repetition => $self->can("_repetition"),
		ProseValue => $self->can("_proseValue"),
		Reference => $self->can("_reference"),
		Group => $self->can("_group"),
		Choice => $self->can("_choice"),

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