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                          '<': true
                          '<=': true
                          '>=': true
                          '>': true
                          'exact': true
                        field: 'datestamp'
                    datestamp: {type: date, format: date_time_no_millis}


    With the Catmandu configuration files in place records can be imported
    with the catmandu command:

        # Drop the existing ElasticSearch 'oai' collection
        $ catmandu drop oai
        # Import the sample record
        $ catmandu import YAML to oai < sample.yml
        # Test if the records are available in the 'oai' collection
        $ catmandu export oai


    The Dancer configuration file 'config.yml' contains basic information
    for the OAI-PMH plugin to work:

        * store - In which Catmandu::Store are the metadata records stored
        * bag - In which Catmandu::Bag are the records of this 'store' (use: 'data' as default)
        * datestamp_field - Which field in the record contains a datestamp ('datestamp' in our example above)
        * datestamp_index - Which CQL index should be used to find records within a specified date range (if not specified, the value from the 'datestamp_field' setting is used)
        * repositoryName - The name of the repository
        * uri_base - The full base url of the OAI controller. To be used when behind a proxy server. When not set, this module relies on the Dancer request to provide its full url. Use middleware like 'ReverseProxy' or 'Dancer::Middleware::Rebase' in...
        * adminEmail - An administrative email. Can be string or array of strings. This will be included in the Identify response.
        * compression - a compression encoding supported by the repository. Can be string or array of strings. This will be included in the Identify response.
        * description - XML container that describes your repository. Can be string or array of strings. This will be included in the Identify response. Note that this module will try to validate the XML data.
        * earliestDatestamp - The earliest datestamp available in the dataset as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. This will be determined dynamically if no static value is given.
        * deletedRecord - The policy for deleted records. See also: L<>
        * repositoryIdentifier - A prefix to use in OAI-PMH identifiers
        * cql_filter -  A CQL query to find all records in the database that should be made available to OAI-PMH
        * default_search_params - set default arguments that get passed to every call to the bag's search method
        * search_strategy - default is C<paginate>, set to C<es.scroll> to avoid deep paging (Elasticsearch only)
        * limit - The maximum number of records to be returned in each OAI-PMH request
        * delimiter - Delimiters used in prefixing a record identifier with a repositoryIdentifier (use: ':' as default)
        * sampleIdentifier - A sample identifier
        * metadata_formats - An array of metadataFormats that are supported
            * metadataPrefix - A short string for the name of the format
            * schema - An URL to the XSD schema of this format
            * metadataNamespace - A XML namespace for this format
            * template - The path to a Template Toolkit file to transform your records into this format
            * fix - Optionally an array of one or more L<Catmandu::Fix>-es or Fix files
        * sets - Optional an array of OAI-PMH sets and the CQL query to retrieve records in this set from the Catmandu::Store
            * setSpec - A short string for the same of the set
            * setName - A longer description of the set
            * setDescription - an optional and repeatable container that may hold community-specific XML-encoded data about the set. Should be string or array of strings.
            * cql - The CQL command to find records in this set in the L<Catmandu::Store>
        * xsl_stylesheet - Optional path to an xsl stylesheet
        * template_options - An optional hash of configuration options that will be passed to L<Catmandu::Exporter::Template> or L<Template>.

    Below is a sample minimal configuration for the 'sample.yml' demo

        $ cat config.yml
        charset: "UTF-8"
            store: oai
            bag: data
            datestamp_field: datestamp
            repositoryName: "My OAI DataProvider"
            uri_base: ""
            earliestDatestamp: "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"
            cql_filter: "datestamp>1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"
            deletedRecord: persistent
            limit: 200
            delimiter: ":"
            sampleIdentifier: ""
                metadataPrefix: oai_dc
                schema: ""
                metadataNamespace: ""


    For each metadataPrefix a Template Toolkit file needs to exist which
    translate Catmandu::Store records into XML records. At least one
    Template Toolkit file should be made available to transform stored
    records into Dublin Core. The example below contains an example file to
    transform 'sample.yml' type records into Dublin Core:

        $ cat
        <oai_dc:dc xmlns=""
        [%- FOREACH var IN ['title' 'creator' 'subject' 'description' 'publisher' 'contributor' 'date' 'type' 'format' 'identifier' 'source' 'language' 'relation' 'coverage' 'rights'] %]
            [%- FOREACH val IN $var %]
            <dc:[% var %]>[% val | html %]</dc:[% var %]>
            [%- END %]
        [%- END %]


    If all the required files are available, then a Dancer application can
    be started. See the 'demo' directory of this distribution for a
    complete example:

        $ ls  catmandu.yml  config.yml
        $ cat
        #!/usr/bin/env perl

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