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lib/Acme/  view on Meta::CPAN

        # Your target code here.
    package main;
    use Acme::Teddy;
    use Test::Your::Testing::Module;
    # Your test here. 

Start a test script with a bare block in AT (or subclass it). Then define 
whatever behavior you like. After you switch into "your own" package, test 
for that behavior. You should be able to verify by eye that your expectations 
are correct; therefore, you can concentrate on debugging your testing module. 

Writing the bare block is just like writing a module, except that much of the 
dull work is done for you. 

Lexical declarations will "leak" across package boundaries if you leave off 
the bare block; so don't do that. It does not seem to be necessary to make 
this a C<BEGIN> block; if you find any counterexample, please contact author. 

Import whatever you like when you C<use Acme::Teddy>. 
Be sure to define it, whatever it is. 
AT will attempt to export to caller I<everything> you request. 

You don't have to import anything. 
You can invoke a function (that you defined) with: 

    my $return  = Acme::Teddy::my_button_nose();

Or invoke a method: 


Don't forget to define that method! 



=item $pkg: Can't export symbol: $type$sym

You tried to import something bizarre. Check your C<use()> line. 

Rationally, you can only export I<symbols> from one package to another. 
These can be barewords, which will be interpreted as subroutines; 
scalar, array, or hash variables; coderefs; or typeglobs. 



Acme::Teddy requires no configuration files or environment variables.


No dependencies. 




You really do have to define stuff yourself or it does nothing. 

Lexical variables aren't found in package symbol tables. 

=head1 THANKS


=item *

B<james2vegas> of L<PerlMonks|> 
for improvements in the test script. 


=head1 AUTHOR

Xiong Changnian  C<< <> >>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) 2010 Xiong Changnian C<< <> >>

This library and its contents are released under Artistic License 2.0:



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