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Revision history for Perl extension AI::MaxEntropy.

0.20  Thu Mar  6 20:20:00 2008
	- Implemented GIS for ME model learning, now the client program can
	  any of the two algorithm (GIS and L-BFGS) for learning
	- More optimization for speed
	- $self->{optimizer} changed to $self->{algorithm}
	- all_features changed to all_x
	- Some modification on the documentation to avoid the ambiguity of
	  the concept 'feature'

0.11  Sat Feb 16 17:27:00 2008
	- Optimize the XS code, now the the function 'learn' should run 
	  at least twice faster than 0.10 version
	- New functions in AI::MaxEntropy::Util, which allows the client
	  program manipulate samples more flexibly
	- Replace Test::Differences with is_deeply in Test::More

0.10  Wed Feb 13 16:56:00 2008
	- rewrite the log likelihood evaluation and smoothing by C, now
	  the ME learner should run more than 10 times faster than the
	  previous version
	- add a new module AI::MaxEntropy::Util, which provides some
	  utilities for doing experiments with ME learners
	- AI::MaxEntropy::see now accepts attribute-value style samples
	- include Algorithm::Diff in the distribution for testing

0.02  Thu Feb  7 11:26:00 2008
	- some tiny corrections :-P

0.01  Thu Feb  7 11:13:00 2008
	- original version

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