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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

package AI::MXNet::Gluon::ModelZoo::Vision::Inception::V3;
use strict;
use warnings;
use AI::MXNet::Base;
use AI::MXNet::Function::Parameters;
use AI::MXNet::Gluon::Mouse;
extends 'AI::MXNet::Gluon::HybridBlock';

func _make_basic_conv(%kwargs)
    my $out = nn->HybridSequential(prefix=>'');
    $out->add(nn->Conv2D(use_bias=>0, %kwargs));
    return $out;

func _make_branch($use_pool, @conv_settings)
    my $out = nn->HybridSequential(prefix=>'');
    if($use_pool eq 'avg')
        $out->add(nn->AvgPool2D(pool_size=>3, strides=>1, padding=>1));
    elsif($use_pool eq 'max')
        $out->add(nn->MaxPool2D(pool_size=>3, strides=>2));
    my @setting_names = ('channels', 'kernel_size', 'strides', 'padding');
    for my $setting (@conv_settings)
        my %kwargs;
            my ($i, $value) = @$_;
            if(defined $value)
                $kwargs{ $setting_names[$i] } = $value;
    return $out;

func _make_A($pool_features, $prefix)
    my $out = nn->HybridConcurrent(axis=>1, prefix=>$prefix);
    $out->name_scope(sub {
        $out->add(_make_branch('', [64, 1, undef, undef]));
            [48, 1, undef, undef],
            [64, 5, undef, 2]
            [64, 1, undef, undef],
            [96, 3, undef, 1],
            [96, 3, undef, 1]
        $out->add(_make_branch('avg', [$pool_features, 1, undef, undef]));
    return $out;

func _make_B($prefix)
    my $out = nn->HybridConcurrent(axis=>1, prefix=>$prefix);
    $out->name_scope(sub {
        $out->add(_make_branch('', [384, 3, 2, undef]));
            [64, 1, undef, undef],
            [96, 3, undef, 1],
            [96, 3, 2, undef]
    return $out;

func _make_C($channels_7x7, $prefix)
    my $out = nn->HybridConcurrent(axis=>1, prefix=>$prefix);
    $out->name_scope(sub {
        $out->add(_make_branch('', [192, 1, undef, undef]));
            [$channels_7x7, 1, undef, undef],
            [$channels_7x7, [1, 7], undef, [0, 3]],
            [192, [7, 1], undef, [3, 0]]
            [$channels_7x7, 1, undef, undef],
            [$channels_7x7, [7, 1], undef, [3, 0]],
            [$channels_7x7, [1, 7], undef, [0, 3]],
            [$channels_7x7, [7, 1], undef, [3, 0]],
            [192, [1, 7], undef, [0, 3]]
            [192, 1, undef, undef]
    return $out;

func _make_D($prefix)
    my $out = nn->HybridConcurrent(axis=>1, prefix=>$prefix);
    $out->name_scope(sub {
            [192, 1, undef, undef],
            [320, 3, 2, undef]
            [192, 1, undef, undef],
            [192, [1, 7], undef, [0, 3]],
            [192, [7, 1], undef, [3, 0]],
            [192, 3, 2, undef]
    return $out;

func _make_E($prefix)
    my $out = nn->HybridConcurrent(axis=>1, prefix=>$prefix);
    $out->name_scope(sub {
        $out->add(_make_branch('', [320, 1, undef, undef]));

        my $branch_3x3 = nn->HybridSequential(prefix=>'');
            [384, 1, undef, undef]
        my $branch_3x3_split = nn->HybridConcurrent(axis=>1, prefix=>'');
        $branch_3x3_split->add(_make_branch('', [384, [1, 3], undef, [0, 1]]));
        $branch_3x3_split->add(_make_branch('', [384, [3, 1], undef, [1, 0]]));

        my $branch_3x3dbl = nn->HybridSequential(prefix=>'');
            [448, 1, undef, undef],
            [384, 3, undef, 1]
        my $branch_3x3dbl_split = nn->HybridConcurrent(axis=>1, prefix=>'');
        $branch_3x3dbl_split->add(_make_branch('', [384, [1, 3], undef, [0, 1]]));
        $branch_3x3dbl_split->add(_make_branch('', [384, [3, 1], undef, [1, 0]]));

        $out->add(_make_branch('avg', [192, 1, undef, undef]));
    return $out;

func make_aux($classes)
    my $out = nn->HybridSequential(prefix=>'');
    $out->add(nn->AvgPool2D(pool_size=>5, strides=>3));
    $out->add(_make_basic_conv(channels=>128, kernel_size=>1));
    $out->add(_make_basic_conv(channels=>768, kernel_size=>5));
    return $out;

=head1 NAME

    AI::MXNet::Gluon::ModelZoo::Vision::Inception::V3 - Inception v3 model.


    Inception v3 model from
    "Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision"
    <> paper.

    classes : Int, default 1000
        Number of classification classes.

has 'classes' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', default => 1000);
method python_constructor_arguments(){ ['classes'] }

    my $self = shift;
    $self->name_scope(sub {
        $self->features->add(_make_basic_conv(channels=>32, kernel_size=>3, strides=>2));
        $self->features->add(_make_basic_conv(channels=>32, kernel_size=>3));
        $self->features->add(_make_basic_conv(channels=>64, kernel_size=>3, padding=>1));
        $self->features->add(nn->MaxPool2D(pool_size=>3, strides=>2));
        $self->features->add(_make_basic_conv(channels=>80, kernel_size=>1));
        $self->features->add(_make_basic_conv(channels=>192, kernel_size=>3));
        $self->features->add(nn->MaxPool2D(pool_size=>3, strides=>2));
        $self->features->add(_make_A(32, 'A1_'));
        $self->features->add(_make_A(64, 'A2_'));
        $self->features->add(_make_A(64, 'A3_'));
        $self->features->add(_make_C(128, 'C1_'));
        $self->features->add(_make_C(160, 'C2_'));
        $self->features->add(_make_C(160, 'C3_'));
        $self->features->add(_make_C(192, 'C4_'));


method hybrid_forward(GluonClass $F, GluonInput $x)
    $x = $self->features->($x);
    $x = $self->output->($x);
    return $x;

package AI::MXNet::Gluon::ModelZoo::Vision;

=head2 inception_v3

    Inception v3 model from
    "Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision"
    <> paper.

    :$pretrained : Bool, default 0
        Whether to load the pretrained weights for model.
    :$ctx : AI::MXNet::Context, default CPU
        The context in which to load the pretrained weights.
    :$root : Str, default '~/.mxnet/models'
        Location for keeping the model parameters.

method inception_v3(
    Bool :$pretrained=0, AI::MXNet::Context :$ctx=AI::MXNet::Context->cpu(),
    Str :$root='~/.mxnet/models', Int :$classes=1000
    my $net = AI::MXNet::Gluon::ModelZoo::Vision::Inception::V3->new($classes);
    return $net;


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