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lib/AI/MXNet/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::MXNet::Executor;
use strict;
use warnings;
use AI::MXNet::Base;
use AI::MXNet::Context;
use Mouse;
use AI::MXNet::Types;
use AI::MXNet::Function::Parameters;

has 'handle'            => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ExecutorHandle', required => 1);
has 'arg_arrays'        => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]]');
has 'grad_arrays'       => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ArrayRef[Undef|AI::MXNet::NDArray]]'); 
has 'aux_arrays'        => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]]');
has '_symbol'           => (is => 'rw', init_arg => 'symbol',    isa => 'AI::MXNet::Symbol');
has '_ctx'              => (is => 'rw', init_arg => 'ctx',       isa => 'AI::MXNet::Context' );
has '_grad_req'         => (is => 'rw', init_arg => 'grad_req',  isa => 'Maybe[Str|ArrayRef[Str]|HashRef[Str]]');
has '_group2ctx'        => (is => 'rw', init_arg => 'group2ctx', isa => 'Maybe[HashRef[AI::MXNet::Context]]');
has '_monitor_callback' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'CodeRef');
has [qw/_arg_dict
        _output_dirty/] => (is => 'rw', init_arg => undef);
=head1 NAME

    AI::MXNet::Executor - The actual executing object of MXNet.

=head2 new

    Constructor, used by AI::MXNet::Symbol->bind and by AI::MXNet::Symbol->simple_bind.

    handle: ExecutorHandle
        ExecutorHandle is generated by calling bind.

    See Also
    AI::MXNet::Symbol->bind : how to create the AI::MXNet::Executor.

    my $self = shift;
    my ($symbol, $ctx, $grad_req, $group2ctx)
    ($self->_symbol, $self->_ctx, $self->_grad_req, $self->_group2ctx);
    $symbol = $symbol->deepcopy;
    $ctx    = $ctx->deepcopy;
    if(ref $grad_req)
        if(ref $grad_req eq 'ARRAY')
            $grad_req = [ @{ $grad_req }];
        elsif(ref $grad_req eq 'HASH')
            $grad_req = { %{ $grad_req } };

    if(ref $group2ctx)
        $group2ctx = { %{ $group2ctx } };


# Get the dictionary given name and ndarray pairs.
func _get_dict(
    ArrayRef[Str]                       $names,
    ArrayRef[Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray]] $ndarrays
    my %nset = ();
    for my $nm (@{ $names })
        if(exists $nset{ $nm })
            confess("Duplicate names detected, @$names")
        $nset{ $nm }++;
    my %ret;
    @ret{ @{ $names } } = @{ $ndarrays };
    return \%ret;

=head2 outputs

    The output ndarrays bound to this executor.

    An array ref with AI::MXNet::NDArray objects bound to the heads of the executor.

method _get_outputs()
    return [
            map {
                AI::MXNet::NDArray->new(handle => $_)
            @{ check_call(AI::MXNetCAPI::ExecutorOutputs($self->handle)) }

=head2 forward

    Calculate the outputs specified by the bound symbol.

    $is_train=0: bool, optional
        whether this forward is for evaluation purpose. If True,
        a backward call is expected to follow. Otherwise following
        backward is invalid.

        Additional specification of input arguments.

        >>> # doing forward by specifying data
        >>> $texec->forward(1, data => $mydata);
        >>> # doing forward by not specifying things, but copy to the executor before hand
        >>> $mydata->copyto($texec->arg_dict->{'data'});
        >>> $texec->forward(1);
        >>> # doing forward by specifying data and get outputs
        >>> my $outputs = $texec->forward(1, data => $mydata);
        >>> print $outputs->[0]->aspdl;

method forward(Int $is_train=0, %kwargs)
        my $arg_dict = $self->arg_dict;
        while (my ($name, $array) = each %kwargs)
            if(not find_type_constraint('AcceptableInput')->check($array))
                confess('only accept keyword argument of NDArrays/PDLs/Perl Array refs');
            if(not exists $arg_dict->{ $name })
                confess("unknown argument $name");
            if(not blessed($array) or not $array->isa('AI::MXNet::NDArray'))
                $array = AI::MXNet::NDArray->array($array);
            if(join(',', @{ $arg_dict->{$name}->shape }) ne join(',', @{ $array->shape }))
                my $expected = $arg_dict->{$name}->shape;
                my $got = $array->shape;
                confess("Shape not match! Argument $name, need: @$expected, received: @$got'");
            $arg_dict->{ $name } .= $array;
            "Calling forward the second time after forward(is_train=1) "
            ."without calling backward first. Is this intended?"
    return $self->outputs;

=head2 backward

    Do a backward pass to get the gradient of the arguments.

    out_grads : NDArray or an array ref of NDArrays or hash ref of NDArrays, optional.
        The gradient on the outputs to be propagated back.
        This parameter is only needed when bind is called
        on outputs that are not a loss function.

method backward(Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray|ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]|HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]] $out_grads=)
    $out_grads //= [];
    if(blessed $out_grads)
        $out_grads = [$out_grads];
    elsif(ref $out_grads eq 'HASH')
        $out_grads = [ @{ $out_grads }{ @{ $self->symbol->list_outputs() } } ];
            scalar(@{ $out_grads }),
            [map { $_->handle } @{ $out_grads }]
    if(not $self->_output_dirty)
            "Calling backward without calling forward(is_train=True) "
            ."first. Behavior is undefined."

=head2 set_monitor_callback

    Install callback.

    callback : subref
        Takes a string and an NDArrayHandle.

method set_monitor_callback(CodeRef $callback)

=head2 arg_dict

    Get a hash ref representation of the argument arrays.

    arg_dict : HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]
        The map that maps a name of the arguments to the NDArrays.

method arg_dict()
    if(not defined $self->_arg_dict)
    return $self->_arg_dict;

=head2 grad_dict

    Get a hash ref representation of the gradient arrays.

    grad_dict : HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]
        The map that maps a name of the arguments to the gradient NDArrays.

method grad_dict()
    if(not defined $self->_grad_dict)
    return $self->_grad_dict;

=head2 aux_dict

    Get a hash ref representation of the auxiliary states arrays.

    aux_dict : HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]
        The map that maps a name of the auxiliary states to the NDArrays.

method aux_dict()
    if(not defined $self->_aux_dict)
    return $self->_aux_dict;

=head2 output_dict

    Get a hash ref representation of the output arrays.

    output_dict : HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]
        The map that maps a name of the outputs to the NDArrays.

method output_dict()
    if(not defined $self->_output_dict)
    return $self->_output_dict;

=head2 copy_params_from

    Copy parameters from arg_params, aux_params into the executor's internal array.

    arg_params : HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]
        Parameters, hash ref of name to NDArray of arguments

    aux_params : Maybe[HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]], optional
        Parameters, hash ref of name to NDArray of auxiliary states.

    allow_extra_params : boolean, optional
        Whether to allow extra parameters that are not needed by symbol
        If this is True, no error will be thrown when arg_params or aux_params
        contain extra parameters that is not needed by the executor.

method copy_params_from(
    HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]        $arg_params,
    Maybe[HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]] $aux_params=,
    Maybe[Bool]                        $allow_extra_params=
    my %arg_dict = %{ $self->arg_dict };
    while (my ($name, $array) = each %{ $arg_params })
        if(exists $arg_dict{ $name })
            my $dst = $arg_dict{ $name };
        elsif(not $allow_extra_params)
            confess("Found name \"$name\" that is not in the arguments");
    if(defined $aux_params)
        my %aux_dict = %{ $self->aux_dict };
        while (my ($name, $array) = each %{ $aux_params })
            if(exists $aux_dict{ $name })
                my $dst = $aux_dict{ $name };
            elsif(not $allow_extra_params)
                confess("Found name \"$name\" that is not in the arguments");

=head2 reshape

    Returns new executor with the same symbol and shared memory,
    but different input/output shapes.
    For runtime reshaping, variable length sequences, etc.
    The returned executor shares state with the current one,
    and cannot be used in parallel with it.

    $kwargs : HashRef[Shape]
        new shape for arguments.
    :$partial_shaping : bool
        Whether to allow changing the shape of unspecified arguments.
    :$allow_up_sizing : bool
        Whether to allow allocating new ndarrays that's larger than the original.

    $exec : AI::MXNet::Executor
        A new executor that shares memory with self.

method reshape(HashRef[Shape] $kwargs, Int :$partial_shaping=0, Int :$allow_up_sizing=0)
    my ($arg_shapes, undef, $aux_shapes) = $self->_symbol->infer_shape(%{ $kwargs });
    confess("Insufficient argument shapes provided.") 
        unless defined $arg_shapes;
    my %new_arg_dict;
    my %new_grad_dict;
    my $i = 0;
    for my $name (@{ $self->_symbol->list_arguments() })
        my $new_shape = $arg_shapes->[$i];
        my $arr       = $self->arg_arrays->[$i];
        my $darr;
        if(@{ $self->grad_arrays })
            $darr = $self->grad_arrays->[$i];
            exists $kwargs->{ $name }
            join(',', @{ $new_shape }) eq join(',', @{ $arr->shape })
            if(AI::MXNet::NDArray->size($new_shape) > $arr->size)
                    "New shape of arg:$name larger than original. "
                    ."First making a big executor and then down sizing it "
                    ."is more efficient than the reverse."
                    ."If you really want to up size, set \$allow_up_sizing=1 "
                    ."to enable allocation of new arrays."
                ) unless $allow_up_sizing;
                $new_arg_dict{ $name }  = AI::MXNet::NDArray->empty(
                    ctx => $arr->context,
                    dtype => $arr->dtype
                if(defined $darr)
                    $new_grad_dict{ $name } = AI::MXNet::NDArray->empty(
                        ctx => $darr->context,
                        dtype => $arr->dtype
                $new_arg_dict{ $name } = $arr->reshape($new_shape);
                if(defined $darr)
                    $new_grad_dict{ $name } = $darr->reshape($new_shape);
                    "Shape of unspecified array arg:$name changed. "
                    ."This can cause the new executor to not share parameters "
                    ."with the old one. Please check for error in network."
                    ."If this is intended, set partial_shaping=True to suppress this warning."
    my %new_aux_dict;
    $i = 0;
    for my $name (@{ $self->_symbol->list_auxiliary_states() })
        my $new_shape = $aux_shapes->[$i];
        my $arr = $self->aux_arrays->[$i];
        if($partial_shaping or join(',', @{ $new_shape }) eq join (',', @{ $arr->shape }))
            if(AI::MXNet::NDArray->size($new_shape) > $arr->size)
                    "New shape of arg:$name larger than original. "
                    ."First making a big executor and then down sizing it "
                    ."is more efficient than the reverse."
                    ."If you really want to up size, set \$allow_up_sizing=1 "
                    ."to enable allocation of new arrays."
                ) unless $allow_up_sizing;
                $new_aux_dict{ $name }  = AI::MXNet::NDArray->empty(
                    ctx => $arr->context,
                    dtype => $arr->dtype
                $new_aux_dict{ $name } = $arr->reshape($new_shape);
                "Shape of unspecified array aux:$name changed. "
                ."This can cause the new executor to not share parameters "
                ."with the old one. Please check for error in network."
                ."If this is intended, set partial_shaping=True to suppress this warning."
    return $self->_symbol->bind(
                ctx         => $self->_ctx,
                args        => \%new_arg_dict,
                args_grad   => \%new_grad_dict,
                grad_req    => $self->_grad_req,
                aux_states  => \%new_aux_dict,
                group2ctx   => $self->_group2ctx,
                shared_exec => $self

=head2 debug_str

    A debug string about the internal execution plan.

    debug_str : string
        Debug string of the executor.

method debug_str()
    return scalar(check_call(AI::MXNetCAPI::ExecutorPrint($self->handle)));


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