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package AI::MXNet::Executor::Group;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use List::Util qw(sum min);
use AI::MXNet::Base;
use AI::MXNet::Function::Parameters;

=head1 NAME

    AI::MXNet::Executor::Group - Manager for a group of executors working in different contexts.

func _split_input_slice($batch_size, $work_load_list)
    my $total_work_load = sum(@{ $work_load_list });
    my @batch_num_list = map { # perl does not have builtin round
        int(($_ * $batch_size / $total_work_load) + 0.5)
    } @{ $work_load_list };
    my $batch_num_sum = sum(@batch_num_list);
    my @slices;
    if($batch_num_sum < $batch_size)
        $batch_num_list[-1] += $batch_size - $batch_num_sum;
    my $end = 0;
    for my $batch_num (@batch_num_list)
        my $begin = int(min($end, $batch_size));
        $end = int(min($begin + $batch_num, $batch_size));
        if($begin >= $end)
            confess('Too many slices such that some splits are empty');
        push @slices, [$begin, $end];
    return \@slices;

# Load a array ref of arrays into a array ref of arrays specified by slices
func _load_general($data, $targets, $major_axis)
    zip(sub {
        my ($d_src, $d_targets, $axis) = @_;
        if(blessed($d_targets) and $d_targets->isa('AI::MXNet::NDarray'))
        elsif(ref $d_targets eq 'ARRAY' and blessed $d_targets->[0])
            zip(sub {
                my ($src, $dst) = @_;
            }, $d_src, $d_targets);
            for my $d (@{ $d_targets })
                my ($slice_idx, $d_dst) = @{ $d };
                if($axis >= 0)
                    my $shape = $d_src->shape;
                    my $do_crop = ($slice_idx->[0] != 0 or $shape->[$axis] != $slice_idx->[1]);
                        if($axis == 0)
                            $d_src->slice([$slice_idx->[0], $slice_idx->[1] - 1])->copyto($d_dst);
                            if($d_src->context == $d_dst->context)
                                        axis  => $axis,
                                        begin => $slice_idx->[0],
                                        end   => $slice_idx->[1],
                                        out   => $d_dst
                                my $d_dst_copy = AI::MXNet::NDArray->slice_axis(
                                        axis  => $axis,
                                        begin => $slice_idx->[0],
                                        end   => $slice_idx->[1]
    }, $data, $targets, $major_axis);

# Load data into sliced arrays
func _load_data($batch, $targets, $major_axis)
    _load_general($batch->data, $targets, $major_axis);

# Load label into sliced arrays
func _load_label($batch, $targets, $major_axis)
    _load_general($batch->label, $targets, $major_axis);

# Merge outputs that live on multiple context into one, so that they look
# like living on one context.
func _merge_multi_context($outputs, $major_axis)
    my @rets;
    zip(sub {
        my ($tensors, $axis) = @_;
        if($axis >= 0)
            if(@$tensors == 1)
                push @rets, $tensors->[0];
                my $ctx = $tensors->[0]->context;
                push @rets, AI::MXNet::NDArray->concat((map { $_->as_in_context($ctx) } @$tensors), { dim => $axis });
            # negative axis means the there is no batch_size axis, and all the
            # results should be the same on each device. We simply take the
            # first one, without checking they are actually the same
            push @rets, $tensors->[0];
    }, $outputs, $major_axis);
    return \@rets;

## this class is here because of
## once 2.4.7 version of Mouse in Ubuntu for affected Perl version
## these accessors should be merged into main class
package AI::MXNet::DataParallelExecutorGroup::_private;
use Mouse;
has [qw/output_layouts label_layouts arg_names aux_names
        batch_size slices execs data_arrays
        label_arrays param_arrays grad_arrays aux_arrays
        data_layouts shared_data_arrays input_grad_arrays
        _default_execs state_arrays/
    ] => (is => 'rw', init_arg => undef);

package AI::MXNet::DataParallelExecutorGroup;
use Mouse;
use AI::MXNet::Base;
use List::Util qw(sum);


    DataParallelExecutorGroup is a group of executors that lives on a group of devices.
    This is a helper class used to implement data parallelization. Each mini-batch will
    be split and run on the devices.

    Parameters for constructor
    symbol : AI::MXNet::Symbol
        The common symbolic computation graph for all executors.
    contexts : ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::Context]
        A array ref of contexts.
    workload : ArrayRef[Num]
        If not undef, could be an array ref of numbers that specify the workload to be assigned
        to different context. Larger number indicate heavier workload.
    data_shapes : ArrayRef[NameShape|AI::MXNet::DataDesc]
        Should be a array ref of [name, shape] array refs, for the shapes of data. Note the order is
        important and should be the same as the order that the `DataIter` provide the data.
    label_shapes : Maybe[ArrayRef[NameShape|AI::MXNet::DataDesc]]
        Should be a array ref of [$name, $shape] array refs, for the shapes of label. Note the order is
        important and should be the same as the order that the `DataIter` provide the label.
    param_names : ArrayRef[Str]
        A array ref of strings, indicating the names of parameters (e.g. weights, filters, etc.)
        in the computation graph.
    for_training : Bool
        Indicate whether the executors should be bind for training. When not doing training,
        the memory for gradients will not be allocated.
    inputs_need_grad : Bool
        Indicate whether the gradients for the input data should be computed. This is currently
        not used. It will be useful for implementing composition of modules.
    shared_group : AI::MXNet::DataParallelExecutorGroup
        Default is undef. This is used in bucketing. When not undef, it should be a executor
        group corresponding to a different bucket. In other words, it will correspond to a different
        symbol with the same set of parameters (e.g. unrolled RNNs with different lengths).
        In this case the memory regions of the parameters will be shared.
    logger : Logger
        Default is AI::MXNet::Logging->get_logger.
    fixed_param_names: Maybe[ArrayRef[Str]]
        Indicate parameters to be fixed during training. Parameters in this array ref will not allocate
        space for gradient, nor do gradient calculation.
    grad_req : ArrayRef[GradReq]|HashRef[GradReq]|GradReq
        Requirement for gradient accumulation. Can be 'write', 'add', or 'null'
        (default to 'write').
        Can be specified globally (str) or for each argument (array ref, hash ref).
    state_names: Maybe[ArrayRef[Str]]

has 'symbol'            => (is => 'ro', isa => 'AI::MXNet::Symbol', required => 1);
has 'contexts'          => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::Context]', required => 1);
has 'workload'          => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[Num]', default => sub { [] });
has 'data_shapes'       => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[NameShape|AI::MXNet::DataDesc]', required => 1);
has 'label_shapes'      => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ArrayRef[NameShape|AI::MXNet::DataDesc]]');
has 'param_names'       => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', required => 1);
has 'for_training'      => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', required => 1);
has 'inputs_need_grad'  => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', default  => 0);
has 'shared_group'      => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[AI::MXNet::DataParallelExecutorGroup]');
has 'logger'            => (is => 'ro', default => sub { AI::MXNet::Logging->get_logger });
has 'fixed_param_names' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ArrayRef[Str]]');
has 'state_names'       => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ArrayRef[Str]]');
has 'grad_req'          => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[GradReq]|HashRef[GradReq]|GradReq', default=>'write');
has '_p'                => (is => 'rw', init_arg => undef);
    my $self = shift;
    my $p = AI::MXNet::DataParallelExecutorGroup::_private->new;
    $self->grad_req('null') if not $self->for_training;
    $self->fixed_param_names([]) unless defined $self->fixed_param_names;
    $self->state_names([]) unless defined $self->state_names;
    my $data_shapes = [];
    for my $d (@{ $self->data_shapes })
        $d = AI::MXNet::DataDesc->new(name => $d->[0], shape => $d->[1])
            unless blessed $d;
        push @{ $data_shapes }, $d;
    if(defined $self->label_shapes)
        my $label_shapes = [];
        for my $l (@{ $self->label_shapes })
            $l = AI::MXNet::DataDesc->new(name => $l->[0], shape => $l->[1])
                unless blessed $l;
            push @{ $label_shapes }, $l;
    my %data_names  = map { $_->name => 1 } @{ $self->data_shapes };
    my %param_names = map { $_    =>    1 } @{ $self->param_names };
    my %fixed_param_names = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->fixed_param_names };
    my %grad_req;
    if(not ref $self->grad_req)
        for my $k (@{ $self->_p->arg_names })
            if(exists $param_names{ $k })
                $grad_req{$k} = exists $fixed_param_names{ $k } ? 'null' : $self->grad_req;
            elsif(exists $data_names{ $k })
                $grad_req{$k} = $self->inputs_need_grad ? $self->grad_req : 'null';
                $grad_req{$k} = 'null';
    elsif(ref $self->grad_req eq 'ARRAY')
        @grad_req{ @{ $self->_p->arg_names } } = @{ $self->grad_req };
        for my $k (@{ $self->_p->arg_names })
            if(exists $param_names{ $k })
                $grad_req{$k} = exists $fixed_param_names{ $k } ? 'null' : 'write';
            elsif(exists $data_names{ $k })
                $grad_req{$k} = $self->inputs_need_grad ? 'write' : 'null';
                $grad_req{$k} = 'null';
        %grad_req = (%grad_req, %{ $self->grad_req });
    if(defined $self->shared_group)
        $self->_p->shared_data_arrays([map { +{} } 0..@{ $self->contexts }-1]);
        map {
        } @{ $self->symbol->list_outputs }
    $self->bind_exec($self->data_shapes, $self->label_shapes, $self->shared_group);


    Decide the slices for each context according to the workload.

    $data_shapes : ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]

method decide_slices(ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc] $data_shapes)
    confess("empty data_shapes array") unless @{ $data_shapes } > 0;
    my $major_axis = [map { AI::MXNet::DataDesc->get_batch_axis($_->layout) } @{ $data_shapes }];
    zip(sub {
        my ($desc, $axis) = @_;
        return if($axis == -1);
        my $batch_size = $desc->shape->[$axis];
        if(defined $self->_p->batch_size)
                "all data must have the same batch size: "
                . sprintf("batch_size = %d, but ", $self->_p->batch_size)
                . sprintf("%s has shape %s", $desc->name, '('. join(',', @{ $desc->shape }) . ')')
            ) unless $batch_size == $self->_p->batch_size;
            $self->_p->slices(AI::MXNet::Executor::Group::_split_input_slice($self->_p->batch_size, $self->workload));
    }, $data_shapes, $major_axis);
    return $major_axis;

# Collect internal arrays from executors.
method _collect_arrays()
    # convenient data structures
    for my $d (@{ $self->data_shapes })
        my $name = $d->name;
        my @tmp;
        for my $i (0..@{ $self->_p->execs }-1)
            push @tmp, [ $self->_p->slices->[$i], $self->_p->execs->[$i]->arg_dict->{$name} ];
        push @{ $self->_p->data_arrays }, \@tmp;
    if(defined $self->label_shapes)
        for my $l (@{ $self->label_shapes })
            my $name = $l->name;
            my @tmp;
            for my $i (0..@{ $self->_p->execs }-1)
                push @tmp, [ $self->_p->slices->[$i], $self->_p->execs->[$i]->arg_dict->{$name} ];
            push @{ $self->_p->label_arrays }, \@tmp;
    my %param_names = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->param_names };
    for my $i (0..@{ $self->_p->arg_names }-1)
        my $name = $self->_p->arg_names->[$i];
        if(exists $param_names{$name})
            my @tmp;
            for my $exec (@{ $self->_p->execs })
                push @tmp, $exec->arg_arrays->[$i];
            push @{ $self->_p->param_arrays }, \@tmp;
    for my $i (0..@{ $self->state_names }-1)
        my $name = $self->state_names->[$i];
        my @tmp;
        for my $exec (@{ $self->_p->execs })
            push @tmp, $exec->arg_dict->{$name};
        push @{ $self->_p->state_arrays }, \@tmp;
        for my $i (0..@{ $self->_p->arg_names }-1)
            my $name = $self->_p->arg_names->[$i];
            if(exists $param_names{$name})
                my @tmp;
                for my $exec (@{ $self->_p->execs })
                    push @tmp, $exec->grad_arrays->[$i];
                push @{ $self->_p->grad_arrays }, \@tmp;
    my @data_names = map { $_->name } @{ $self->data_shapes };
    my $j = 0; my %arg_names  = map { $_ => $j++ } @{ $self->_p->arg_names };
        for my $name (@data_names)
            next unless exists $arg_names{$name};
            my @tmp;
            for my $exec (@{ $self->_p->execs })
                push @tmp, $exec->grad_arrays->[$arg_names{$name}];
            push @{ $self->_p->input_grad_arrays }, \@tmp;
    for my $i (0..@{ $self->_p->aux_names }-1)
        my @tmp;
        for my $exec (@{ $self->_p->execs })
            push @tmp, $exec->aux_arrays->[$i];
        push @{ $self->_p->aux_arrays }, \@tmp;

=head2 bind_exec

    Bind executors on their respective devices.

    $data_shapes  : ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]
    $label_shapes : Maybe[ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]]
    $shared_group : Maybe[AI::MXNet::DataParallelExecutorGroup]
    $reshape      : Bool

method bind_exec(
    ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]               $data_shapes,
    Maybe[ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]]        $label_shapes=,
    Maybe[AI::MXNet::DataParallelExecutorGroup] $shared_group=,
    Bool                                        $reshape=0
    assert($reshape or not @{ $self->_p->execs });

    # calculate workload and bind executors
    # call it to make sure labels has the same batch size as data
    if(defined $label_shapes)

    for my $i (0..@{ $self->contexts }-1)
        my $data_shapes_i = $self->_sliced_shape($data_shapes, $i, $self->_p->data_layouts);
        my $label_shapes_i = [];
        if(defined $label_shapes)
            $label_shapes_i = $self->_sliced_shape($label_shapes, $i, $self->_p->label_layouts);
            my %combined_hash = map { $_->name => $_->shape } (@{ $data_shapes_i }, @{ $label_shapes_i });
            $self->_p->execs->[$i] = $self->_p->_default_execs->[$i]->reshape(
                allow_up_sizing => 1,
            push @{ $self->_p->execs }, $self->_bind_ith_exec($i, $data_shapes_i, $label_shapes_i, $shared_group);

=head2 reshape

    Reshape executors.

    $data_shapes : ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]
    $label_shapes : Maybe[ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]]

method reshape(
    ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]          $data_shapes,
    Maybe[ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]]   $label_shapes=
    return if($data_shapes eq $self->data_shapes and $label_shapes eq $self->label_shapes);
    if (not defined $self->_p->_default_execs)
        $self->_p->_default_execs([@{ $self->_p->execs }]);
    $self->bind_exec($data_shapes, $label_shapes, undef, 1);

=head2 set_params

    Assign, i.e. copy parameters to all the executors.

    $arg_params : HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]
        A dictionary of name to AI::MXNet::NDArray parameter mapping.
    $aux_params : HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]
        A dictionary of name to AI::MXNet::NDArray auxiliary variable mapping.

method set_params(HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $arg_params, HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $aux_params, Bool $allow_extra=0)
    $_->copy_params_from($arg_params, $aux_params, $allow_extra) for @{ $self->_p->execs };

=head2 get_params

    Copy data from each executor to arg_params and aux_params.

    $arg_params : HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]
        target parameter arrays
    $aux_params : HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]
        target aux arrays

    - This function will inplace update the NDArrays in arg_params and aux_params.

method get_params(HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $arg_params, HashRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $aux_params)
    my $weight = 0;
    zip(sub {
        my ($name, $block) = @_;
            my $weight = sum(map { $_->copyto(AI::MXNet::Context->cpu) } @{ $block }) / @{ $block };
    }, $self->param_names, $self->_p->param_arrays);
    zip(sub {
        my ($name, $block) = @_;
            my $weight = sum(map { $_->copyto(AI::MXNet::Context->cpu) } @{ $block }) / @{ $block };
    }, $self->_p->aux_names, $self->_p->aux_arrays);

method get_states($merge_multi_context=1)
    assert((not $merge_multi_context), "merge_multi_context=True is not supported for get_states yet.");
    return $self->_p->state_arrays;

method set_states($states, $value)
    if(defined $states)
        assert((not defined $value), "Only one of states & value can be specified.");
        AI::MXNet::Executor::Group::_load_general($states, $self->_p->state_arrays, [(0)x@{ $states }]);
        assert((defined $value), "At least one of states & value must be specified.");
        assert((not defined $states), "Only one of states & value can be specified.");
        for my $d_dst (@{ $self->_p->state_arrays })
            for my $dst (@{ $d_dst })
                $dst .= $value;

=head2 forward

    Split the data_batch according to a workload and run forward on each devices.

    data_batch : AI::MXNet::DataBatch
    Or could be any object implementing similar interface.

    is_train : bool
    The hint for the backend, indicating whether we are during training phase.
    Default is undef, then the value $self->for_training will be used.

method forward(AI::MXNet::DataBatch $data_batch, Maybe[Bool] $is_train=)
    AI::MXNet::Executor::Group::_load_data($data_batch, $self->_p->data_arrays, $self->_p->data_layouts);
    $is_train //= $self->for_training;
    if(defined $self->_p->label_arrays)
        confess("assert not is_train or data_batch.label")
            unless (not $is_train or $data_batch->label);
            AI::MXNet::Executor::Group::_load_label($data_batch, $self->_p->label_arrays, $self->_p->label_layouts);
    $_->forward($is_train) for @{ $self->_p->execs };

# Get the shapes of the outputs

method get_output_shapes()
    my @shapes = map { $_->shape } @{ $self->execs->[0]->outputs };
    my @concat_shapes;
    zip(sub {
        my ($key, $shape, $axis) = @_;
        my @the_shape = @{ $shape };
        if($axis >= 0)
            $the_shape[$axis] = $self->_p->batch_size;
        push @concat_shapes, AI::MXNet::DataDesc->new(name => $key, shape => \@the_shape);
    }, $self->symbol->list_outputs, \@shapes, $self->_p->output_layouts);
    return \@concat_shapes;

=head2 get_outputs

    Gets outputs of the previous forward computation.

    merge_multi_context : bool
    Default is 1. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
    will be collected from multiple devices. A 1 value indicates that we
    should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

    If merge_multi_context is 1, it is [$out1, $out2]. Otherwise, it
    is [[$out1_dev1, $out1_dev2], [$out2_dev1, $out2_dev2]]. All the output
    elements are `AI::MXNet::NDArray`.

method get_outputs(Bool $merge_multi_context=1)
    my $outputs;
    for my $i (0..@{ $self->_p->execs->[0]->outputs }-1)
        my @tmp;
        for my $exec (@{ $self->_p->execs })
            push @tmp, $exec->outputs->[$i];
        push @$outputs, \@tmp;
        $outputs = AI::MXNet::Executor::Group::_merge_multi_context($outputs, $self->_p->output_layouts);
    return $outputs;

=head2  get_input_grads

    Get the gradients with respect to the inputs of the module.

    merge_multi_context : bool
    Default is 1. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
    will be collected from multiple devices. A 1 value indicates that we
    should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

    If merge_multi_context is 1, it is [$grad1, $grad2]. Otherwise, it
    is [[$grad1_dev1, $grad1_dev2], [$grad2_dev1, $grad2_dev2]]. All the output
    elements are AI::MXNet::NDArray.

method get_input_grads(Bool $merge_multi_context=1)
    confess("assert \$self->inputs_need_grad") unless $self->inputs_need_grad;
        return AI::MXNet::Executor::Group::_merge_multi_context($self->_p->input_grad_arrays, $self->_p->data_layouts);
    return $self->_p->input_grad_arrays;

=head2 backward

    Run backward on all devices. A backward should be called after
    a call to the forward function. Backward cannot be called unless
    $self->for_training is 1.

    out_grads : NDArray or array ref of NDArray, optional
    Gradient on the outputs to be propagated back.
    This parameter is only needed when bind is called
    on outputs that are not a loss function.

method backward(Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray|ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]] $out_grads=)
    confess('re-bind with for_training=1 to run backward') unless $self->for_training;
    $out_grads //= [];
    zip(sub {
        my ($i, $exec, $islice) = @_;
        my @out_grads_slice;
            my ($grad, $axis) = @_;
            if($axis >= 0)
                my $og_my_slice = $grad->slice_axis({
                    axis  => $axis,
                    begin => $islice->[0],
                    end   => $islice->[1]
                push @out_grads_slice, $og_my_slice->as_in_context($self->contexts->[$i]);
                push @out_grads_slice, $grad->copyto($self->contexts->[$i]);
        }, $out_grads, $self->_p->output_layouts);
    }, [0..@{ $self->_p->execs }-1], $self->_p->execs, $self->_p->slices);

=head2 update_metric

    Accumulate the performance according to eval_metric on all devices.

    eval_metric : AI::MXNet::EvalMetric
        The metric used for evaluation.
    labels : array ref of NDArray
        Typically comes from label of AI::MXNet::DataBatch.

method update_metric(AI::MXNet::EvalMetric $eval_metric, ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $labels)
    zip(sub {
        my ($texec, $islice) = @_;
        my @labels_slice;
        zip(sub {
            my ($label, $axis) = @_;
            if($axis == 0)
                # slicing NDArray along axis 0 can avoid copying
                push @labels_slice, $label->slice([$islice->[0], $islice->[1]-1]);
            elsif($axis > 0)
                my $label_my_slice = $label->slice_axis({
                    axis  => $axis,
                    begin => $islice->[0],
                    end   => $islice->[1]
                push @labels_slice, $label_my_slice;
                push @labels_slice, $label;
        }, $labels, $self->_p->label_layouts);
        $eval_metric->update(\@labels_slice, $texec->outputs);
    }, $self->_p->execs, $self->_p->slices);

method _bind_ith_exec(
    Int                                         $i,
    ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]               $data_shapes,
    Maybe[ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]]        $label_shapes,
    Maybe[AI::MXNet::DataParallelExecutorGroup] $shared_group
    my $shared_exec = $shared_group ? $shared_group->_p->execs->[$i] : undef;
    my $context = $self->contexts->[$i];
    my $shared_data_arrays = $self->_p->shared_data_arrays->[$i];
    my %input_shapes = map { $_->name => $_->shape } @{ $data_shapes };
    if(defined $label_shapes)
        %input_shapes = (%input_shapes, map { $_->name => $_->shape } @{ $label_shapes });
    my %input_types = map { $_->name => $_->dtype } @{ $data_shapes };
    my $executor = $self->symbol->simple_bind(
        ctx              => $context,
        grad_req         => $self->grad_req,
        type_dict        => \%input_types,
        shared_arg_names => $self->param_names,
        shared_exec      => $shared_exec,
        shared_buffer    => $shared_data_arrays,
        shapes           => \%input_shapes
    return $executor;

=head2 _sliced_shape

    Get the sliced shapes for the i-th executor.

    shapes : array ref of (str, array ref)
        The original (name, shape) pairs.
    i : int
    Which executor we are dealing with.

method _sliced_shape(ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc] $shapes, Int $i, ArrayRef[Int] $major_axis)
    my @sliced_shapes;
    zip(sub {
        my ($desc, $axis) = @_;
        my @shape = @{ $desc->shape };
        if($axis >= 0)
            $shape[$axis] = $self->_p->slices->[$i]->[1] - $self->_p->slices->[$i]->[0];
        push @sliced_shapes, AI::MXNet::DataDesc->new(
            name    => $desc->name,
            shape   => \@shape,
            dtype   => $desc->dtype,
            layout  => $desc->layout
    }, $shapes, $major_axis);
    return \@sliced_shapes;

=head2 install_monitor

    Install monitor on all executors

    $mon : AI::MXNet::Monitor

method install_monitor(AI::MXNet::Monitor $mon)
    $mon->install($_) for @{ $self->_p->execs };

method shared_data_arrays()

method execs()


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