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lib/AI/MXNet/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::MXNet::Callback;
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw/max/;
use AI::MXNet::Function::Parameters;
use Mouse;
use overload "&{}" => sub { my $self = shift; sub { $self->call(@_) } };

=head1 NAME

    AI::MXNet::Callback - A collection of predefined callback functions

=head2 module_checkpoint

    Callback to save the module setup in the checkpoint files.

    $mod : subclass of AI::MXNet::Module::Base
        The module to checkpoint.
    $prefix : str
        The file prefix to checkpoint to
    $period=1 : int
        How many epochs to wait before checkpointing. Default is 1.
    $save_optimizer_states=0 : Bool
        Whether to save optimizer states for later training.

    $callback : sub ref
        The callback function that can be passed as iter_end_callback to fit.

method module_checkpoint(
    AI::MXNet::Module::Base $mod,
    Str $prefix,
    Int $period=1,
    Int $save_optimizer_states=0
    $period = max(1, $period);
    return sub {
        my ($iter_no, $sym, $arg, $aux) = @_;
        if(($iter_no + 1) % $period == 0)
            $mod->save_checkpoint($prefix, $iter_no + 1, $save_optimizer_states);

=head2 log_train_metric

    Callback to log the training evaluation result every period.

    $period : Int
        The number of batches after which to log the training evaluation metric.
    $auto_reset : Bool
        Whether to reset the metric after the logging.

    $callback : sub ref
        The callback function that can be passed as iter_epoch_callback to fit.

method log_train_metric(Int $period, Int $auto_reset=0)
    return sub {
        my ($param) = @_;
        if($param->nbatch % $period == 0 and defined $param->eval_metric)
            my $name_value = $param->eval_metric->get_name_value;
            while(my ($name, $value) = each %{ $name_value })
                    "Iter[%d] Batch[%d] Train-%s=%f",
                    $param->epoch, $param->nbatch, $name, $value
            $param->eval_metric->reset if $auto_reset;

package AI::MXNet::Speedometer;
use Mouse;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
extends 'AI::MXNet::Callback';

=head1 NAME

    AI::MXNet::Speedometer - A callback that logs training speed 


    Calculate and log training speed periodically.

    batch_size: int
        batch_size of data
    frequent: int
        How many batches between calculations.
        Defaults to calculating & logging every 50 batches.
    auto_reset: Bool
        Reset the metric after each log, defaults to true.

has 'batch_size' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 1);
has 'frequent'   => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', default  => 50);
has 'init'       => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default  => 0);
has 'tic'        => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Num', default  => 0);
has 'last_count' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default  => 0);
has 'auto_reset' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', default  => 1);

method call(AI::MXNet::BatchEndParam $param)
    my $count = $param->nbatch;
    if($self->last_count > $count)

        if(($count % $self->frequent) == 0)
            my $speed = $self->frequent * $self->batch_size / (time - $self->tic);
            if(defined $param->eval_metric)
                my $name_value = $param->eval_metric->get_name_value;
                $param->eval_metric->reset if $self->auto_reset;
                while(my ($name, $value) = each %{ $name_value })
                        "Epoch[%d] Batch [%d]\tSpeed: %.2f samples/sec\tTrain-%s=%f",
                        $param->epoch, $count, $speed, $name, $value
                    "Iter[%d] Batch [%d]\tSpeed: %.2f samples/sec",
                    $param->epoch, $count, $speed

*slice = \&call;

package AI::MXNet::ProgressBar;
use Mouse;
extends 'AI::MXNet::Callback';

=head1 NAME

    AI::MXNet::ProgressBar - A callback to show a progress bar.


    Shows a progress bar.

    total: Int
        batch size, default is 1
    length: Int
        the length of the progress bar, default is 80 chars

has 'length'  => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', default => 80);
has 'total'   => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 1);

method call(AI::MXNet::BatchEndParam $param)
    my $count = $param->nbatch;
    my $filled_len = int(0.5 + $self->length * $count / $self->total);
    my $percents = int(100.0 * $count / $self->total) + 1;
    my $prog_bar = ('=' x $filled_len) . ('-' x ($self->length - $filled_len));
    print "[$prog_bar] $percents%\r";

*slice = \&call;

# Just logs the eval metrics at the end of an epoch.
package AI::MXNet::LogValidationMetricsCallback;
use Mouse;
extends 'AI::MXNet::Callback';

=head1 NAME

    AI::MXNet::LogValidationMetricsCallback - A callback to log the eval metrics at the end of an epoch.

method call(AI::MXNet::BatchEndParam $param)
    return unless defined $param->eval_metric;
    my $name_value = $param->eval_metric->get_name_value;
    while(my ($name, $value) = each %{ $name_value })
            "Epoch[%d] Validation-%s=%f",
            $param->epoch, $name, $value

package AI::MXNet::Callback;

method Speedometer(@args)
        @args == 3 ?
            (batch_size => $args[0], frequent => $args[1], auto_reset => $args[2])
            : @args == 2 ?
                (batch_size => $args[0], frequent => $args[1])
                    : (batch_size => $args[0])

method ProgressBar(@args)
        @args == 2 ? (total => $args[0], 'length' => $args[1]) : (total => $args[0])

method LogValidationMetricsCallback()


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