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t/03-mini-batch.t  view on Meta::CPAN


use Math::Lapack::Matrix;
use Math::Lapack::Expr;
use AI::ML::Expr;

my $m = Math::Lapack::Matrix->random(50,1000);
my $nr_tests = 0;
my $axis = 0;
my $size = 200;
my $start = 0;

for my $v (0..4){
    my $a = mini_batch($m, $start, $size, $axis);
    is($a->rows, 50, "Right number of rows\n");
    is($a->columns, 200, "Right number of columns\n");
    $start += $size;    

my $m_1 = Math::Lapack::Matrix->random(1000,20);
$start = 0;
$axis = 1;
for my $i (0..4){
    my $b = mini_batch($m_1, $start, $size, $axis);
    is($b->rows, 200, "Right number of rows\n");
    is($b->columns, 20, "Right number of columns\n");
    $start += $size;    
print "1..$nr_tests\n";

sub float {
  my ($a, $b, $explanation) = @_;
  if (abs($a-$b) > 0.000001){
    print "not ";
    $explanation .= " ($a vs $b)";
  print "ok $nr_tests - $explanation\n";

sub is {
  my ($a, $b, $explanation) = @_;
  if ($a != $b){
    print "not ";
    $explanation .= " ($a vs $b)";
  print "ok $nr_tests - $explanation\n";

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( run in 0.541 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )