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lib/AHA.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

=head1 NAME

AHA - Simple access to the AHA interface for AVM based home automation


    my $aha = new AHA({host: "fritz.box", password: "s!cr!t"});

    # Get all switches as array ref of AHA::Switch objects
    my $switches = $aha->list();

    # For all switches found
    for my $switch (@$switches) {
       say "Name:    ",$switch->name();
       say "State:   ",$switch->is_on();
       say "Present: ",$switch->is_present();
       say "Energy:  ",$switch->energy();
       say "Power:   ",$switch->power();

       # If switch is on, switch if off and vice versa
       $switch->is_on() ? $switch->off() : $switch->on();

    # Access switch directly via name as configured 
    $aha->energy("Lava lamp");

    # ... or by AIN

    # Logout 


This module allows programatic access to AVM's Home Automation (AHA) system as
it is specified in L<AVM AHA HTTP Protocol

Please note that this module is not connected to AVM in any way. It's a hobby
project, without any warranty and no guaranteed support.

Typical it is used to manage and monitor L<AHA::Switch>es. The following
operations are supported:

=over 4

=item * 

Switching on and off a certain actor (switch)

=item * 

Get the current state of an actor

=item * 

Get the current power consumption and consumed energy of an actor (if
it is a plug like the Dect!200)


=head1 METHODS

Many methods of this class take an 8-digit AIN (actor id) or a symbolic name as
argument. This symbolic name can be configured in the admin UI of the Fritz

If the argument (name or AIN) is not known, an error is raised (die). The same
is true, if authorization fails.



package AHA;

use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use AHA::Switch;
use Encode;
use Digest::MD5;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = "0.55";

# Set to one if some debugging should be printed
my $DEBUG = 0;

=item $aha = new AHA({host => "fritz.box", password => "s!cr!t", user => "admin"})

=item $aha = new AHA("fritz.box","s!cr!t","admin")

Create a new AHA object for accessing a Fritz Box via the HTTP interface. The
parameters can be given as a hashref (for named parameters) or in a simple form
with host, password and user (optional) as unnamed arguments.

The named arguments which can be used:


=item host

Name or IP of the Fritz box to access

=item port

Port to connect to. It's 80 by default

=item password

Password for connecting to the Fritz Box

=item user

User role for login. Only required if a role based login is configured for the
Fritz box


If used without an hashref as argument, the first argument must be the host, 
the second the password and the third optionally the user.


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = {};
    my $arg1 = shift; 
    if (ref($arg1) ne "HASH") {
        $self->{host} = $arg1;
        $self->{password} = shift;
        $self->{user} = shift;
    } else {
        map { $self->{$_} = $arg1->{$_} } qw(host password user port);
    die "No host given" unless $self->{host};
    die "No password given" unless $self->{password};

    my $base = $self->{port} ? $self->{host} . ":" . $self->{port} : $self->{host};

    $self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new;        
    $self->{login_url} = "http://" . $base . "/login_sid.lua";
    $self->{ws_url} = "http://" . $base . "/webservices/homeautoswitch.lua";
    $self->{ain_map} = {};
    return bless $self,$class;

=item $switches = $aha->list()

List all switches know to AHA. An arrayref with L<AHA::Switch> objects is
returned, one for each device. When no switch is registered an empty arrayref
is returned. 


sub list {
    my $self = shift;
    return [ map { new AHA::Switch($self,$_) }  (split /\s*,\s*/,$self->_execute_cmd("getswitchlist")) ];

=item $aha->is_on($ain)

Check, whether the switch C<$ain> is in state "on", in which case this methods
returns 1. If it is "off", 0 is returned. If the switch is not connected,
C<undef> is returned.


sub is_on {
    my $self = shift;
    return &_inval_check($self->_execute_cmd("getswitchstate",$self->_ain(shift)));

=item $aha->on($ain)

Switch on the switch with the name or AIN C<$ain>. 


sub on {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ain = $self->_ain(shift);
    return $self->_execute_cmd("setswitchon",$ain);

=item $aha->off($ain)

Switch off the switch with the name or AIN C<$ain>. 


sub off {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->_execute_cmd("setswitchoff",$self->_ain(shift));

=item $is_present = $aha->is_present($ain)

Check whether the switch C<$ain> is present. This means, whether it is
registered at the Fritz Box at all in which case 1 is returned. If the switch
is not connected, 0 is returned.


sub is_present {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->_execute_cmd("getswitchpresent",$self->_ain(shift));

=item $energy = $aha->energy($ain)

Get the amount of energy which has been consumed by the switch C<$ain> since
ever or since the reset of the energy statistics via the admin UI. The amount
is measured in Wh.


sub energy {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->_execute_cmd("getswitchenergy",$self->_ain(shift));

=item $power = $aha->power($ain)

Get the current power consumption of the switch C<$ain> in mW.
If the switch is not connected, C<undef> is returned.


sub power {
    my $self = shift;
    return &_inval_check($self->_execute_cmd("getswitchpower",$self->_ain(shift)));

=item $name = $aha->name($ain)

Get the symbolic name for the AIN given. In this case C<$ain> must be an real


sub name {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ain = shift || die "No AIN given for which to fetch the name"; 
    return $self->_execute_cmd("getswitchname",$ain);

=item $ain = $aha->ain($name)

This is the inverse method to C<name()>. It takes a symbolic name C<$name> as
argument and returns the AIN. If no such name is registered, an error is


sub ain_by_name {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;
    my $map = $self->{ain_map};
    return $map->{$name} if $map->{$name};
    my $ain = $self->{ain_map}->{$name};
    die "No AIN for '$name' found" unless $ain;
    return $ain;

=item $aha->logout()

Logout from the connected fritz.box in order to free up any resources. You 
can still use any other method on this object, in which case it is 
logs in again (which eats up some performance, of course)


sub logout {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless $self->{sid};

    # Send a post request as defined in 
    # http://www.avm.de/de/Extern/files/session_id/AVM_Technical_Note_-_Session_ID.pdf
    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $self->{login_url});
    my $login = "sid=".$self->{sid}."&security:command/logout=fcn";
    my $resp = $self->{ua}->request($req);
    die "Cannot logout SID ",$self->{sid},": ",$resp->status_line unless $resp->is_success;
    print "--- Logout ",$self->{sid} if $DEBUG;
    delete $self->{sid};



# ======================================================================
# Private methods

# Decide whether an AIN or a name is given
sub _ain {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ain = shift || die "No AIN or name given";
    return $ain =~ /^\d{12}$/ ? $ain : $self->ain_by_name($ain);

# Execute a command as defined in 
# http://www.avm.de/de/Extern/files/session_id/AHA-HTTP-Interface.pdf
sub _execute_cmd {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cmd = shift || die "No command given";
    my $ain = shift;
    my $url = $self->{ws_url} . "?sid=" . $self->_sid() . "&switchcmd=" . $cmd;
    $url .= "&ain=" . $ain if $ain;
    my $resp  = $self->{ua}->get($url);    
    print ">>> $url\n" if $DEBUG;
    die "Cannot execute ",$cmd,": ",$resp->status_line unless $resp->is_success;
    my $c = $resp->content;
    chomp $c;
    print "<<< $c\n" if $DEBUG;
    return $c;

# Return the cached SID or perform the login as described in
# http://www.avm.de/de/Extern/files/session_id/AVM_Technical_Note_-_Session_ID.pdf
sub _sid {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{sid} if $self->{sid};
    # Get the challenge
    my $resp = $self->{ua}->get($self->{login_url});
    my $content = $resp->content();

    my $challenge = ($content =~ /<Challenge>(.*?)<\/Challenge>/ && $1);
    my $input = $challenge . '-' . $self->{password};
    Encode::from_to($input, 'ascii', 'utf16le');
    my $challengeresponse = $challenge . '-' . lc(Digest::MD5::md5_hex($input));

    # Send the challenge back with encoded password
    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $self->{login_url});
    my $login = "response=$challengeresponse";
    if ($self->{user}) {
        $login .= "&username=" . $self->{user};
    $resp = $self->{ua}->request($req);
    if (! $resp->is_success()) {
        die "Cannot login to ", $self->{host}, ": ",$resp->status_line();
    $content = $resp->content();
    $self->{sid} = ($content =~ /<SID>(.*?)<\/SID>/ && $1);
    print "-- Login, received SID ",$self->{sid} if $DEBUG;
    return $self->{sid};

# Initialize the reverse name -> AIN map
sub _init_ain_map {
    my $self = shift;
    my $devs = $self->list();
    $self->{ain_map} = {};
    for my $dev (@$devs) {
        $self->{ain_map}->{$self->name($dev->ain())} = $dev->ain();

# Convert "inval" to undef
sub _inval_check {
    my $ret = shift;
    return $ret eq "inval" ? undef : $ret;

=head1 LICENSE

AHA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

AHA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AHA.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

=head1 AUTHOR




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