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# afsmonitor.pod
# Copyright © 2004-2006 Alf Wachsmann <> and
#                  Elizabeth Cassell <>
# $Revision: 1.12 $ $Date: 2006/07/05 22:25:10 $ $Author: alfw $
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 NAME

B<afsmonitor> - Gathers statistics about File Servers and Cache Managers


  use AFS::Monitor;
  my ($fs, $cm);

  ($fs, $cm) = afsmonitor(cmhosts => "hostName1");

  ($fs, $cm) = afsmonitor(
                          cmhosts => ["hostName1", "hostName2"],
                          fshosts => ["hostName3", "hostName4"],

  ($fs, $cm) = afsmonitor(
                          config => "configfilename",
                          output => "outputfilename",
                          detailed => 1,

  foreach $host (@$fs) {
    print "FS Host: $host->{hostName}\n";
    if($host->{probeOK}) {
      print "probe successful\n";
    else {
      print "probe failed\n";

  ($fs, $cm) =
           cmhosts  => ["hostName1", "hostName2"],
           fshosts  => ["hostName3", "hostName4", "hostName5"],
           cmshow   => ["PerfStats_section", "fs_oc_downDst_more_50"],
           fsshow   => ["VnodeCache_group", "FetchData_sqr"],
           fsthresh => [
                        { vcache_S_Entries => 10
                        { vcache_L_Allocs  => 30
                        { host => "hostName3",
                          vcache_L_Writes => 20,
                          handler => "HandlerScript arg1 arg2"
                        { host => "hostName5",
                          vcache_L_Writes => 40,
           cmthresh => [
                        { host => "hostName1",
                          numPerfCalls => 80,
                          handler => "HandlerScript arg"
                        { fs_oc_downDst_more_50 => 90
                        { cacheNumEntries => 60,
                          handler => "HandlerScript"
                        { host => "hostName2",
                          dlocalAccesses => 70


The B<afsmonitor> function gathers statistics about specified File Server
and Cache Manager operations. It allows the issuer to monitor, from a
single location, a wide range of File Server and Cache Manager
operations on any number of machines in both local and foreign cells.

There are 271 available File Server statistics and 571 available Cache
Manager statistics, listed in the L<afsmon_stats(1)> documentation. By default,
the command displays all of the relevant statistics for the file server
machines named by the B<fshosts> argument and the client machines named
by the B<cmhosts> argument. To limit the display to only the statistics
of interest, list them in the configuration file specified by the
B<config> argument. In addition, use the configuration file for the
following purposes:


=item *

To set threshold values for any statistic. The statistics with values exceeding
their thresholds are indicated in the returned data structure. There are no
default threshold values.

=item *

To specify a program or script to associate with a statistic when it exceeds its
threshold. The script and all of it's arguments will be included in the returned
data structure in a format easy to invoke from within a Perl script. The AFS
distribution does not include any such scripts.

=item *

To list the file server and client machines to gather statistics on, instead of
using the B<fshosts> and B<cmhosts> arguments.


For a description of the configuration file, see the
L<"configuration file"|/"THE CONFIGURATION FILE"> section below.

=head1 OPTIONS


=item B<config>

Names the configuration file which lists the machines to probe,
statistics to display, and threshold values, if any. A partial
pathname is interpreted relative to the current working directory.
Provide this argument if not providing the B<fshosts> argument or
B<cmhosts> argument. For instructions on creating this file, see the
L<"configuration file"|/"THE CONFIGURATION FILE"> section below.

=item B<output>

Names the file to which the B<afsmonitor> function writes all of the
statistics that it collects. By default, no output file is created.
See the L<"writing to an output file"|/"WRITING TO AN OUTPUT FILE">
section below for more information on this file.

=item B<detailed>

Formats the information in the output file named by B<output> argument in a
maximally readable format. Provide the B<output> argument along with this one.

=item B<fshosts>

String with one name or reference to an array with names of one or
more machines from which to gather File Server
statistics. For each machine, provide either a fully qualified
host name, or an unambiguous abbreviation (the ability to resolve
an abbreviation depends on the state of the cell's name service
at the time the command is issued). This argument can be combined
with the B<cmhosts> argument, but not with the B<config> argument.

=item B<cmhosts>

String with one name or reference to an array with names of one or
more machines from which to gather Cache Manager
statistics. For each machine, provide either a fully qualified
host name, or an unambiguous abbreviation (the ability to resolve
an abbreviation depends on the state of the cell's name service
at the time the command is issued). This argument can be combined
with the B<fshosts> argument, but not with the B<config> argument.

=item B<fsshow>

Reference to an array with the names of individual statistics, groups of
statistics, or sections of statistics to include in the File Servers (fs)
data structure. Use this only if not using a configuration file. The
L<afsmon_stats(1)> documentation specifies the group and section to which
each statistic belongs. By default, all of the statistics will be included.

=item B<cmshow>

Reference to an array with the names of individual statistics, groups of
statistics, or sections of statistics to include in the Cache Managers (cm)
data structure. Use thi sonly if not using a configuration file. The
L<afsmon_stats(1)> documentation specifies the group and section to which
each statistic belongs. By default, all of the statistics will be included.

=item B<fsthresh>

Reference to an array of hash references containing thresholds to set. Each
hash should contain a key that is the name of an individual File Server
statistic, with it's value being the desired threshold value for that
statistic. If it is a host-specific threshold, then the key B<host> should
be included, with a value corresponding to one of the File Server hosts
specified in the B<fshosts> argument. If a handler function is to be
associated with the threshold, the key B<handler>'s value should be the name
of the handler function and any arguments to be passed to the handler.

=item B<cmthresh>

Reference to an array of hash references containing thresholds to set. Each
hash should contain a key that is the name of an individual Cache Manager
statistic, with it's value being the desired threshold value for that
statistic. If it is a host-specific threshold, then the key B<host> should
be included, with a value corresponding to one of the Cache Manager hosts
specified in the B<cmhosts> argument. If a handler function is to be
associated with the threshold, the key B<handler>'s value should be the name
of the handler function and any arguments to be passed to the handler.


=head1 OUTPUT

The return values are references to two arrays, one for file
servers and one for cache managers. Each entry in each array
is a reference to a hash containing information about one of
the hosts specified either by the fshosts or cmhosts options,
or in the config file. Each hash in these arrays contains the
following entries:


=item B<hostName>

The name of the host that these statistics represent.

=item B<probeOK>

1 if the statistics were gathered successfully, 0 if the probe failed and no statistics were gathered.

=item B<section_names>

The rest of the keys are the names of sections of statistics (specified in the
L<afsmon_stats(1)> documentation).
Each section entry points to another hash containing entries for each group of
statistics (with keys corresponding to the group name) within that section.
Each group entry points to another hash containing entries for all of the
individual statistics (with keys corresponding to the name of the statistic)
within that group.
The individual statistics also point to hashes, containing up to three entries:


=item B<value>

The value of the statistic for this host.

=item B<overflow>

This key will be present if the value has exceeded a threshold provided in the configuration file.
If a command to execute was specified for this threshold, this entry will contain a string with
the name of the command and all of the parameters that should be passed to the command.
If no command to execute was specified, the value of this entry will be 1.

=item B<threshold>

If this value has exceeded a threshold, this entry will contain the threshold value.
The threshold key will not exist in the hash if no threshold was specified, or if the
specified threshold was not exceeded.


If a config file with "show" directives was given, then only the statistics specified
in the config file will be included, and any groups or sections that were not specified
by a "show" statement and in which no individual statistics were specified by a "show"
statement will not be included.


For examples of accessing the information in the returned data structures
and printing it in a readable format, refer to the B<afsmonitor> script
in the B<examples> directory.


Include the B<output> argument to name the file into which the
B<afsmonitor> function writes all of the statistics it collects.

The output file is in ASCII format and records the same
information as is returned in the File Server and Cache Manager
data structures. The output file has the following format:

   time  host_name  CM|FS   list_of_measured_values

and specifies the time at which the list_of_measured_values were
gathered from the Cache Manager (CM) or File Server (FS) process
housed on host_name. On those occasion where probes fail, the
value -1 is reported instead of the list_of_measured_values.

If the administrator usually reviews the output file manually,
rather than using it as input to an automated analysis program or
script, including the B<detail> flag formats the data in a more
easily readable form.


To customize the B<afsmonitor> function, create an ASCII-format
configuration file and use the B<config> argument to name it. You
can specify the following in the configuration file:


=item *

The File Servers, Cache Managers, or both, to gather statistics on.

=item *

The statistics to display. By default, the display includes 271
statistics for File Servers and 571 statistics for Cache Managers.
For information on the available statistics, see the L<afsmon_stats(1)>

=item *

The threshold values to set for statistics and a script or program
to associate with the statistic if a threshold is exceeded. By
default, no threshold values are defined.


The following list describes the instructions that can appear
in the configuration file:


=item B<cm I<host_name>>

Names a client machine for which to display statistics.

=item B<fs I<host_name>>

Names a file server machine for which to display statistics.

=item B<thresh fs | cm I<field_name> I<thresh_val> [cmd_to_execute] [arg1] ... [argn]>

Assigns the threshold value thresh_val to the statistic field_name,
for either a File Server statistic (fs) or a Cache Manager statistic
(cm). The optional cmd_to_execute field names a binary or script to
associate with the statistic if the value of the statistic exceeds
thresh_val. The optional arg1 through argn fields are additional values
that the B<afsmonitor> function adds as arguments for the cmd_to_execute
command. If any of them include one or more spaces, enclose the
entire field in double quotes.

If a statistic exceeds its threshold and there is a cmd_to_execute
associated with it, afsmonitor will provide a string which can be
used to easily execute the cmd_to_execute from within perl with the
following parameters:

cmd_to_execute I<host_name> fs|cm I<field_name threshold_val actual_val> [E<lt>arg1E<gt>] . . . [E<lt>argnE<gt>]

The parameters cmd_to_execute, fs, cm, field_name, threshold_val,
and arg1 through argn correspond to the values with the same name
on the thresh line. The host_name parameter identifies the file
server or client machine where the statistic has exceeded the
threshold, and the actual_val parameter is the actual value of
field_name that equals or exceeds the threshold value.

Use the thresh line to set either a global threshold, which applies
to all file server machines listed on fs lines or client machines
listed on cm lines in the configuration file, or a machine-specific
threshold, which applies to only one file server or client machine.
To set a global threshold, place the thresh line before any of the
fs or cm lines in the file. To set a machine-specific threshold,
place the thresh line below the corresponding fs or cm line, and
above any other fs or cm lines. A machine-specific threshold value
always overrides the corresponding global threshold, if set. Do not
place a thresh fs line directly after a cm line or a thresh cm line
directly after a fs line.

=item B<show fs | cm I<field/group/section>>

Specifies which individual statistic, group of statistics, or
section of statistics to include in the File Servers (fs) and/or
Cache Managers (cm) data structure. The L<afsmon_stats(1)> documentation
specifies the group and section to which each statistic belongs.
Include as many show lines as necessary to customize the results
as desired, and place them anywhere in the file.

If there are no show lines in the configuration file, then all
statistics for both Cache Managers and File Servers will be
included. Similarly, if there are no show fs lines, then the File
Servers data structure will contain all file server statistics,
or if there are no show cm lines, then the Cache Managers data
structure will display all client statistics.

=item B<# I<comments>>

Displays a line of text that the B<afsmonitor> function ignores because
of the initial number (#) sign, which must appear in the very first
column of the line.



Some statistical values reported by L<xstat_fs_test(1)> are not yet
included in afsmonitor. This is a problem of the underlying OpenAFS
libraries and will be fixed in this Perl module as soon as those
libraries are fixed.

=head1 AUTHORS

The code and documentation for this class were contributed by Stanford
Linear Accelerator Center, a department of Stanford University.  This
documentation was written by


=item Elizabeth Cassell <> and

=item Alf Wachsmann <>



 Copyright 2004-2006
		Alf Wachsmann <> and
                Elizabeth Cassell <>
 All rights reserved.

 Most of the explanations in this document are taken from the original
 AFS documentation.

 AFS-3 Programmer's Reference:
 Volume Server/Volume Location Server Interface
 Edward R. Zayas
 (c) 1991 Transarc Corporation.
 All rights reserved.

 IBM AFS Administration Reference
 (c) IBM Corporation 2000.
 All rights reserved.

 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the same terms as Perl itself.

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