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examples/xstat_fs_test  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright © 2004-2006
#		Alf Wachsmann <> and
#		Elizabeth Cassell <>
# $Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2006/07/05 22:25:10 $ $Author: alfw $

use blib;
use strict;
use AFS::Monitor qw(xstat_fs_test constant);
use Data::Dumper;

#my @fsname = ("", "");
my @fsname = ("");
my @collID = (0, 1, 2, 3);

my @tests;      # choose which tests to run
$tests[1] = 0;  # test of fsname @fsname and collIDs @collID
$tests[2] = 0;  # test of fsname but no collID
$tests[3] = 1;  # test of single fsname with collID 0
$tests[4] = 1;  # test of single fsname with collID 1
$tests[5] = 0;  # test of single fsname with collID 2
$tests[6] = 1;  # test of single fsname with collID 3
$tests[7] = 0;  # test of single fsname but no single collID

my $all = 0;

my $showdump = 0;   # print entire contents of hash for each test
my $formatted = 1;  # print formatted like original xstat_fs_test program

print "# Starting now... #\n";
my $result;

if ($all || $tests[1]) {
  print "\n******** TEST 1: ********\n";

  print "\nxstat_fs_test -fsname ", join(" ", @fsname),
        " -collID ", join(" ", @collID), "\n\n";

  $result = xstat_fs_test(fsname => \@fsname,
                          collID => \@collID);

if ($all || $tests[2]) {
  print "\n******** TEST 2: ********\n";

  print "\nxstat_fs_test -fsname ", join(" ", @fsname), "\n\n";

  $result = xstat_fs_test(fsname => \@fsname);

if ($all || $tests[3]) {
  print "\n******** TEST 3: ********\n";

  print "\nxstat_fs_test -fsname ", $fsname[0],
                       " -collID 0\n\n";

  $result = xstat_fs_test(fsname => $fsname[0],
                          collID => 0);

if ($all || $tests[4]) {
  print "\n******** TEST 4: ********\n";

  print "\nxstat_fs_test -fsname ", $fsname[0],
                       " -collID 1\n\n";

  $result = xstat_fs_test(fsname => $fsname[0],
                          collID => 1);

if ($all || $tests[5]) {
  print "\n******** TEST 5: ********\n";

  print "\nxstat_fs_test -fsname ", $fsname[0],
                       " -collID 2\n\n";

  $result = xstat_fs_test(fsname => $fsname[0],
                          collID => 2);

if ($all || $tests[6]) {
  print "\n******** TEST 6: ********\n";

  print "\nxstat_fs_test -fsname ", $fsname[0],
                       " -collID 3\n\n";

  $result = xstat_fs_test(fsname => $fsname[0],
                          collID => 3);

if ($all || $tests[7]) {
  print "\n******** TEST 7: ********\n";

  print "\nxstat_fs_test -fsname ", $fsname[0], "\n\n";

  $result = xstat_fs_test(fsname => $fsname[0]);

sub parse_result {
  my $info = shift;

  if ($AFS::CODE) {
    print "Error case: ", ref($info), "\n" if (defined($info));
    # die("Error: AFS::CODE = $AFS::CODE (", ($AFS::CODE+0), ")\n");
    print "Error: AFS::CODE = $AFS::CODE (", ($AFS::CODE+0), ")\n";

  if ($showdump) {
    local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;
    local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
    local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
    local $Data::Dumper::Varname = "xstat_fs_test";
    local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 2;
    print Dumper($info);

  if ($formatted) {
    foreach my $host (@$info) {
      print "\n------------------------------------------------------------\n";
      if ($host->{probeOK} == 0) {
        printf "FS_Handler: Probe 1 to File Server '$host->{hostName}' failed\n",
      } elsif($host->{collectionNumber} == constant("AFS_XSTATSCOLL_CALL_INFO")) {
      } elsif($host->{collectionNumber} == constant("AFS_XSTATSCOLL_PERF_INFO")) {
      } elsif($host->{collectionNumber} == constant("AFS_XSTATSCOLL_FULL_PERF_INFO")) {
      } elsif($host->{collectionNumber} == constant("AFS_XSTATSCOLL_CBSTATS")) {
      } else {
        print "Unknown collection: $host->{collectionNumber}\n";

sub parse_CallInfo {
  my $host = shift;

  printf("AFS_XSTATSCOLL_CALL_INFO (coll %d) for FS %s\n[Probe 1, %s]\n\n",
          scalar localtime $host->{probeTime});

  for (my $i = 0; $i < $host->{data}->{AFS_CollData_len}; $i++) {
    print $host->{i}, " ";
  print "\n";

sub parse_PerfInfo {
  my $host = shift;

  printf("AFS_XSTATSCOLL_PERF_INFO (coll %d) for FS %s\n[Probe 1, %s]\n\n",
          scalar localtime($host->{probeTime}));

sub parse_FullPerfInfo {
  my $host = shift;

  printf("AFS_XSTATSCOLL_FULL_PERF_INFO (coll %d) for FS %s\n[Probe 1, %s]\n\n",
          scalar localtime($host->{probeTime}));

sub parse_OverallPerfInfo {
  my $data = shift;

  printf "\t%10d numPerfCalls\n\n",      $data->{numPerfCalls};

  printf "\t%10d vcache_L_Entries\n",    $data->{vcache_L_Entries};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_L_Allocs\n",     $data->{vcache_L_Allocs};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_L_Gets\n",       $data->{vcache_L_Gets};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_L_Reads\n",      $data->{vcache_L_Reads};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_L_Writes\n\n",   $data->{vcache_L_Writes};

  printf "\t%10d vcache_S_Entries\n",    $data->{vcache_S_Entries};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_S_Allocs\n",     $data->{vcache_S_Allocs};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_S_Gets\n",       $data->{vcache_S_Gets};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_S_Reads\n",      $data->{vcache_S_Reads};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_S_Writes\n\n",   $data->{vcache_S_Writes};

  printf "\t%10d vcache_H_Entries\n",    $data->{vcache_H_Entries};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_H_Gets\n",       $data->{vcache_H_Gets};
  printf "\t%10d vcache_H_Replacements\n\n",     $data->{vcache_H_Replacements};

  printf "\t%10d dir_Buffers\n",     $data->{dir_Buffers};
  printf "\t%10d dir_Calls\n",       $data->{dir_Calls};
  printf "\t%10d dir_IOs\n\n",       $data->{dir_IOs};

  printf "\t%10d rx_packetRequests\n",     $data->{rx_packetRequests};
  printf "\t%10d rx_noPackets_RcvClass\n", $data->{rx_noPackets_RcvClass};
  printf "\t%10d rx_noPackets_SendClass\n",      $data->{rx_noPackets_SendClass};
  printf "\t%10d rx_noPackets_SpecialClass\n",   $data->{rx_noPackets_SpecialClass};
  printf "\t%10d rx_socketGreedy\n",       $data->{rx_socketGreedy};
  printf "\t%10d rx_bogusPacketOnRead\n",  $data->{rx_bogusPacketOnRead};
  printf "\t%10d rx_bogusHost\n",        $data->{rx_bogusHost};
  printf "\t%10d rx_noPacketOnRead\n",   $data->{rx_noPacketOnRead};
  printf "\t%10d rx_noPacketBuffersOnRead\n",    $data->{rx_noPacketBuffersOnRead};
  printf "\t%10d rx_selects\n",          $data->{rx_selects};
  printf "\t%10d rx_sendSelects\n",      $data->{rx_sendSelects};
  printf "\t%10d rx_packetsRead_RcvClass\n",     $data->{rx_packetsRead_RcvClass};
  printf "\t%10d rx_packetsRead_SendClass\n",    $data->{rx_packetsRead_SendClass};
  printf "\t%10d rx_packetsRead_SpecialClass\n", $data->{rx_packetsRead_SpecialClass};
  printf "\t%10d rx_dataPacketsRead\n",    $data->{rx_dataPacketsRead};
  printf "\t%10d rx_ackPacketsRead\n",     $data->{rx_ackPacketsRead};
  printf "\t%10d rx_dupPacketsRead\n",     $data->{rx_dupPacketsRead};
  printf "\t%10d rx_spuriousPacketsRead\n",      $data->{rx_spuriousPacketsRead};
  printf "\t%10d rx_packetsSent_RcvClass\n",     $data->{rx_packetsSent_RcvClass};
  printf "\t%10d rx_packetsSent_SendClass\n",    $data->{rx_packetsSent_SendClass};
  printf "\t%10d rx_packetsSent_SpecialClass\n", $data->{rx_packetsSent_SpecialClass};
  printf "\t%10d rx_ackPacketsSent\n",     $data->{rx_ackPacketsSent};
  printf "\t%10d rx_pingPacketsSent\n",    $data->{rx_pingPacketsSent};
  printf "\t%10d rx_abortPacketsSent\n",   $data->{rx_abortPacketsSent};
  printf "\t%10d rx_busyPacketsSent\n",    $data->{rx_busyPacketsSent};
  printf "\t%10d rx_dataPacketsSent\n",    $data->{rx_dataPacketsSent};
  printf "\t%10d rx_dataPacketsReSent\n",  $data->{rx_dataPacketsReSent};
  printf "\t%10d rx_dataPacketsPushed\n",  $data->{rx_dataPacketsPushed};
  printf "\t%10d rx_ignoreAckedPacket\n",  $data->{rx_ignoreAckedPacket};
  printf "\t%10d rx_totalRtt_Sec\n",       $data->{rx_totalRtt_Sec};
  printf "\t%10d rx_totalRtt_Usec\n",      $data->{rx_totalRtt_Usec};
  printf "\t%10d rx_minRtt_Sec\n",         $data->{rx_minRtt_Sec};
  printf "\t%10d rx_minRtt_Usec\n",        $data->{rx_minRtt_Usec};
  printf "\t%10d rx_maxRtt_Sec\n",         $data->{rx_maxRtt_Sec};
  printf "\t%10d rx_maxRtt_Usec\n",        $data->{rx_maxRtt_Usec};
  printf "\t%10d rx_nRttSamples\n",        $data->{rx_nRttSamples};
  printf "\t%10d rx_nServerConns\n",       $data->{rx_nServerConns};
  printf "\t%10d rx_nClientConns\n",       $data->{rx_nClientConns};
  printf "\t%10d rx_nPeerStructs\n",       $data->{rx_nPeerStructs};
  printf "\t%10d rx_nCallStructs\n",       $data->{rx_nCallStructs};
  printf "\t%10d rx_nFreeCallStructs\n", $data->{rx_nFreeCallStructs};
  if (defined($data->{rx_nBusies})) {  # only on OpenAFS-1.4.1
    printf "\t%10d rx_nBusies\n\n", $data->{rx_nBusies};

    printf "\t%10d fs_nBusies\n", $data->{fs_nBusies};
    printf "\t%10d fs_GetCapabilities\n\n", $data->{fs_GetCapabilities};

  printf "\t%10d host_NumHostEntries\n",   $data->{host_NumHostEntries};
  printf "\t%10d host_HostBlocks\n",       $data->{host_HostBlocks};
  printf "\t%10d host_NonDeletedHosts\n",  $data->{host_NonDeletedHosts};
  printf "\t%10d host_HostsInSameNetOrSubnet\n", $data->{host_HostsInSameNetOrSubnet};
  printf "\t%10d host_HostsInDiffSubnet\n",      $data->{host_HostsInDiffSubnet};
  printf "\t%10d host_HostsInDiffNetwork\n",     $data->{host_HostsInDiffNetwork};
  printf "\t%10d host_NumClients\n",       $data->{host_NumClients};
  printf "\t%10d host_ClientBlocks\n\n",   $data->{host_ClientBlocks};

  printf "\t%10d sysname_ID\n",      $data->{sysname_ID};

sub parse_DetailedPerfInfo {
  my $data = shift;

  printf "\t%10d epoch\n", $data->{epoch};

  my $rpcop = $data->{rpcOpTimes};

  parse_OpTiming("FetchData", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("FetchACL", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("FetchStatus", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("StoreData", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("StoreACL", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("StoreStatus", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("RemoveFile", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("CreateFile", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("Rename", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("Symlink", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("Link", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("MakeDir", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("RemoveDir", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("SetLock", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("ExtendLock", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("ReleaseLock", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("GetStatistics", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("GiveUpCallbacks", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("GetVolumeInfo", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("GetVolumeStatus", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("SetVolumeStatus", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("GetRootVolume", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("CheckToken", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("GetTime", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("NGetVolumeInfo", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("BulkStatus", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("XStatsVersion", $rpcop);
  parse_OpTiming("GetXStats", $rpcop);

  my $xferop = $data->{xferOpTimes};

  parse_XferTiming("FetchData", $xferop);
  parse_XferTiming("StoreData", $xferop);

sub parse_CbCounters {
  my $host = shift;

  printf("AFS_XSTATSCOLL_CBSTATS (coll %d) for FS %s\n[Probe 1, %s]\n\n",
          scalar localtime($host->{probeTime}));

  printf "\t%10d DeleteFiles\n",        $host->{CbCounters}->{DeleteFiles};
  printf "\t%10d DeleteCallBacks\n",    $host->{CbCounters}->{DeleteCallBacks};
  printf "\t%10d BreakCallBacks\n",     $host->{CbCounters}->{BreakCallBacks};
  printf "\t%10d AddCallBack\n",        $host->{CbCounters}->{AddCallBack};
  printf "\t%10d GotSomeSpaces\n",      $host->{CbCounters}->{GotSomeSpaces};
  printf "\t%10d DeleteAllCallBacks\n", $host->{CbCounters}->{DeleteAllCallBacks};
  printf "\t%10d nFEs\n",               $host->{CbCounters}->{nFEs};
  printf "\t%10d nCBs\n",               $host->{CbCounters}->{nCBs};
  printf "\t%10d nblks\n",              $host->{CbCounters}->{nblks};
  printf "\t%10d CBsTimedOut\n",        $host->{CbCounters}->{CBsTimedOut};
  printf "\t%10d nbreakers\n",          $host->{CbCounters}->{nbreakers};
  printf "\t%10d GSS1\n",               $host->{CbCounters}->{GSS1};
  printf "\t%10d GSS2\n",               $host->{CbCounters}->{GSS2};
  printf "\t%10d GSS3\n",               $host->{CbCounters}->{GSS3};
  printf "\t%10d GSS4\n",               $host->{CbCounters}->{GSS4};
  printf "\t%10d GSS5\n",               $host->{CbCounters}->{GSS5};

sub parse_OpTiming {
  my ($name, $rpcop) = @_;

  printf("%15s: %d ops (%d OK); sum=%f, sqr=%f, min=%f, max=%f\n",
          $name, $rpcop->{$name}->{numOps}, $rpcop->{$name}->{numSuccesses},
          $rpcop->{$name}->{sumTime}, $rpcop->{$name}->{sqrTime},
          $rpcop->{$name}->{minTime}, $rpcop->{$name}->{maxTime});

sub parse_XferTiming {
  my ($name, $xferop) = @_;

  printf("%s: %d xfers (%d OK), time sum=%f, sqr=%f, min=%f, max=%f\n",
          $name, $xferop->{$name}->{numXfers}, $xferop->{$name}->{numSuccesses},
          $xferop->{$name}->{sumTime}, $xferop->{$name}->{sqrTime},
          $xferop->{$name}->{minTime}, $xferop->{$name}->{maxTime});

  printf("\t[bytes: sum=%lu, min=%d, max=%d]\n",

  printf("\t[buckets: 0: %d, 1: %d, 2: %d, 3: %d, 4: %d, 5: %d, 6: %d, 7: %d, 8: %d]\n",

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( run in 1.008 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )