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<p class='quotation' id='q312'>The joy of coding Python should be
in seeing short, concise, readable classes that express a lot of
action in a small amount of clear code -- not in reams of trivial
code that bores the reader to death.</p>
<p class='source'>GvR, 20 Mar 2002</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q313'>A bot may injure a human being, or,
preferably, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm,
although laughing about either in the hearing of humans is
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 26 Mar 2002</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q314'>"It works in Scheme" doesn't give me
the warm fuzzy feeling that it's been tried in real life.</p>
<p class='source'>GvR, 02 Oct 2002</p>
<p class='quotation'>Most recipes are short enough for the
attention span of the average Python programmer.</p>
<p class='source'>GvR, In the introduction to the <cite>Python
<p class='quotation'>We read Knuth so you don't have to.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters<cite>Python Cookbook</cite></p>
<p class='quotation'>Here's another technique that is faster and
more obvious but that is often avoided by those who mistakenly
believe that writing two lines of code where one might do is
somehow sinful.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters<cite>Python Cookbook</cite></p>
<p class='quotation'>A fruitful approach to problem solving is
known as "divide and conquer", or making problems easier by
splitting their different aspects apart. Making problems harder by
joining several aspects together must be an example of an approach
known as "unite and suffer!"</p>
<p class='source'>Alex Martelli<cite>Python Cookbook</cite></p>
<p class='quotation' id='q313'>
compromise-is-the-art-of-spreading-misery-ly y'rs</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 11 Dec 2002</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q314'>As for Grail, it was certainly a
"hot product" in the Python community in 1995 because of the
restricted execution environment which I evaluated for a project
involving mobile software agents. How priorities and trends have
changed since then! Who would have thought that Microsoft Outlook
would be the premier platform for mobile code?</p>
<p class='source'>Paul Boddie, 16 Jan 2004</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q314'>I mean, if I think about my
open-source contributions, nobody wants to see talks with these
<p class='quotation'>* The Zope API Reference: Ouch
* A Random Handful Of Bugs I've Fixed In Other Peoples' Code
* An Old Crufty Project I Inherited That Has Zero Relevance To You
* The Joy of Preemptive Abandonware: Release Late, If Ever 
(or, Software Design as a Nihilistic Abstract Art
Form) (or, Sourceforge as a Medium for Cryptic Time Capsules)</p>
<p class='source'>Paul Winkler, 14 Mar 2005</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q316'>Syntax should not look like grit on
my monitor.</p>
<p class='source'>Anthony Baxter, 02 Jun 2005</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q315'>Can this not be resolved by
carefully adjusting the order of finalization? If code can be
bootstrapped it can be strootbapped.</p>
<p class='source'>Kristján Jónsson, 30 Jun 2006</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q317'>Python resembles Lisp like an
octopus eye resembles a mammalian eye: they have lots in common
because they're both pretty good solutions to similar problems.
Deciding whether it's Python or Lisp that has the retina fitted
back-to-front is left as an exercise for the reader.</p>
<p class='source'>Gareth McCaughan, 11 Jul 2006</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q318'>As Neal said, we are not perfect;
bugs happen. If we all gave up on a piece of software after two
bugs we would not be able to turn our computers.</p>
<p class='source'>Brett Cannon, 13 Jul 2006</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q319'>... I've come to believe that some
people have the personality traits that let them tolerate redoing
the same work over and over again for no reason other than
management "furniture rearranging", whereas others start to resent
having their (working) life repeatedly flashed before their eyes,
but in slightly different colours, over a longer period of
<p class='source'>Paul Boddie, 29 Aug 2006</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q320'>I am the very model of a modern
major database,
For gigabytes of information gathered out in userspace.
For banking applications to a website crackers will deface,
You access me from console or spiffy user interface.
    My multi-threaded architecture offers you
concurrency, And loads of RAM for caching things reduces query latency.<br />
The data is correctly typed, a fact that I will guarantee,<br />
Each datum has a data type, it's specified explicitly.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Chase, 12 Sep 2006</p>
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