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t/acl.permit.txt  view on Meta::CPAN

/action=[create-user] group=[(admin|superadmin)]/	Allow admins and superadmins to create users
/action=[delete-user] group=[(super)?admin]/		Allow admins and superadmins to delete users
/action=[login] group=[user]/				Allow users to login
/action=[send-mail] group=[user] dow=[(mon|tue|wed|thu|fri)]/	Allow users to send mail during the work week
/action=[login-app] group=[(super-)?admin] ip=[1.2.3.\d{1,3}] dow=[.*]/	Allow superadmins to login to the app from
/account=[.*?@.*.adm] action=[login-mac] group=[(super-)?admin]/	Allow mac access to superadmins

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( run in 1.875 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-d29e8ade9f55 )