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Revision history for Perl extension AI::Fuzzy.

0.05 Sat Jan  4 10:20:29 EST 2003
	- found problem with stringifycation in
	- fixed warning messages due to not checking "exists" for hash 
	  values in (union,intersection).  Thanks to Richard Jelinek
	  for pointing this out, and a problem in the code in the docs.
0.04 Fri Dec  6 13:49:55 EST 2002
        - replaced current AI::Fuzzy::Label with a new AI::Fuzzy::Axis (a container for label objects)
          and changed AI::Fuzzy::Label to be concerned only about label data.  This
          will allow us to add new AI::Fuzzy::Label{Spline, Trapezoid, etc.} subclasses
          of labels to the now independent Axis class.  Axis will defer to the Label
          itself to decide applicability, >,<,>=,<=, and the like.
        - changed to work with the new setup
        - added functions: greaterthan, greaterequal, lessthan, lessequal, and between
          to AI::Fuzzy::Label
        - added overriding of >,>=,<,<=, and <=> in AI::Fuzzy::Label.

0.03 Wed Oct  9 18:07:34 EDT 2002
	- added functions: support, core, height, is_normal, is_subnormal
	  to AI::Fuzzy::Set

0.02 Wed Oct  9 16:41:29 EDT 2002
	- ownership transfering to Tom Scanlan <>
	- added functions to AI::Fuzzy::Set for intersection, union, 
	  complement, equal, and as_string
	- made a heck of a lot of tests.  use them as examples...

0.01  Mon Jul 19 19:33:46 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18  view on Meta::CPAN


=head1 NAME

AI::Fuzzy - Perl extension for Fuzzy Logic


  use AI::Fuzzy;

  my $f = new AI::Fuzzy::Axis;
  my $l = new AI::Fuzzy::Label("toddler",      1, 1.5, 3.5);

  $f->addlabel("baby",        -1,   1, 2.5);
  $f->addlabel("little kid",   2,   7,  12);
  $f->addlabel("kid",          6,  10,  14);
  $f->addlabel("teenager",    12,  16,  20);
  $f->addlabel("young adult", 18,  27,  35);
  $f->addlabel("adult",       25,  50,  75);
  $f->addlabel("senior",      60,  80, 110);
  $f->addlabel("relic",      100, 150, 200);

  for (my $x = 0; $x<50; $x+=4) {
      print "$x years old => " . $f->labelvalue($x) . "\n";

  $a = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x1 => .3, x2 => .5, x3 => .8, x4 => 0, x5 => 1);
  $b = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x5 => .3, x6 => .5, x7 => .8, x8 => 0, x9 => 1);
  print "a is: " . $a->as_string . "\n"; 
  print "b is: " . $b->as_string . "\n"; 
  print "a is equal to b" if ($a->equal($b));
  my $c = $a->complement();
  print "complement of a is: " . $c->as_string . "\n"; 
  $c = $a->union($b);
  print "a union b is: " . $c->as_string . "\n"; 
  $c = $a->intersection($b);
  print "a intersection b is: " . $c->as_string . "\n"; 



AI::Fuzzy really consists of three modules - AI::Fuzzy::Axis, AI::Fuzzy::Label, and

A fuzzy set is simply a mathematical set to which members can
I<partially> belong. For example, a particular shade of gray may

README  view on Meta::CPAN

    AI::Fuzzy - Perl extension for Fuzzy Logic

      use AI::Fuzzy;

      my $f = new AI::Fuzzy::Label;

      $f->addlabel("baby",        -1,   1, 2.5);
      $f->addlabel("toddler",      1, 1.5, 3.5);
      $f->addlabel("little kid",   2,   7,  12);
      $f->addlabel("kid",          6,  10,  14);
      $f->addlabel("teenager",    12,  16,  20);
      $f->addlabel("young adult", 18,  27,  35);
      $f->addlabel("adult",       25,  50,  75);
      $f->addlabel("senior",      60,  80, 110);
      $f->addlabel("relic",      100, 150, 200);

      for (my $x = 0; $x<50; $x+=4) {
          print "$x years old => " . $f->label($x) . "\n";

      $a = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x1 => .3, x2 => .5, x3 => .8, x4 => 0, x5 => 1);
      $b = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x5 => .3, x6 => .5, x7 => .8, x8 => 0, x9 => 1);
      print "a is: " . $a->as_string . "\n"; 
      print "b is: " . $b->as_string . "\n"; 
      print "a is equal to b" if ($a->equal($b));
      $c = $a->complement();
      print "complement of a is: " . $c->as_string . "\n"; 
      $c = $a->union($b);
      print "a union b is: " . $c->as_string . "\n"; 
      $c = $a->intersection($b);
      print "a intersection b is: " . $c->as_string . "\n"; 


    AI::Fuzzy really consists of two modules - AI::Fuzzy::Label and

    A fuzzy set is simply a mathematical set to which members can
    *partially* belong. For example, a particular shade of gray may
    partially belong to the set of dark colors, whereas black would have
    full membership, and lemon yellow would have almost no membership.

    A fuzzy labeler classifies a particular crisp value by examining the
    degree to which it belongs to several sets, and selecting the most
    appropriate. For example, it can decide whether to call water at 60
    degrees Farenheight "cold", "cool", or "warm". A fuzzy label might be
    one of these labels, or a fuzzy set describing to what degree each of
    the labels describes the particular value in question.

  Fuzzy Sets

    AI::Fuzzy:Set has these methods:

        $fs = B<new> AI::Fuzzy::Set;

        # here, "Bob" is unquestionably tall.. the others less so.
        $fs_tall_people = B<new> AI::Fuzzy::Set( Lester=>.34, Bob=>1.00, Max=>.86 );
        # $x will be .86
        $x = B<membership> $fs_tall_people, "Max";

        # get list of members, sorted from least membership to greatest:
        @shortest_first = B<members> $fs_tall_people;

        $fs = B<new> AI::Fuzzy::Set( x1 => .3, x2 => .5, x3 => .8, x4 => 0, x5 => 1);

        B<complement>, B<union>, B<intersection>
        Thesie are the fuzzy set version of the typical functions.
        Returns true if the sets have the same elements and those elements
        are all equal.

       Prints the set as tuples:
            $b = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x5 => .3, x6 => .5, x7 => .8, x8 => 0, x9 => 1);
            print "b is: " . $b->as_string . "\n"; 
            b is: x8/0, x5/0.3, x6/0.5, x7/0.8, x9/1

  Fuzzy Labels

    A Fuzzy::Label label has four attributes: the text of the label (it can
    be any scalar, really), and three numbers: low, mid, high if you imagine
    a cartesian plane (remember graph paper in algebra?) of all possible
    values, the label applies to a particular range. the graph might look
    something like this:

              |Y               * (mid, 1)
              |               /  \
              |             /    \
              |           /       \
              |         /          \
             -|-------*-------------*------- X
                       (low,0)      (high,0)
    the Y value is applicability of the label for a given X value

    the mid number is the "pure" value. eg, orange is at 0 or 360 degrees on
    the color wheel. the label applies 100% at the mid point.

    the low and high numbers are the two points at which the label ceases to

    note that labels can overlap, and that the mid number isn't always in
    the exact center, so the slope of the two sides may vary...

    $fl = new AI::FuzzyLabel;

    $fl->addlabel( "hot", 77, 80, 100 ); # what I consider hot. :) (in
    Farenheit, of course!)

    $a = $fl->applicability($label, $value); # $a is now the degree to which
    $label applies to $value

    $l = $fl->label ($value); # applies a label to $value

    @l = $fl->label($value); # returns a list of labels and their
    applicability values

    $s = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( $fl->label($value) ); # same thing, but now
    it's an object

    @range = $fl->range(); # returns a list of labels, sorted by their
    midpoints # eg: ("cold", "cool", "lukewarm", "warm", "hot")

    Tom Scanlan <>, current maintainer

    Michal Wallace (, original author

    Move along, nothing to "see also" here...

    Please send any bugs to Tom Scanlan <>

demo/  view on Meta::CPAN

$f->addlabel("somewhat idle",   40,   65,  80);
$f->addlabel("somewhat busy",   20,   45 , 60);
$f->addlabel("busy",            8,    13,  20);
$f->addlabel("very busy",        0,   5,  10);
$f->addlabel("completely busy",  -1,  0,  1);

my $count=100;

while (1) {
   open (STAT, "vmstat -n 1 $count |") or die ("can't find vmstat"); 
   my $cpu = <STAT>;    # headers
   $cpu = <STAT>;	    # headers

    for (1 .. $count ) {
	$cpu = <STAT>;       # read data
  	$cpu =~ s/.* (\d+)$/$1/;

	chomp $cpu;
	print "the cpu is: $cpu " . $f->label($cpu) . "\n";
    close STAT;
    sleep 1;

demo/  view on Meta::CPAN

$f->addlabel("baby",        -1,   1, 2.5);
$f->addlabel("little kid",   2,   7,  12);
$f->addlabel("kid",          6,  10,  14);
$f->addlabel("teenager",    12,  16,  20);
$f->addlabel("young adult", 18,  27,  35);
$f->addlabel("adult",       25,  50,  75);
$f->addlabel("senior",      60,  80, 110);
$f->addlabel("relic",      100, 150, 200);

 for (my $x = 0; $x<50; $x+=4) {
     print "$x years old => " . $f->labelvalue($x) . "\n";

$a = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x1 => .3, x2 => .5, x3 => .8, x4 => 0, x5 => 1);
$b = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( x5 => .3, x6 => .5, x7 => .8, x8 => 0, x9 => 1);
print "a is: " . $a->as_string . "\n";
print "b is: " . $b->as_string . "\n";

print "a is equal to b" if ($a->equal($b));

my $c = $a->complement();
print "complement of a is: " . $c->as_string . "\n";

lib/AI/Fuzzy/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Fuzzy::Axis;

use AI::Fuzzy::Label;
## Container for Fuzzy Labels #### 

sub new {

    my ($class) = @_;
    my $self = {};

    $self->{labels} = {};

    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

sub addlabel {
    # adds a label for a range of values..
    my ($self, $label, $low, $mid, $high) = @_;

    if ($label->can("name") ) {
	$self->{labels}->{$label->name} = $label;
    } else {
	$self->{labels}->{$label} = new AI::Fuzzy::Label($label, $low, $mid, $high);

    return $self->{labels}->{$label};

sub applicability {
    # this function should be called something else..
    # calculates to what degree $label applies to a $value

    my ($self, $value, $label) = @_;
    my $membership = 0;

    return $label->applicability($value) if ($label->can("applicability"));
    return undef unless ( exists $self->{labels}->{$label} );
    return $self->{labels}->{$label}->applicability($value);

sub label {
    # returns a label associated with this text
    my ($self, $name) = @_;

    return $self->{labels}->{$name};

sub labelvalue {
    # returns a label associated with this value
    my ($self, $value) = @_;
    my $label;
    my %weight;
    my $total_weight = 0;
    my @range = $self->range();

    # first, find out the applicability of each label
    # and weight the labels accordingly.
    foreach $label (@range) {
        my $labelname ;
	my $w;

	if ($label->can("name")) {
	    $labelname = $label->name;
	    $w = $label->applicability($value);
	} else {
	    $labelname = $label;
	    $w = $self->applicability($value, $label);

	next unless $w > 0;

	$weight{$labelname} = $w;
	$total_weight += $weight{$labelname};

    # in list context, just return the weights
    if (wantarray) {
	return %weight;

    # give up if no labels apply
    return 0 unless $total_weight > 0;

    # otherwise, use those weights as probabilities
    # and randomly pick a label:

    my $v = rand $total_weight;
    my $x = 0;

    # it doesn't matter how %weight is sorted..
    foreach $label (keys %weight) {
	$x += $weight{$label};
	return $self->{labels}->{$label} if $x >= $v;

    # and if none of that worked..

    return 0;

sub range {
    # returns a list of sorted labels
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $l = $self->{labels};
    return sort { $a <=> $b } values %{$l};

sub lessthan {
    my ($self, $labela, $labelb) = @_;

    if ( exists $self->{labels}->{$labela} and exists $self->{labels}->{$labelb} ) {
	my $la = $self->{labels}->{$labela};
	my $lb = $self->{labels}->{$labelb};

	return $la->lessthan($lb);

    } else {
	return undef;
sub lessequal {
    my ($self, $labela, $labelb) = @_;

    if ( exists $self->{labels}->{$labela} and exists $self->{labels}->{$labelb} ) {
	my $la = $self->{labels}->{$labela};
	my $lb = $self->{labels}->{$labelb};
	return $la->lessequal($lb);
    } else {
	return undef;

sub greaterthan {
    my ($self, $labela, $labelb) = @_;

    if ( exists $self->{labels}->{$labela} and exists $self->{labels}->{$labelb} ) {
	my $la = $self->{labels}->{$labela};
	my $lb = $self->{labels}->{$labelb};
	return $la->greaterthan($lb);
    } else {
	return undef;
sub greaterequal {
    my ($self, $labela, $labelb) = @_;

    if ( exists $self->{labels}->{$labela} and exists $self->{labels}->{$labelb} ) {
	my $la = $self->{labels}->{$labela};
	my $lb = $self->{labels}->{$labelb};
	return $la->greaterequal($lb);
    } else {
	return undef;

sub between {
    my ($self, $labela, $labelb, $labelc) = @_;

    if ( exists $self->{labels}->{$labela} and exists $self->{labels}->{$labelb} 
         and exists $self->{labels}->{$labelc} ) {
	my $la = $self->{labels}->{$labela};
	my $lb = $self->{labels}->{$labelb};
	my $lc = $self->{labels}->{$labelc};
	return $la->between($lb, $lc);
    } else {
	return undef;

lib/AI/Fuzzy/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Fuzzy::Label;

## Fuzzy Label #### 
use overload (	'>'  => \&greaterthan,
		'<'  => \&lessthan,
		'>=' => \&greaterequal,
		'<=' => \&lessequal,
		'<=>'=> \&spaceship,
		'""'  => \&stringify 

sub new {
    my ($class, $name, $low, $mid, $high) = @_;
    my $self = {};

    bless $self, $class;

    $self->{name} = $name;
    $self->{low}  = $low;
    $self->{mid}  = $mid;
    $self->{high} = $high;

    return $self;

sub name {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;

    $self->{name} = $name if ($name);
    return $self->{name};

sub stringify {
    my $self=shift;
    return qq([$self->{name}: $self->{low},$self->{mid},$self->{high}]); 

sub lessthan {
    my ($self, $that) = @_;

    if ($self->{low} < $that->{low}) {
	return 1;
    } else {
	return 0;

sub lessequal {
    my ($self, $that) = @_;

    if ($self->{low} <= $that->{low}) {
	return 1;
    } else {
	return 0;

sub greaterthan {
    my ($self, $that) = @_;

    if ($self->{high} > $that->{high}) {
	return 1;
    } else {
	return 0;

sub greaterequal {
    my ($self, $that) = @_;

    if ($self->{high} >= $that->{high}) {
	return 1;
    } else {
	return 0;

sub between {
    my ($self, $that1, $that2) = @_;

    if ( ( $that1 <= $self and $self <= $that2) ||
	 ( $that2 <= $self and $self <= $that1) ) {
	return 1;
    } else {
	return 0;

sub spaceship {
    my ($self, $that) = @_;

    return  ( $self->{mid} <=> $that->{mid} );

sub applicability {
    # this function should be called something else..
    # calculates to what degree this label applies to a $value

    my ($self, $value) = @_;
    my $membership = 0;

    # if the low and mid points are same as value, full membership
    # same if mid and high are same as value
    if ($self->{mid} == $self->{low} && $value == $self->{low}) { return 1 };  
    if ($self->{high} == $self->{mid} && $value == $self->{high}) { return 1 };  

    # m = slope of the line.. (change in y/change in x) 
    #     change in y is 1 as membership increases, -1 as it decreases
    my $mIncreasing =  1 / ($self->{mid} - $self->{low});
    my $mDecreasing = -1 / ($self->{high} - $self->{mid});

    # reject values that are "out of bounds"
    return ($membership = 0)
	if ($value <= $self->{low} ) or ($value >= $self->{high} );

    # now calculate membership:
    # y=mx+b , just like in algebra
    if ($value < $self->{mid}) {
	$membership = ($value - $self->{low}) * $mIncreasing;
    } elsif ($value == $self->{mid}) {
        $membership = 1;
    } else {
	$membership = (($value - $self->{mid}) * $mDecreasing) + 1;
    return $membership;

sub range {
    # returns the distance from one endpoint to the other
    my ($self) = @_;
    return abs( $self->{high} - $self->{low} );


lib/AI/Fuzzy/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Fuzzy::Set;

## Fuzzy Set ####

sub new { 

    my $class = shift;
    my $self = {} ;

    # accepts a hash of member weights..
    # ( $members{$member}=$weight )

    %{$self->{members}} = @_;
    bless $self, $class;

sub membership {
    # naturally, it returns a fuzzy value - the degree
    # to wich $item is a member of the set! :)

    my $self = shift;
    my $item = shift;

    if (defined(${$self->{members}}{$item})) {
	return ${$self->{members}}{$item};
    } else {
	return 0;

sub members {
    # returns list of members, sorted from least membership to greatest
    my $self = shift;

    my %l = %{$self->{members}};
    return sort { $l{$a} <=> $l{$b} } keys %l;

sub equal {
    # returns true if the argument set is equal to this one
    my $self = shift;
    my $otherset = shift;

    my (%us, %them);
    %us = %{$self->{members}} if (exists $self->{members});
    %them = %{$otherset->{members}} if (exists $otherset->{members});

    # for all keys in us and them
    foreach my $key (keys (%us), keys (%them)) {
	# not equal if either set is missing a key
	return 0 unless (exists ($us{$key}) && exists ($them{$key}) );

	# not equal if the membership of the keys isn't equal
	return 0 unless (float_equal($us{$key},$them{$key}, 10));

    # otherwise they are equal
    return 1;

sub union {
    # returns a set that is the union of us and the argument set
    my $self = shift;
    my $otherset = shift;

    my (%us, %them, %new);
    %us = %{$self->{members}} if (exists $self->{members});
    %them = %{$otherset->{members}} if (exists $otherset->{members});

    # for all keys in us and them
    foreach my $key (keys (%us), keys (%them)) {
	if (not exists $us{$key} and exists $them{$key}) {
	    $new{$key} = $them{$key};
	if (not exists $them{$key} and exists $us{$key}) {
	    $new{$key} = $us{$key};
	if ($us{$key} >= $them{$key}) {
	    $new{$key} = $us{$key};
	} else {
	    $new{$key} = $them{$key};

    return new AI::Fuzzy::Set(%new);

sub intersection {
    # returns a set that is the intersection of us and the argument set
    my $self = shift;
    my $otherset = shift;

    my (%us, %them, %new);
    %us = %{$self->{members}} if (exists $self->{members});
    %them = %{$otherset->{members}} if (exists $otherset->{members});

    # for all keys in us and them
    foreach my $key (keys (%us), keys (%them)) {
	if (not exists $us{$key} or not exists $them{$key}) {
	    $new{$key} = 0;
	if ($us{$key} <= $them{$key}) {
	    $new{$key} = $us{$key};
	} else {
	    $new{$key} = $them{$key};

    return new AI::Fuzzy::Set(%new);

sub complement {
    # returns a set that is the complement of us
    # requires that the set contain values from 0 to 1
    my $self = shift;

    my (%new);

    foreach my $member ($self->members) {
	my $comp = 1 - $self->membership($member); 
	return undef if ($comp < 0 || $comp >1);

	$new{$member} = $comp;

    return new AI::Fuzzy::Set(%new);

sub support {
    # returns the support set.
    # defined as the set of all elements in our set with a non-zero membership.
    my $self = shift;

    my (%support);
    foreach my $member ($self->members) {
	$support{$member}++ if ($self->membership($member) != 0);

    return new AI::Fuzzy::Set(%support);

sub core { 
    # returns the core set.
    # defined as the set of all elements in our set with full membership
    my $self = shift;

    my (%core);
    foreach my $member ($self->members) {
	$core{$member}++ if ($self->membership($member) == 1);

    return new AI::Fuzzy::Set(%core);

sub height { 
    # returns the height of the set
    # defined as the maximal membership value in our set
    my $self = shift;

    my ($max) = 0;
    foreach my $member ($self->members) {
	$max = $self->membership($member) if ($self->membership($member) > $max);

    return $max;

sub is_normal {
    # Logical return
    # normal is defined as a set with a height of 1
    my $self = shift;

    return 1 if ($self->height == 1);
    return 0;

sub is_subnormal {
    # Logical return
    # normal is defined as a set with a height less than 1
    my $self = shift;

    return 1 if ($self->height < 1);
    return 0;

sub as_string {
    my $self = shift;

    my @members;
    foreach my $member ($self->members) {
	push (@members, "$member/" . $self->membership($member) );

    return join(', ', @members);

sub float_equal {
    my ($A, $B, $dp) = @_;

#    print  sprintf("%.${dp}g", $A). " eq " . sprintf("%.${dp}g", $B) . "\n";
    return sprintf("%.${dp}g", $A) eq sprintf("%.${dp}g", $B);

1;  view on Meta::CPAN

$a->addlabel("adult",       25,  50,  75);
$a->addlabel("senior",      60,  80, 110);
$a->addlabel("relic",      100, 150, 200);

ok($a->labelvalue(50)->name, "adult");
ok($a->labelvalue(5)->name,  "little kid");

$fs_tall_people = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( Lester=>34, Bob=>100, Max=>86 );
# $x will be 86
$x = $fs_tall_people->membership( "Max" );
ok($x, 86);

# get list of members, sorted from least membership to greatest:
@shortest_first =  $fs_tall_people->members();
ok @shortest_first, 3, "got " . join(',', @shortest_first) . ", wanted " . join(',', qw(Lester Max Bob));

$a1 = new AI::Fuzzy::Axis;

$a1->addlabel( "cold", 32, 60, 70 );
$a1->addlabel( "warm", 60, 70, 90 );
$a1->addlabel( "hot", 77, 80, 100 );
    # what I consider hot. :) (in Farenheit, of course!)
ok $a1;

$a = $a1->applicability(99,"hot");
    # $a is now the degree to which $label applies to $value
ok $a;

$l = $a1->labelvalue(99);
    # applies a label to $value
ok ($l->name, "hot");

@l = $a1->labelvalue(65);
%l = $a1->labelvalue(65);
    # returns a list of labels and their applicability values
ok @l, 4, "got " . join (',',@l) . " wanted " . join(',',qw(cold 0.5 warm 0.5));
ok ($l{cold}, .5);
ok ($l{warm}, .5);

$ns = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( Lester=>.34, Bob=>1.00, Max=>.86 );
$sa = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( Lester=>.34, Bob=>1.00, Max=>.86 );
$sb = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( Bob=>1.00, Max=>.86 );
$sc = new AI::Fuzzy::Set( Lester=>.35, Bob=>1.00, Max=>.86 );

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( run in 0.597 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )