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Build.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

use Module::Build;
use Config;
use File::Spec;

my $build = new Module::Build
   module_name => 'AI::Categorizer',
   license => 'perl',
   requires => {
		perl                    => '5.6.0',
		Class::Container        => 0.09,
		Storable                => 0,
		Params::Validate        => 0.18,
		Statistics::Contingency => 0.06,
		Lingua::Stem            => 0.50,
		File::Spec              => 0,
   recommends => {
		  Scalar::Util          => 0,
		  Time::Progress        => 1.1,
		  Algorithm::SVM        => 0.06,
		  AI::DecisionTree      => 0.06,
		  Algorithm::NaiveBayes => 0,
   build_requires => {
		      Module::Build     => 0.20,
   create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',

my $categorizer = File::Spec->catfile('eg', 'categorizer');
if ($build->y_n("Do you want to install the $categorizer script to $Config{installscript}?", 'n')) {


  my $path = $build->prompt
     "\nIf you have the Weka system installed, please specify the path\n".
     "to the 'weka.jar' file, or '-' to search CLASSPATH, or '!' to skip:",
  $build->notes(classpath => $path eq '!' ? undef : $path);

Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

Revision history for Perl extension AI::Categorizer.

 - The t/01-naive_bayes.t test was failing (instead of skipping) when
   Algorithm::NaiveBayes wasn't installed.  Now it skips.

0.08 - Tue Mar 20 19:39:41 2007

 - Added a ChiSquared feature selection class. [Francois Paradis]

 - Changed the web locations of the reuters-21578 corpus that
   eg/ uses, since the location it referenced previously has
   gone away.

 - The building & installing process now uses Module::Build rather
   than ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

 - When the features_kept mechanism was used to explicitly state the
   features to use, and the scan_first parameter was left as its
   default value, the features_kept mechanism would silently fail to
   do anything.  This has now been fixed. [Spotted by Arnaud Gaudinat]

 - Recent versions of Weka have changed the name of the SVM class, so
   I've updated it in our test (t/03-weka.t) of the Weka wrapper
   too. [Sebastien Aperghis-Tramoni]

0.07  Tue May  6 16:15:04 CDT 2003

 - Oops - eg/ and t/15-knowledge_set.t didn't make it into the
   MANIFEST, so they weren't included in the 0.06 distribution.
   [Spotted by Zoltan Barta]

0.06 Tue Apr 22 10:27:26 CDT 2003

 - Added a relatively simple example script at the request of several
   people, at eg/

 - Forgot to note a dependency on Algorithm::NaiveBayes in version
   0.05.  Fixed.

 - AI::Categorizer class wasn't loading AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet
   class.  Fixed.

 - Fixed a bug in which the 'documents' and 'categories' parameters to
   the KnowledgeSet objects were never accepted, claiming that it
   failed the "All are Document objects" or "All are Category objects"
   callbacks. [Spotted by]

 - Moved the 'stopword_file' parameter from to the
   Collection class.

0.05  Sat Mar 29 00:38:21 CST 2003

 - Feature selection is now handled by an abstract FeatureSelector
   framework class.  Currently the only concrete subclass implemented
   is FeatureSelector::DocFrequency.  The 'feature_selection'
   parameter has been replaced with a 'feature_selector_class'

 - Added a k-Nearest-Neighbor machine learner. [First revision
   implemented by David Bell]

 - Added a Rocchio machine learner. [Partially implemented by Xiaobo

 - Added a "Guesser" machine learner which simply uses overall class
   probabilities to make categorization decisions.  Sometimes useful
   for providing a set of baseline scores against which to evaluate
   other machine learners.

 - The NaiveBayes learner is now a wrapper around my new
   Algorithm::NaiveBayes module, which is just the old NaiveBayes code
   from here, turned into its own standalone module.

 - Much more extensive regression testing of the code.

 - Added a Document subclass for XML documents. [Implemented by
   Jae-Moon Lee] Its interface is still unstable, it may change in
   later releases.

 - Added a 'Build.PL' file for an alternate installation method using

 - Fixed a problem in the Hypothesis' best_category() method that
   would often result in the wrong category being reported.  Added a
   regression test to exercise the Hypothesis class.  [Spotted by
   Xiaobo Li]

 - The 'categorizer' script now records more useful benchmarking
   information about time & memory in its outfile.

 - The AI::Categorizer->dump_parameters() method now tries to avoid
   showing you its entire list of stopwords.

 - Document objects now use a default 'name' if none is supplied.

 - For some Learner classes, the generated Hypothesis objects had
   non-functioning all_categories() methods.  Fixed.

 - The Collection::Files class now uses File::Spec internally to
   manage cross-platform filenames.

 - Added the 'stopword_behavior' parameter for controlling how
   stopword lists and stemming interact.  Previously, if stopwords &
   stemming were both used, stopwords were assumed to be pre-stemmed,
   which often isn't the case.

 - parse() is now an instance method of the Document class, not a
   class method.  This means it can operate directly on an object, it
   doesn't have to return a hash of content.  This allows more
   flexible document parsing.  This may cause some backward
   compatibility problems if people were overriding the parse()

 - Added a parse_handle() method, which can parse a document directly
   from a filehandle.

 - Fixed documentation for add_hypothesis() [spotted by Thierry

 - Added documentation for the AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files

0.04  Thu Nov  7 19:27:15 AEST 2002

 - Added learners for SVMs, Decision Trees, and a pass-through to

 - Added a virtual class for binary classifiers.

 - Wrote documentation for lots of the undocumented classes.

 - Added a PNG file giving an overview diagram of the classes.

 - Added a script 'categorizer' to provide a simple command-line
   interface to AI::Categorizer

 - save_state() and restore_state() now save to a directory, not a

 - Removed F1(), precision(), recall(), etc. from Util package since
   they're in Statistics::Contingency.  Added random_elements() to

 - Collection::Files now warns when no category information is known
   about a document in the collection (knowing it's in zero categories
   is okay).

 - Added the Collection::InMemory class

 - Much more thorough testing with 'make test'.

 - Added add_hypothesis() method to Experiment.

 - Added dot() and value() methods to FeatureVector.

 - Added 'feature_selection' parameter to KnowledgeSet.

 - Added document($name) accessor method to KnowledgeSet.

 - In KnowledgeSet, load(), read(), and scan_*() can now accept a
   Collection object.

 - Added document_frequency(), finish(), and weigh_features() methods
   to KnowledgeSet.

 - Added save_features() and restore_features() to KnowledgeSet.

 - Added default categories() and categorize() methods to Learner base
   class.  get_scores() is now abstract.

 - Extended interface of ObjectSet class with retrieve(), includes(),
   and includes_name().

 - Moved 'term_weighting' parameter from Document to KnowledgeSet,
   since the normalized version needs to know the maximum
   term-frequency.  Also changed its values to 'n', 'l', 'b', and 't',
   with 'x' a synonym for 't'.

 - Implemented full range of TF/IDF term weighting methods (see Salton
   & Buckley, "Term Weighting Approaches in Automatic Text Retrieval",
   in journal "Information Processing & Management", 1988 #5)

0.03  Wed Jul 24 01:57:00 AEST 2002

 - First version released to CPAN

0.01  Wed Apr 17 10:47:21 2002
 - original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
   -XA -n AI::Categorizer

INSTALL  view on Meta::CPAN

           Installation instructions for AI::Categorizer

To install this module, follow the standard steps for installing most
Perl modules:

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

Or you may use the module, which will automatically execute
these steps for you, and help you get the prerequisite dependencies
installed as well.

Alternatively, you can use the new Module::Build-style installer:

  perl Build.PL
  ./Build test
  ./Build install


META.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

name: AI-Categorizer
version: 0.09
  - 'Ken Williams <>'
  - |-
    Discussion about this module can be directed to the perl-AI list at
    <>.  For more info about the list, see
abstract: Automatic Text Categorization
license: perl
  Class::Container: 0.09
  File::Spec: 0
  Lingua::Stem: 0.5
  Params::Validate: 0.18
  Statistics::Contingency: 0.06
  Storable: 0
  perl: 5.6.0
  Module::Build: 0.2
  AI::DecisionTree: 0.06
  Algorithm::NaiveBayes: 0
  Algorithm::SVM: 0.06
  Scalar::Util: 0
  Time::Progress: 1.1
    file: lib/AI/
    version: 0.09
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Collection/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Collection/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Collection/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Collection/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Document/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Document/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Document/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Document/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/FeatureSelector/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/FeatureSelector/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/FeatureSelector/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Learner/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Learner/
    version: 0.01
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Learner/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Learner/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Learner/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Learner/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Learner/
    version: 0.01
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Learner/
    version: 0.01
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/Learner/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
    file: lib/AI/Categorizer/
generated_by: Module::Build version 0.2806
  version: 1.2

Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

# Note: this file was auto-generated by Module::Build::Compat version 0.03
    unless (eval "use Module::Build::Compat 0.02; 1" ) {
      print "This module requires Module::Build to install itself.\n";
      require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
      my $yn = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt
	('  Install Module::Build now from CPAN?', 'y');
      unless ($yn =~ /^y/i) {
	die " *** Cannot install without Module::Build.  Exiting ...\n";
      require Cwd;
      require File::Spec;
      require CPAN;
      # Save this 'cause CPAN will chdir all over the place.
      my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
      CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", "Module::Build::Compat")->uptodate
	or die "Couldn't install Module::Build, giving up.\n";
      chdir $cwd or die "Cannot chdir() back to $cwd: $!";
    eval "use Module::Build::Compat 0.02; 1" or die $@;
    Module::Build::Compat->run_build_pl(args => \@ARGV);
    require Module::Build;
    Module::Build::Compat->write_makefile(build_class => 'Module::Build');

README  view on Meta::CPAN

    AI::Categorizer - Automatic Text Categorization

     use AI::Categorizer;
     my $c = new AI::Categorizer(...parameters...);
     # Run a complete experiment - training on a corpus, testing on a test
     # set, printing a summary of results to STDOUT
     # Or, run the parts of $c->run_experiment separately
     print $c->stats_table;
     # After training, use the Learner for categorization
     my $l = $c->learner;
     while (...) {
       my $d = ...create a document...
       my $hypothesis = $l->categorize($d);  # An AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis object
       print "Assigned categories: ", join ', ', $hypothesis->categories, "\n";
       print "Best category: ", $hypothesis->best_category, "\n";
    "AI::Categorizer" is a framework for automatic text categorization. It
    consists of a collection of Perl modules that implement common
    categorization tasks, and a set of defined relationships among those
    modules. The various details are flexible - for example, you can choose what
    categorization algorithm to use, what features (words or otherwise) of the
    documents should be used (or how to automatically choose these features),
    what format the documents are in, and so on.

    The basic process of using this module will typically involve obtaining a
    collection of pre-categorized documents, creating a "knowledge set"
    representation of those documents, training a categorizer on that knowledge
    set, and saving the trained categorizer for later use. There are several
    ways to carry out this process. The top-level "AI::Categorizer" module
    provides an umbrella class for high-level operations, or you may use the
    interfaces of the individual classes in the framework.

    A simple sample script that reads a training corpus, trains a categorizer,
    and tests the categorizer on a test corpus, is distributed as eg/ .

    Disclaimer: the results of any of the machine learning algorithms are far
    from infallible (close to fallible?). Categorization of documents is often a
    difficult task even for humans well-trained in the particular domain of
    knowledge, and there are many things a human would consider that none of
    these algorithms consider. These are only statistical tests - at best they
    are neat tricks or helpful assistants, and at worst they are totally
    unreliable. If you plan to use this module for anything really important,
    human supervision is essential, both of the categorization process and the
    final results.

    For the usage details, please see the documentation of each individual

    This section explains the major pieces of the "AI::Categorizer" object
    framework. We give a conceptual overview, but don't get into any of the
    details about interfaces or usage. See the documentation for the individual
    classes for more details.

    A diagram of the various classes in the framework can be seen in
    "doc/classes-overview.png", and a more detailed view of the same thing can
    be seen in "doc/classes.png".

  Knowledge Sets

    A "knowledge set" is defined as a collection of documents, together with
    some information on the categories each document belongs to. Note that this
    term is somewhat unique to this project - other sources may call it a
    "training corpus", or "prior knowledge". A knowledge set also contains some
    information on how documents will be parsed and how their features (words)
    will be extracted and turned into meaningful representations. In this sense,
    a knowledge set represents not only a collection of data, but a particular
    view on that data.

    A knowledge set is encapsulated by the "AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet"
    class. Before you can start playing with categorizers, you will have to
    start playing with knowledge sets, so that the categorizers have some data
    to train on. See the documentation for the "AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet"
    module for information on its interface.

   Feature selection

    Deciding which features are the most important is a very large part of the
    categorization task - you cannot simply consider all the words in all the
    documents when training, and all the words in the document being
    categorized. There are two main reasons for this - first, it would mean that
    your training and categorizing processes would take forever and use tons of
    memory, and second, the significant stuff of the documents would get lost in
    the "noise" of the insignificant stuff.

    The process of selecting the most important features in the training set is
    called "feature selection". It is managed by the
    "AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet" class, and you will find the details of
    feature selection processes in that class's documentation.


    Because documents may be stored in lots of different formats, a "collection"
    class has been created as an abstraction of a stored set of documents,
    together with a way to iterate through the set and return Document objects.
    A knowledge set contains a single collection object. A "Categorizer" doing a
    complete test run generally contains two collections, one for training and
    one for testing. A "Learner" can mass-categorize a collection.

    The "AI::Categorizer::Collection" class and its subclasses instantiate the
    idea of a collection in this sense.


    Each document is represented by an "AI::Categorizer::Document" object, or an
    object of one of its subclasses. Each document class contains methods for
    turning a bunch of data into a Feature Vector. Each document also has a
    method to report which categories it belongs to.


    Each category is represented by an "AI::Categorizer::Category" object. Its
    main purpose is to keep track of which documents belong to it, though you
    can also examine statistical properties of an entire category, such as
    obtaining a Feature Vector representing an amalgamation of all the documents
    that belong to it.

  Machine Learning Algorithms

    There are lots of different ways to make the inductive leap from the
    training documents to unseen documents. The Machine Learning community has
    studied many algorithms for this purpose. To allow flexibility in choosing
    and configuring categorization algorithms, each such algorithm is a subclass
    of "AI::Categorizer::Learner". There are currently four categorizers
    included in the distribution:

        A pure-perl implementation of a Naive Bayes classifier. No dependencies
        on external modules or other resources. Naive Bayes is usually very fast
        to train and fast to make categorization decisions, but isn't always the
        most accurate categorizer.

        An interface to Corey Spencer's "Algorithm::SVM", which implements a
        Support Vector Machine classifier. SVMs can take a while to train
        (though in certain conditions there are optimizations to make them quite
        fast), but are pretty quick to categorize. They often have very good

        An interface to "AI::DecisionTree", which implements a Decision Tree
        classifier. Decision Trees generally take longer to train than Naive
        Bayes or SVM classifiers, but they are also quite fast when
        categorizing. Decision Trees have the advantage that you can scrutinize
        the structures of trained decision trees to see how decisions are being

        An interface to version 2 of the Weka Knowledge Analysis system that
        lets you use any of the machine learners it defines. This gives you
        access to lots and lots of machine learning algorithms in use by machine
        learning researches. The main drawback is that Weka tends to be quite
        slow and use a lot of memory, and the current interface between Weka and
        "AI::Categorizer" is a bit clumsy.

    Other machine learning methods that may be implemented soonish include
    Neural Networks, k-Nearest-Neighbor, and/or a mixture-of-experts combiner
    for ensemble learning. No timetable for their creation has yet been set.

    Please see the documentation of these individual modules for more details on
    their guts and quirks. See the "AI::Categorizer::Learner" documentation for
    a description of the general categorizer interface.

    If you wish to create your own classifier, you should inherit from
    "AI::Categorizer::Learner" or "AI::Categorizer::Learner::Boolean", which are
    abstract classes that manage some of the work for you.

  Feature Vectors

    Most categorization algorithms don't deal directly with documents' data,
    they instead deal with a *vector representation* of a document's *features*.
    The features may be any properties of the document that seem helpful for
    determining its category, but they are usually some version of the "most
    important" words in the document. A list of features and their weights in
    each document is encapsulated by the "AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector" class.
    You may think of this class as roughly analogous to a Perl hash, where the
    keys are the names of features and the values are their weights.


    The result of asking a categorizer to categorize a previously unseen
    document is called a hypothesis, because it is some kind of "statistical
    guess" of what categories this document should be assigned to. Since you may
    be interested in any of several pieces of information about the hypothesis
    (for instance, which categories were assigned, which category was the single
    most likely category, the scores assigned to each category, etc.), the
    hypothesis is returned as an object of the "AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis"
    class, and you can use its object methods to get information about the
    hypothesis. See its class documentation for the details.


    The "AI::Categorizer::Experiment" class helps you organize the results of
    categorization experiments. As you get lots of categorization results
    (Hypotheses) back from the Learner, you can feed these results to the
    Experiment class, along with the correct answers. When all results have been
    collected, you can get a report on accuracy, precision, recall, F1, and so
    on, with both micro-averaging and macro-averaging over categories. We use
    the "Statistics::Contingency" module from CPAN to manage the calculations.
    See the docs for "AI::Categorizer::Experiment" for more details.

        Creates a new Categorizer object and returns it. Accepts lots of
        parameters controlling behavior. In addition to the parameters listed
        here, you may pass any parameter accepted by any class that we create
        internally (the KnowledgeSet, Learner, Experiment, or Collection
        classes), or any class that *they* create. This is managed by the
        "Class::Container" module, so see its documentation for the details of
        how this works.

        The specific parameters accepted here are:

            A string that indicates a place where objects will be saved during
            several of the methods of this class. The default value is the
            string "save", which means files like "save-01-knowledge_set" will
            get created. The exact names of these files may change in future
            releases, since they're just used internally to resume where we last
            left off.

            If true, a few status messages will be printed during execution.

            Specifies the "path" parameter that will be fed to the
            KnowledgeSet's "scan_features()" and "read()" methods during our
            "scan_features()" and "read_training_set()" methods.

            Specifies the "path" parameter that will be used when creating a
            Collection during the "evaluate_test_set()" method.

            A shortcut for setting the "training_set", "test_set", and
            "category_file" parameters separately. Sets "training_set" to
            "$data_root/training", "test_set" to "$data_root/test", and
            "category_file" (used by some of the Collection classes) to

        Returns the Learner object associated with this Categorizer. Before
        "train()", the Learner will of course not be trained yet.

        Returns the KnowledgeSet object associated with this Categorizer. If
        "read_training_set()" has not yet been called, the KnowledgeSet will not
        yet be populated with any training data.

        Runs a complete experiment on the training and testing data, reporting
        the results on "STDOUT". Internally, this is just a shortcut for calling
        the "scan_features()", "read_training_set()", "train()", and
        "evaluate_test_set()" methods, then printing the value of the
        "stats_table()" method.

        Scans the Collection specified in the "test_set" parameter to determine
        the set of features (words) that will be considered when training the
        Learner. Internally, this calls the "scan_features()" method of the
        KnowledgeSet, then saves a list of the KnowledgeSet's features for later

        This step is not strictly necessary, but it can dramatically reduce
        memory requirements if you scan for features before reading the entire
        corpus into memory.

        Populates the KnowledgeSet with the data specified in the "test_set"
        parameter. Internally, this calls the "read()" method of the
        KnowledgeSet. Returns the KnowledgeSet. Also saves the KnowledgeSet
        object for later use.

        Calls the Learner's "train()" method, passing it the KnowledgeSet
        created during "read_training_set()". Returns the Learner object. Also
        saves the Learner object for later use.

        Creates a Collection based on the value of the "test_set" parameter, and
        calls the Learner's "categorize_collection()" method using this
        Collection. Returns the resultant Experiment object. Also saves the
        Experiment object for later use in the "stats_table()" method.

        Returns the value of the Experiment's (as created by
        "evaluate_test_set()") "stats_table()" method. This is a string that
        shows various statistics about the accuracy/precision/recall/F1/etc. of
        the assignments made during testing.

    This module is a revised and redesigned version of the previous
    "AI::Categorize" module by the same author. Note the added 'r' in the new
    name. The older module has a different interface, and no attempt at backward
    compatibility has been made - that's why I changed the name.

    You can have both "AI::Categorize" and "AI::Categorizer" installed at the
    same time on the same machine, if you want. They don't know about each other
    or use conflicting namespaces.

    Ken Williams <>

    Discussion about this module can be directed to the perl-AI list at
    <>. For more info about the list, see

    An excellent introduction to the academic field of Text Categorization is
    Fabrizio Sebastiani's "Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization":
    ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 34, No. 1, March 2002, pp. 1-47.

    Copyright 2000-2003 Ken Williams. All rights reserved.

    This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself. These terms apply to every file in the
    distribution - if you have questions, please contact the author.

eg/categorizer  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer;
use Benchmark;
my $HAVE_YAML = eval "use YAML; 1";

my ($opt, $do_stage, $outfile) = parse_command_line(@ARGV);
@ARGV = grep !/^-\d$/, @ARGV;

my $c = eval {new AI::Categorizer(%$opt)};
if ($@ and $@ =~ /^The following parameter/) {
  die "$@\nPlease see the AI::Categorizer documentation for a description of parameters accepted.\n";
die $@ if $@;

%$do_stage = map {$_, 1} 1..5 unless keys %$do_stage;

my $out_fh;
if ($outfile) {
  open $out_fh, ">> $outfile" or die "Can't create $outfile: $!";
  select((select($out_fh), $|=1)[0]);
  if (keys(%$do_stage) > 1) {
    print $out_fh "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", scalar(localtime), "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
    if ($HAVE_YAML) {
      print {$out_fh} YAML::Dump($c->dump_parameters);
    } else {
      warn "More detailed parameter dumping is available if you install the YAML module from CPAN.\n";

run_section('scan_features',     1, $do_stage);
run_section('read_training_set', 2, $do_stage);
run_section('train',             3, $do_stage);
run_section('evaluate_test_set', 4, $do_stage);
if ($do_stage->{5}) {
  my $result = $c->stats_table;
  print $result if $c->verbose;
  print $out_fh $result if $out_fh;

sub run_section {
  my ($section, $stage, $do_stage) = @_;
  return unless $do_stage->{$stage};
  if (keys %$do_stage > 1) {
    print " % $0 @ARGV -$stage\n" if $c->verbose;
    die "$0 is not executable, please change its execution permissions"
      unless -x $0;
    system($0, @ARGV, "-$stage") == 0
      or die "$0 returned nonzero status, \$?=$?";
  my $start = new Benchmark;
  my $end = new Benchmark;
  my $summary = timestr(timediff($end, $start));
  my ($rss, $vsz) = memory_usage();
  print "$summary (memory: rss=$rss, vsz=$vsz)\n" if $c->verbose;
  print $out_fh "Stage $stage: $summary (memory: rss=$rss, vsz=$vsz)\n" if $out_fh;

sub parse_command_line {
  my (%opt, %do_stage);

  while (@_) {
    if ($_[0] =~ /^-(\d+)$/) {
      $do_stage{$1} = 1;
    } elsif ( $_[0] eq '--config_file' ) {
      die "--config_file requires the YAML module from CPAN to be installed.\n" unless $HAVE_YAML;
      my $file = shift;
      my $href = YAML::LoadFile($file);
      @opt{keys %$href} = values %$href;
    } elsif ( $_[0] =~ /^--/ ) {
      my ($k, $v) = (shift, shift);
      $k =~ s/^--//;
      $opt{$k} = $v;
    } else {
      die usage();

  while (my ($k, $v) = each %opt) {
    # Allow abbreviations
    if ($k =~ /^(\w+)_class$/) {
      my $name = $1;
      $v =~ s/^::/AI::Categorizer::\u${name}::/;
      $opt{$k} = $v;

  my $outfile;
  unless ($outfile = delete $opt{outfile}) {
    $outfile = $opt{progress_file} ? "$opt{progress_file}-results.txt" : "results.txt";

  return (\%opt, \%do_stage, $outfile);

sub usage {
  return <<EOF;

  $0 --parameter_1 <value_1> --parameter_2 <value_2>
      # You may specify a YAML config file as follows:
  $0 --config_file <path> --parameter_3 <value_3>
      # Or, to run only step 3 (of 5)
  $0 --config_file <path> -3

 --parameter_1, --parameter_2, etc. are parameters accepted by
 AI::Categorizer objects' new() methods.


sub memory_usage {
  my ($rss, $vsz);
  if ($^O eq 'darwin' or $^O eq 'linux') {
    ($rss, $vsz) = `ps -eo rss,vsz -p $$` =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/;
  } elsif ($^O eq 'solaris') {
    ($rss, $vsz) = `ps -o rss,vsz -p $$` =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/;
  } else {
    warn "Unknown system, can't get memory usage";
  return ($rss, $vsz);

eg/  view on Meta::CPAN

# documents, trains a Naive Bayes categorizer on it, then tests the
# categorizer on a set of test documents.

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer;
use AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files;
use AI::Categorizer::Learner::NaiveBayes;
use File::Spec;

die("Usage: $0 <corpus>\n".
    "  A sample corpus (data set) can be downloaded from\n".
    "  or\n")
  unless @ARGV == 1;

my $corpus = shift;

my $training  = File::Spec->catfile( $corpus, 'training' );
my $test      = File::Spec->catfile( $corpus, 'test' );
my $cats      = File::Spec->catfile( $corpus, 'cats.txt' );
my $stopwords = File::Spec->catfile( $corpus, 'stopwords' );

my %params;
if (-e $stopwords) {
  $params{stopword_file} = $stopwords;
} else {
  warn "$stopwords not found - no stopwords will be used.\n";

if (-e $cats) {
  $params{category_file} = $cats;
} else {
  die "$cats not found - can't proceed without category information.\n";

# In a real-world application these Collection objects could be of any
# type (any Collection subclass).  Or you could create each Document
# object manually.  Or you could let the KnowledgeSet create the
# Collection objects for you.

$training = AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files->new( path => $training, %params );
$test     = AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files->new( path => $test, %params );

lib/AI/  view on Meta::CPAN

use File::Spec;
use AI::Categorizer::Learner;
use AI::Categorizer::Document;
use AI::Categorizer::Category;
use AI::Categorizer::Collection;
use AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis;
use AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet;

   progress_file => { type => SCALAR, default => 'save' },
   knowledge_set => { isa => 'AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet' },
   learner       => { isa => 'AI::Categorizer::Learner' },
   verbose       => { type => BOOLEAN, default => 0 },
   training_set  => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
   test_set      => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
   data_root     => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },

   knowledge_set => { class => 'AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet' },
   learner       => { class => 'AI::Categorizer::Learner::NaiveBayes' },
   experiment    => { class => 'AI::Categorizer::Experiment',
		      delayed => 1 },
   collection    => { class => 'AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files',
		      delayed => 1 },

sub new {
  my $package = shift;
  my %args = @_;
  my %defaults;
  if (exists $args{data_root}) {
    $defaults{training_set} = File::Spec->catfile($args{data_root}, 'training');
    $defaults{test_set} = File::Spec->catfile($args{data_root}, 'test');
    $defaults{category_file} = File::Spec->catfile($args{data_root}, 'cats.txt');
    delete $args{data_root};

  return $package->SUPER::new(%defaults, %args);

#sub dump_parameters {
#  my $p = shift()->SUPER::dump_parameters;
#  delete $p->{stopwords} if $p->{stopword_file};
#  return $p;

sub knowledge_set { shift->{knowledge_set} }
sub learner       { shift->{learner} }

# Combines several methods in one sub
sub run_experiment {
  my $self = shift;
  print $self->stats_table;

sub scan_features {
  my $self = shift;
  return unless $self->knowledge_set->scan_first;
  $self->knowledge_set->scan_features( path => $self->{training_set} );
  $self->knowledge_set->save_features( "$self->{progress_file}-01-features" );

sub read_training_set {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->knowledge_set->restore_features( "$self->{progress_file}-01-features" )
    if -e "$self->{progress_file}-01-features";
  $self->knowledge_set->read( path => $self->{training_set} );
  $self->_save_progress( '02', 'knowledge_set' );
  return $self->knowledge_set;

sub train {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->_load_progress( '02', 'knowledge_set' );
  $self->learner->train( knowledge_set => $self->{knowledge_set} );
  $self->_save_progress( '03', 'learner' );
  return $self->learner;

sub evaluate_test_set {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->_load_progress( '03', 'learner' );
  my $c = $self->create_delayed_object('collection', path => $self->{test_set} );
  $self->{experiment} = $self->learner->categorize_collection( collection => $c );
  $self->_save_progress( '04', 'experiment' );
  return $self->{experiment};

sub stats_table {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->_load_progress( '04', 'experiment' );
  return $self->{experiment}->stats_table;

sub progress_file {

sub verbose {

sub _save_progress {
  my ($self, $stage, $node) = @_;
  return unless $self->{progress_file};
  my $file = "$self->{progress_file}-$stage-$node";
  warn "Saving to $file\n" if $self->{verbose};

sub _load_progress {
  my ($self, $stage, $node) = @_;
  return unless $self->{progress_file};
  my $file = "$self->{progress_file}-$stage-$node";
  warn "Loading $file\n" if $self->{verbose};
  $self->{$node} = $self->contained_class($node)->restore_state($file);


=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer - Automatic Text Categorization


 use AI::Categorizer;
 my $c = new AI::Categorizer(...parameters...);
 # Run a complete experiment - training on a corpus, testing on a test
 # set, printing a summary of results to STDOUT
 # Or, run the parts of $c->run_experiment separately
 print $c->stats_table;
 # After training, use the Learner for categorization
 my $l = $c->learner;
 while (...) {
   my $d = ...create a document...
   my $hypothesis = $l->categorize($d);  # An AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis object
   print "Assigned categories: ", join ', ', $hypothesis->categories, "\n";
   print "Best category: ", $hypothesis->best_category, "\n";

C<AI::Categorizer> is a framework for automatic text categorization.
It consists of a collection of Perl modules that implement common
categorization tasks, and a set of defined relationships among those
modules.  The various details are flexible - for example, you can
choose what categorization algorithm to use, what features (words or
otherwise) of the documents should be used (or how to automatically
choose these features), what format the documents are in, and so on.

lib/AI/Categorizer/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet;
use Class::Container;
use base qw(Class::Container);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);
use AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector;

   name => {type => SCALAR, public => 0},
   documents  => {
		  type => ARRAYREF,
		  default => [],
		  callbacks => { 'all are Document objects' => 
				 sub { ! grep !UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'AI::Categorizer::Document'), @_ },
		  public => 0,

   features => {
		class => 'AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector',
		delayed => 1,

my %REGISTRY = ();

sub new {
  my $self = shift()->SUPER::new(@_);
  $self->{documents} = new AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet( @{$self->{documents}} );
  $REGISTRY{$self->{name}} = $self;
  return $self;

sub by_name {
  my ($class, %args) = @_;
  return $REGISTRY{$args{name}} if exists $REGISTRY{$args{name}};
  return $class->new(%args);

sub name { $_[0]->{name} }

sub documents {
  my $d = $_[0]->{documents};
  return wantarray ? $d->members : $d->size;

sub contains_document {
  return $_[0]->{documents}->includes( $_[1] );

sub add_document {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{documents}->insert( $_[0] );
  delete $self->{features};  # Could be more efficient?

sub features {
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_) {
    $self->{features} = shift;
  return $self->{features} if $self->{features};

  my $v = $self->create_delayed_object('features');
  return $self->{features} = $v unless $self->documents;

  foreach my $document ($self->documents) {
    $v->add( $document->features );
  return $self->{features} = $v;


=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::Category - A named category of documents


  my $category = AI::Categorizer::Category->by_name("sports");
  my $name = $category->name;
  my @docs = $category->documents;
  my $num_docs = $category->documents;
  my $features = $category->features;
  if ($category->contains_document($doc)) { ...


This simple class represents a named category which may contain zero
or more documents.  Each category is a "singleton" by name, so two
Category objects with the same name should not be created at once.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

lib/AI/Categorizer/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::Collection;
use strict;

use Params::Validate qw(:types);
use Class::Container;
use base qw(Class::Container);
   verbose => {type => SCALAR, default => 0},
   stopword_file => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
   category_hash => { type => HASHREF, default => {} },
   category_file => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },

   document => { class => 'AI::Categorizer::Document::Text',
		 delayed => 1 },

sub new {
  my ($class, %args) = @_;
  # Optimize so every document doesn't have to convert the stopword list to a hash
  if ($args{stopwords} and UNIVERSAL::isa($args{stopwords}, 'ARRAY')) {
    $args{stopwords} = { map {+$_ => 1} @{ $args{stopwords} } };
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args);

  if ($self->{category_file}) {
    local *FH;
    open FH, $self->{category_file} or die "Can't open $self->{category_file}: $!";
    while (<FH>) {
      my ($doc, @cats) = split;
      $self->{category_hash}{$doc} = \@cats;
    close FH;
  if (exists $self->{stopword_file}) {
    my %stopwords;
    local *FH;
    open FH, "< $self->{stopword_file}" or die "$self->{stopword_file}: $!";
    while (<FH>) {
      $stopwords{$_} = 1;
    close FH;

    $self->delayed_object_params('document', stopwords => \%stopwords);

  return $self;

# This should usually be replaced in subclasses with a faster version that doesn't
# need to create actual documents each time through
sub count_documents {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{document_count} if exists $self->{document_count};

  my $count = 0;
  $count++ while $self->next;

  return $self->{document_count} = $count;

# Abstract methods
sub next;
sub rewind;


=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::Collection - Access stored documents


  my $c = new AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files
    (path => '/tmp/docs/training',
     category_file => '/tmp/docs/cats.txt');
  print "Total number of docs: ", $c->count_documents, "\n";
  while (my $document = $c->next) {
  $c->rewind; # For further operations

This abstract class implements an iterator for accessing documents in
their natively stored format.  You cannot directly create an instance
of the Collection class, because it is abstract - see the
documentation for the C<Files>, C<SingleFile>, or C<InMemory>
subclasses for a concrete interface.

=head1 METHODS

lib/AI/Categorizer/Collection/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::Collection::DBI;
use strict;

use DBI;
use AI::Categorizer::Collection;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::Collection);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);

   connection_string => {type => SCALAR, default => undef},
   dbh => {isa => 'DBI::db', default => undef},
   select_statement => {type => SCALAR, default => "SELECT text FROM documents"},

   document => { class => 'AI::Categorizer::Document',
		 delayed => 1 },

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
  die "Must provide 'dbh' or 'connection_string' arguments"
    unless $self->{dbh} or $self->{connection_string};
  unless ($self->{dbh}) {
    $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect($self->{connection_string}, '', '', {RaiseError => 1})
      or die DBI->errstr;
    delete $self->{connection_string};
  return $self;

sub dbh { shift()->{dbh} }

sub rewind {
  my $self = shift;
  if (!$self->{sth}) {
    $self->{sth} = $self->dbh->prepare($self->{select_statement});

  if ($self->{sth}{Active}) {


sub next {
  my $self = shift;

  my @result = $self->{sth}->fetchrow_array;
  return undef unless @result;
  return $self->create_delayed_object('document',
				      name => $result[0],
				      categories => [$result[1]],
				      content => $result[2],


lib/AI/Categorizer/Collection/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files;
use strict;

use AI::Categorizer::Collection;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::Collection);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);
use File::Spec;

   path => { type => SCALAR|ARRAYREF },
   recurse => { type => BOOLEAN, default => 0 },

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
  $self->{dir_fh} = do {local *FH; *FH};  # double *FH avoids a warning

  # Documents are contained in a directory, or list of directories
  $self->{path} = [$self->{path}] unless ref $self->{path};
  $self->{used} = [];

  return $self;

sub _next_path {
  my $self = shift;
  closedir $self->{dir_fh} if $self->{cur_dir};

  $self->{cur_dir} = shift @{$self->{path}};
  push @{$self->{used}}, $self->{cur_dir};
  opendir $self->{dir_fh}, $self->{cur_dir} or die "$self->{cur_dir}: $!";

sub next {
  my $self = shift;
  my $file = $self->_read_file;
  return unless defined $file;
  warn "No category information about '$file'" unless defined $self->{category_hash}{$file};
  my @cats = map AI::Categorizer::Category->by_name(name => $_), @{ $self->{category_hash}{$file} || [] };

  return $self->call_method('document', 'read', 
			    path => File::Spec->catfile($self->{cur_dir}, $file),
			    name => $file,
			    categories => \@cats,

sub _read_file {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $file = readdir $self->{dir_fh};

  if (!defined $file) { # Directory has been exhausted
    return undef unless @{$self->{path}};
    return $self->_read_file;
  } elsif ($file eq '.' or $file eq '..') {
    return $self->_read_file;
  } elsif (-d (my $path = File::Spec->catdir($self->{cur_dir}, $file))) {
    push @{$self->{path}}, $path  # Add for later processing
      if $self->{recurse} and !grep {$_ eq $path} @{$self->{path}}, @{$self->{used}};
    return $self->_read_file;
  return $file;

sub rewind {
  my $self = shift;
  push @{$self->{path}}, @{$self->{used}};
  @{$self->{used}} = ();

# This should share an iterator with next()
sub count_documents {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{document_count} if defined $self->{document_count};
    my $count = 0;
    $count++ while defined $self->_read_file;

    return $self->{document_count} = $count;


=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files - One document per file


  my $c = new AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files
    (path => '/tmp/docs/training',
     category_file => '/tmp/docs/cats.txt');
  print "Total number of docs: ", $c->count_documents, "\n";
  while (my $document = $c->next) {
  $c->rewind; # For further operations

This implements a Collection class in which each document exists as a
single file on a filesystem.  The documents can exist in a single
directory, or in several directories.

=head1 METHODS

This is a subclass of the abstract AI::Categorizer::Collection class,
so any methods mentioned in its documentation are available here.

lib/AI/Categorizer/Collection/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::Collection::InMemory;
use strict;

use AI::Categorizer::Collection;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::Collection);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);

   data => { type => HASHREF },

sub new {
  my $self = shift()->SUPER::new(@_);
  while (my ($name, $params) = each %{$self->{data}}) {
    foreach (@{$params->{categories}}) {
      next if ref $_;
      $_ = AI::Categorizer::Category->by_name(name => $_);

  return $self;

sub next {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($name, $params) = each %{$self->{data}} or return;
  return AI::Categorizer::Document->new(name => $name, %$params);

sub rewind {
  my $self = shift;
  scalar keys %{$self->{data}};

sub count_documents {
  my $self = shift;
  return scalar keys %{$self->{data}};


lib/AI/Categorizer/Collection/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::Collection::SingleFile;
use strict;

use AI::Categorizer::Collection;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::Collection);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);

   path => { type => SCALAR|ARRAYREF },
   categories => { type => HASHREF|UNDEF, default => undef },
   delimiter => { type => SCALAR },

   document => { class => 'AI::Categorizer::Document::Text',
		 delayed => 1 },

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
  $self->{fh} = do {local *FH; *FH};  # double *FH avoids a warning

  # Documents are contained in a file, or list of files
  $self->{path} = [$self->{path}] unless ref $self->{path};
  $self->{used} = [];

  return $self;

sub _next_path {
  my $self = shift;
  close $self->{fh} if $self->{cur_file};

  push @{$self->{used}}, shift @{$self->{path}};
  $self->{cur_file} = $self->{used}[-1];
  open $self->{fh}, "< $self->{cur_file}" or die "$self->{cur_file}: $!";

sub next {
  my $self = shift;

  my $fh = $self->{fh}; # Must put in a simple scalar
  my $content = do {local $/ = $self->{delimiter}; <$fh>};

  if (!defined $content) { # File has been exhausted
    unless (@{$self->{path}}) { # All files have been exhausted
      $self->{fh} = undef;
      return undef;
    return $self->next;
  } elsif ($content =~ /^\s*$self->{delimiter}$/) { # Skip empty docs
    return $self->next;
#warn "doc is $content";
#warn "creating document=>@{[ %{$self->{container}{delayed}{document}} ]}";

  return $self->create_delayed_object('document', content => $content);

sub count_documents {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{document_count} if defined $self->{document_count};

  my $count = 0;
  local $/ = $self->{delimiter};
  my $fh = $self->{fh};
  while (1) {
    $count++ while <$fh>;
    last unless @{$self->{path}};

  return $self->{document_count} = $count;

sub rewind {
  my ($self) = @_;

  close $self->{fh} if $self->{cur_file};
  unshift @{$self->{path}}, @{$self->{used}};
  $self->{used} = [];


lib/AI/Categorizer/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use Class::Container;
use base qw(Class::Container);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);
use AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet;
use AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector;

   name       => {
		  type => SCALAR, 
   categories => {
		  type => ARRAYREF,
		  default => [],
		  callbacks => { 'all are Category objects' => 
				 sub { ! grep !UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'AI::Categorizer::Category'), @{$_[0]} },
		  public => 0,
   stopwords => {
		 default => {},
   content   => {
		 type => HASHREF|SCALAR,
		 default => undef,
   parse => {
	     type => SCALAR,
	     optional => 1,
   parse_handle => {
		    type => HANDLE,
		    optional => 1,
   features => {
		isa => 'AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector',
		optional => 1,
   content_weights => {
		       type => HASHREF,
		       default => {},
   front_bias => {
		  type => SCALAR,
		  default => 0,
   use_features => {
		    type => HASHREF|UNDEF,
		    default => undef,
   stemming => {
		type => SCALAR|UNDEF,
		optional => 1,
   stopword_behavior => {
			 type => SCALAR,
			 default => "stem",

   features => { delayed => 1,
		 class => 'AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector' },

### Constructors

my $NAME = 'a';

sub new {
  my $pkg = shift;
  my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(name => $NAME++,  # Use a default name

  # Get efficient internal data structures
  $self->{categories} = new AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet( @{$self->{categories}} );

  # A few different ways for the caller to initialize the content
  if (exists $self->{parse}) {
    $self->parse(content => delete $self->{parse});
  } elsif (exists $self->{parse_handle}) {
    $self->parse_handle(handle => delete $self->{parse_handle});
  } elsif (defined $self->{content}) {
    # Allow a simple string as the content
    $self->{content} = { body => $self->{content} } unless ref $self->{content};
  $self->finish if $self->{content};
  return $self;

sub _fix_stopwords {
  my $self = shift;
  # Convert to hash
  $self->{stopwords} = { map {($_ => 1)} @{ $self->{stopwords} } }
    if UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{stopwords}, 'ARRAY');
  my $s = $self->{stopwords};

  # May need to perform stemming on the stopwords
  return unless keys %$s; # No point in doing anything if there are no stopwords
  return unless $self->{stopword_behavior} eq 'stem';
  return if !defined($self->{stemming}) or $self->{stemming} eq 'none';
  return if $s->{___stemmed};
  my @keys = keys %$s;
  %$s = ();
  $s->{$_} = 1 foreach @keys;
  # This flag is attached to the stopword structure itself so that
  # other documents will notice it.
  $s->{___stemmed} = 1;

sub finish {
  my $self = shift;
  # Now we're done with all the content stuff
  delete @{$self}{'content', 'content_weights', 'stopwords', 'use_features'};

# Parse a document format - a virtual method
sub parse;

sub parse_handle {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $fh = $args{handle} or die "No 'handle' argument given to parse_handle()";
  return $self->parse( content => join '', <$fh> );

### Accessors

sub name { $_[0]->{name} }
sub stopword_behavior { $_[0]->{stopword_behavior} }

sub features {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{features} = shift;
  return $self->{features};

sub categories {
  my $c = $_[0]->{categories};
  return wantarray ? $c->members : $c->size;

### Workers

sub create_feature_vector {
  my $self = shift;
  my $content = $self->{content};
  my $weights = $self->{content_weights};

  die "'stopword_behavior' must be one of 'stem', 'no_stem', or 'pre_stemmed'"
    unless $self->{stopword_behavior} =~ /^stem|no_stem|pre_stemmed$/;

  $self->{features} = $self->create_delayed_object('features');
  while (my ($name, $data) = each %$content) {
    my $t = $self->tokenize($data);
    $t = $self->_filter_tokens($t) if $self->{stopword_behavior} eq 'no_stem';
    $t = $self->_filter_tokens($t) if $self->{stopword_behavior} =~ /^stem|pre_stemmed$/;
    my $h = $self->vectorize(tokens => $t, weight => exists($weights->{$name}) ? $weights->{$name} : 1 );

sub is_in_category {
  return (ref $_[1]
	  ? $_[0]->{categories}->includes( $_[1] )
	  : $_[0]->{categories}->includes_name( $_[1] ));

sub tokenize {
  my $self = shift;
  my @tokens;
  while ($_[0] =~ /([-\w]+)/g) {
    my $word = lc $1;
    next unless $word =~ /[a-z]/;
    $word =~ s/^[^a-z]+//;  # Trim leading non-alpha characters (helps with ordinals)
    push @tokens, $word;
  return \@tokens;

sub stem_words {
  my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
  return unless $self->{stemming};
  return if $self->{stemming} eq 'none';
  die "Unknown stemming option '$self->{stemming}' - options are 'porter' or 'none'"
    unless $self->{stemming} eq 'porter';
  eval {require Lingua::Stem; 1}
    or die "Porter stemming requires the Lingua::Stem module, available from CPAN.\n";

  @$tokens = @{ Lingua::Stem::stem(@$tokens) };

sub _filter_tokens {
  my ($self, $tokens_in) = @_;

  if ($self->{use_features}) {
    my $f = $self->{use_features}->as_hash;
    return [ grep  exists($f->{$_}), @$tokens_in ];
  } elsif ($self->{stopwords} and keys %{$self->{stopwords}}) {
    my $s = $self->{stopwords};
    return [ grep !exists($s->{$_}), @$tokens_in ];
  return $tokens_in;

sub _weigh_tokens {
  my ($self, $tokens, $weight) = @_;

  my %counts;
  if (my $b = 0+$self->{front_bias}) {
    die "'front_bias' value must be between -1 and 1"
      unless -1 < $b and $b < 1;
    my $n = @$tokens;
    my $r = ($b-1)**2 / ($b+1);
    my $mult = $weight * log($r)/($r-1);
    my $i = 0;
    foreach my $feature (@$tokens) {
      $counts{$feature} += $mult * $r**($i/$n);
  } else {
    foreach my $feature (@$tokens) {
      $counts{$feature} += $weight;

  return \%counts;

sub vectorize {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  if ($self->{stem_stopwords}) {
    my $s = $self->stem_tokens([keys %{$self->{stopwords}}]);
    $self->{stopwords} = { map {+$_, 1} @$s };
    $args{tokens} = $self->_filter_tokens($args{tokens});
  return $self->_weigh_tokens($args{tokens}, $args{weight});

sub read {
  my ($class, %args) = @_;
  my $path = delete $args{path} or die "Must specify 'path' argument to read()";
  my $self = $class->new(%args);
  open my($fh), "< $path" or die "$path: $!";
  $self->parse_handle(handle => $fh);
  close $fh;
  return $self;

sub dump_features {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $path = $args{path} or die "No 'path' argument given to dump_features()";
  open my($fh), "> $path" or die "Can't create $path: $!";
  my $f = $self->features->as_hash;
  while (my ($k, $v) = each %$f) {
    print $fh "$k\t$v\n";



=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::Document - Embodies a document


 use AI::Categorizer::Document;
 # Simplest way to create a document:
 my $d = new AI::Categorizer::Document(name => $string,
                                       content => $string);
 # Other parameters are accepted:
 my $d = new AI::Categorizer::Document(name => $string,
                                       categories => \@category_objects,
                                       content => { subject => $string,
                                                    body => $string2, ... },
                                       content_weights => { subject => 3,
                                                            body => 1, ... },
                                       stopwords => \%skip_these_words,
                                       stemming => $string,
                                       front_bias => $float,
                                       use_features => $feature_vector,
 # Specify explicit feature vector:
 my $d = new AI::Categorizer::Document(name => $string);
 $d->features( $feature_vector );
 # Now pass the document to a categorization algorithm:
 my $learner = AI::Categorizer::Learner::NaiveBayes->restore_state($path);
 my $hypothesis = $learner->categorize($document);


The Document class embodies the data in a single document, and
contains methods for turning this data into a FeatureVector.  Usually
documents are plain text, but subclasses of the Document class may
handle any kind of data.

=head1 METHODS

lib/AI/Categorizer/Document/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::Document::SMART;

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer::Document;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::Document);

sub parse {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  $args{content} =~ s{
		   ^(?:\.I)?\s+(\d+)\n  # ID number - becomes document name
		   ([^\n]+)\n     # Categories
		   (.+)\n+        # Title
     or die "Malformed record: $args{content}";
  my ($id, $categories, $title) = ($1, $2, $3);

  $self->{name} = $id;
  $self->{content} = { title => $title,
		       body  => $args{content} };

  my @categories = $categories =~ m/(.*?)\s+\d+[\s;]*/g;
  @categories = map AI::Categorizer::Category->by_name(name => $_), @categories;
  $self->{categories} = \@categories;


lib/AI/Categorizer/Document/  view on Meta::CPAN

use AI::Categorizer::Document;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::Document);

#use Params::Validate qw(:types);
#use AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet;
#use AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector;

### Constructors

sub parse {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  $self->{content} = { body => $args{content} };


lib/AI/Categorizer/Document/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::Document::XML;

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer::Document;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::Document);
use XML::SAX;

   xml_handler => 'AI::Categorizer::Document::XML::Handler',

### Constructors

sub parse {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;

  # it is a string which contains the content of XML
  my $body= $args{content};			

  # it is a hash which includes a pair of <elementName, weight>
  my $elementWeight= $args{elementWeight};	

  # construct Handler which receive event of element, data, comment, processing_instruction
  # And convert their values into a sequence  of string and save it into buffer
  my $xmlHandler = $self->create_contained_object('xml_handler', weights => $elementWeight);

  # construct parser
  my $xmlParser= XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser(Handler => $xmlHandler);

  # let's start parsing XML, where the methids of Handler will be called

  # extract the converted string from Handler
  $body= $xmlHandler->getContent;

  # Now, construct Document Object and return it
  return { body => $body };

package AI::Categorizer::Document::XML::Handler;
use strict;
use base qw(XML::SAX::Base);

# Input: a hash which is weights of elements
# Output: object of this class
# Description: this is constructor
sub new{
  my ($class, %args) = @_;

  # call super class such as XML::SAX::Base
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new;

  # save weights of elements which is a hash for pairs <elementName, weight>
  # weight is times duplication of corresponding element
  # It is provided by caller(one of parameters) at construction, and
  # we must save it in order to use doing duplication at end_element
  $self->{weightHash} = $args{weights};

  # It is storage to store the data produced by Text, CDataSection and etc.
  $self->{content} = '';

  # This array is used to store the data for every element from root to the current visiting element.
  # Thus, data of 0~($levelPointer-1)th in the array is only valid.
  # The array which store the starting location(index) of the content for an element, 
  # From it, we can know all the data produced by an element at the end_element
  # It is needed at the duplication of the data produced by the specific element
  $self->{locationArray} = [];

  return $self;
# Input: None
# Output: None
# Description:
# 	it is called whenever the parser meets the document
# 	it will be called at once
#	Currently, confirm if the content buffer is an empty
sub start_document{
  my ($self, $doc)= @_;

  # The level(depth) of the last called element in XML tree
  # Calling of start_element is the preorder of the tree traversal.
  # The level is the level of current visiting element in tree.
  # the first element is 0-level
  $self->{levelPointer} = 0;

  # all data will be saved into here, initially, it is an empty
  $self->{content} = "";


# Input: None
# Output: None
# Description:
# 	it is called whenever the parser ends the document
# 	it will be called at once
#	Nothing to do
sub end_document{
  my ($self, $doc)= @_;


# Input
#	LocalName: 	$el->{LocalName}
#	NamespaceURI: 	$el->{NamespaceURI}
#	Name		$el->{Name}
#	Prefix		$el->{Prefix}
#	Attributes	$el->{Attributes}
#	for each attribute
#		LocalName: 	$el->{LocalName}
#		NamespaceURI: 	$el->{NamespaceURI}
#		Name		$el->{Name}
#		Prefix		$el->{Prefix}
#		Value		$el->{Value}
# Output: None
# Description:
# 	it is called whenever the parser meets the element
sub start_element{
  my ($self, $el)= @_;

  # find the last location of the content
  # its meaning is to append the new data at this location
  my $location= length $self->{content};

  # save the last location of the current content
  # so that at end_element the starting location of data of this element can be known
  $self->{locationArray}[$self->{levelPointer}] = $location;

  # for the next element, increase levelPointer


# Input: None
# Output: None
# Description:
# 	it is called whenever the parser ends the element
sub end_element{
  my ($self, $el)= @_;

  my $location= $self->{locationArray}[$self->{levelPointer}];

  # find the name of element
  my $elementName= $el->{Name};

  # set the default weight
  my $weight= 1;

  # check if user give the weight to duplicate data
  $weight= $self->{weightHash}{$elementName} if exists $self->{weightHash}{$elementName};

  # 0 - remove all the data to be related to this element
  if($weight == 0){
    $self->{content} = substr($self->{content}, 0, $location);

  # 1 - dont duplicate
  if($weight == 1){
  # n - duplicate data by n times
  # get new content
  my $newContent= substr($self->{content}, $location);

  # start to copy
  for(my $i=1; $i<$weight;$i++){
    $self->{content} .= $newContent;


# Input: a hash which consists of pair <Data, Value>
# Output: None
# Description:
# 	it is called whenever the parser meets the text which comes from Text, CDataSection and etc
#	Value must be saved into content buffer.
sub characters{
  my ($self, $args)= @_;

  # save "data plus new line" into content
  $self->{content} .= "$args->{Data}\n";
# Input: a hash which consists of pair <Data, Value>
# Output: None
# Description:
# 	it is called whenever the parser meets the comment
#	Currently, it will be ignored
sub comment{
  my ($self, $args)= @_;

# Input: a hash which consists of pair <Data, Value> and <Target, Value>
# Output: None
# Description:
# 	it is called whenever the parser meets the processing_instructing
#	Currently, it will be ignored
sub processing_instruction{
  my ($self, $args)= @_;

# Input: None
# Output: the converted data, that is, content
# Description:
# 	return the content
sub getContent{
  my ($self)= @_;
  return $self->{content};


lib/AI/Categorizer/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use Class::Container;
use AI::Categorizer::Storable;
use Statistics::Contingency;

use base qw(Class::Container AI::Categorizer::Storable Statistics::Contingency);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);
   categories => { type => ARRAYREF|HASHREF },
   sig_figs   => { type => SCALAR, default => 4 },

sub new {
  my $package = shift;
  my $self = $package->Class::Container::new(@_);
  $self->{$_} = 0 foreach qw(a b c d);
  my $c = delete $self->{categories};
  $self->{categories} = { map {($_ => {a=>0, b=>0, c=>0, d=>0})} 
			  UNIVERSAL::isa($c, 'HASH') ? keys(%$c) : @$c
  return $self;

sub add_hypothesis {
  my ($self, $h, $correct, $name) = @_;
  die "No hypothesis given to add_hypothesis()" unless $h;
  $name = $h->document_name unless defined $name;
  $self->add_result([$h->categories], $correct, $name);

sub stats_table {
  my $self = shift;



=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::Experiment - Coordinate experimental results


 use AI::Categorizer::Experiment;
 my $e = new AI::Categorizer::Experiment(categories => \%categories);
 my $l = AI::Categorizer::Learner->restore_state(...path...);
 while (my $d = ... get document ...) {
   my $h = $l->categorize($d); # A Hypothesis
   $e->add_hypothesis($h, [map $_->name, $d->categories]);
 print "Micro F1: ", $e->micro_F1, "\n"; # Access a single statistic
 print $e->stats_table; # Show several stats in table form


The C<AI::Categorizer::Experiment> class helps you organize the
results of categorization experiments.  As you get lots of
categorization results (Hypotheses) back from the Learner, you can
feed these results to the Experiment class, along with the correct
answers.  When all results have been collected, you can get a report
on accuracy, precision, recall, F1, and so on, with both
macro-averaging and micro-averaging over categories.

lib/AI/Categorizer/FeatureSelector/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::CategorySelector;

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);

   features => { class => 'AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector',
		 delayed => 1 },


sub reduction_function;

# figure out the feature set before reading collection (default)

sub scan_features {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $c = $args{collection} or 
    die "No 'collection' parameter provided to scan_features()";

  if(!($self->{features_kept})) {return;}

  my %cat_features;
  my $coll_features = $self->create_delayed_object('features');
  my $nbDocuments = 0;

  while (my $doc = $c->next) {
    $args{prog_bar}->() if $args{prog_bar};
    my $docfeatures = $doc->features->as_hash;
    foreach my $cat ($doc->categories) {
      my $catname = $cat->name;
      if(!(exists $cat_features{$catname})) {
        $cat_features{$catname} = $self->create_delayed_object('features');
    $coll_features->add( $docfeatures );
  print STDERR "\n* Computing Chi-Square values\n" if $self->verbose;

  my $r_features = $self->create_delayed_object('features');
  my @terms = $coll_features->names;
  my $progressBar = $self->prog_bar(scalar @terms);
  my $allFeaturesSum = $coll_features->sum;
  my %cat_features_sum;
  while( my($catname,$features) = each %cat_features ) {
    $cat_features_sum{$catname} = $features->sum;

  foreach my $term (@terms) {
    $r_features->{features}{$term} = $self->reduction_function($term,
  print STDERR "\n" if $self->verbose;
  my $new_features = $self->reduce_features($r_features);
  return $coll_features->intersection( $new_features );

# calculate feature set after reading collection (scan_first=0)

sub rank_features {
  die "CategorySelector->rank_features is not implemented yet!";
#  my ($self, %args) = @_;
#  my $k = $args{knowledge_set} 
#    or die "No knowledge_set parameter provided to rank_features()";
#  my %freq_counts;
#  foreach my $name ($k->features->names) {
#    $freq_counts{$name} = $k->document_frequency($name);
#  }
#  return $self->create_delayed_object('features', features => \%freq_counts);

# copied from KnowledgeSet->prog_bar by Ken Williams

sub prog_bar {
  my ($self, $count) = @_;

  return sub {} unless $self->verbose;
  return sub { print STDERR '.' } unless eval "use Time::Progress; 1";

  my $pb = 'Time::Progress'->new;
  $pb->attr(max => $count);
  my $i = 0;
  return sub {
    return if $i % 25;
    print STDERR $pb->report("%50b %p ($i/$count)\r", $i);


=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::CategorySelector - Abstract Category Selection class


lib/AI/Categorizer/FeatureSelector/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::CategorySelector);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);

# Chi-Square function
# NB: this could probably be optimised a bit...

sub reduction_function {
  my ($self,$term,$N,$allFeaturesSum,
      $coll_features,$cat_features,$cat_features_sum) = @_;
  my $CHI2SUM = 0;
  my $nbcats = 0;
  foreach my $catname (keys %{$cat_features}) {
#  while ( my ($catname,$catfeatures) = each %{$cat_features}) {
    my ($A,$B,$C,$D); # A = number of times where t and c co-occur
                      # B =   "     "   "   t occurs without c
                      # C =   "     "   "   c occurs without t
                      # D =   "     "   "   neither c nor t occur
    $A = $cat_features->{$catname}->value($term);
    $B = $coll_features->value($term) - $A;
    $C = $cat_features_sum->{$catname} - $A;
    $D = $allFeaturesSum - ($A+$B+$C);
    my $ADminCB = ($A*$D)-($C*$B);
    my $CHI2 = $N*$ADminCB*$ADminCB / (($A+$C)*($B+$D)*($A+$B)*($C+$D));
    $CHI2SUM += $CHI2;
  return $CHI2SUM/$nbcats;



=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::ChiSquare - ChiSquare Feature Selection class


 # the recommended way to use this class is to let the KnowledgeSet
 # instanciate it

 use AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSetSMART;
 my $ksetCHI = new AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSetSMART(
   tfidf_notation =>'Categorizer',
   feature_selection=>'chi_square', ...other parameters...); 

 # however it is also possible to pass an instance to the KnowledgeSet

 use AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet;
 use AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::ChiSquare;
 my $ksetCHI = new AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet(
   feature_selector => new ChiSquare(features_kept=>2000,verbose=>1),
   ...other parameters...


Feature selection with the ChiSquare function.

  Chi-Square(t,ci) = (N.(AD-CB)^2)

where t = term
      ci = category i
      N = number of documents in the collection
      A = number of times where t and c co-occur
      B =   "     "   "   t occurs without c
      C =   "     "   "   c occurs without t
      D =   "     "   "   neither c nor t occur

for more details, see :
Yiming Yang, Jan O. Pedersen, A Comparative Study on Feature Selection 
in Text Categorization, in Proceedings of ICML-97, 14th International 
Conference on Machine Learning, 1997.
(available on

=head1 METHODS

=head1 AUTHOR

lib/AI/Categorizer/FeatureSelector/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::DocFrequency;

use strict;
use AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector;
use base qw(AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector);

use Params::Validate qw(:types);
use Carp qw(croak);

   features => { class => 'AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector',
		 delayed => 1 },

# The KnowledgeSet keeps track of document frequency, so just use that.
sub rank_features {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $k = $args{knowledge_set} or die "No knowledge_set parameter provided to rank_features()";
  my %freq_counts;
  foreach my $name ($k->features->names) {
    $freq_counts{$name} = $k->document_frequency($name);
  return $self->create_delayed_object('features', features => \%freq_counts);

sub scan_features {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $c = $args{collection} or die "No 'collection' parameter provided to scan_features()";

  my $doc_freq = $self->create_delayed_object('features');
  while (my $doc = $c->next) {
    $args{prog_bar}->() if $args{prog_bar};
    $doc_freq->add( $doc->features->as_boolean_hash );
  print "\n" if $self->verbose;
  return $self->reduce_features($doc_freq);



=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector - Abstract Feature Selection class




The KnowledgeSet class that provides an interface to a set of
documents, a set of categories, and a mapping between the two.  Many
parameters for controlling the processing of documents are managed by
the KnowledgeSet class.

=head1 METHODS

lib/AI/Categorizer/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector;

sub new {
  my ($package, %args) = @_;
  $args{features} ||= {};
  return bless {features => $args{features}}, $package;

sub names {
  my $self = shift;
  return keys %{$self->{features}};

sub set {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{features} = (ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : {@_});

sub as_hash {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{features};

sub euclidean_length {
  my $self = shift;
  my $f = $self->{features};

  my $total = 0;
  foreach (values %$f) {
    $total += $_**2;
  return sqrt($total);

sub normalize {
  my $self = shift;

  my $length = $self->euclidean_length;
  return $length ? $self->scale(1/$length) : $self;

sub scale {
  my ($self, $scalar) = @_;
  $_ *= $scalar foreach values %{$self->{features}};
  return $self;

sub as_boolean_hash {
  my $self = shift;
  return { map {($_ => 1)} keys %{$self->{features}} };

sub length {
  my $self = shift;
  return scalar keys %{$self->{features}};

sub clone {
  my $self = shift;
  return ref($self)->new( features => { %{$self->{features}} } );

sub intersection {
  my ($self, $other) = @_;
  $other = $other->as_hash if UNIVERSAL::isa($other, __PACKAGE__);

  my $common;
  if (UNIVERSAL::isa($other, 'ARRAY')) {
    $common = {map {exists $self->{features}{$_} ? ($_ => $self->{features}{$_}) : ()} @$other};
  } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($other, 'HASH')) {
    $common = {map {exists $self->{features}{$_} ? ($_ => $self->{features}{$_}) : ()} keys %$other};
  return ref($self)->new( features => $common );

sub add {
  my ($self, $other) = @_;

  $other = $other->as_hash if UNIVERSAL::isa($other, __PACKAGE__);
  while (my ($k,$v) = each %$other) {
    $self->{features}{$k} += $v;

sub dot {
  my ($self, $other) = @_;
  $other = $other->as_hash if UNIVERSAL::isa($other, __PACKAGE__);

  my $sum = 0;
  my $f = $self->{features};
  while (my ($k, $v) = each %$f) {
    $sum += $other->{$k} * $v if exists $other->{$k};
  return $sum;

sub sum {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Return total of values in this vector
  my $total = 0;
  $total += $_ foreach values %{ $self->{features} };
  return $total;

sub includes {
  return exists $_[0]->{features}{$_[1]};

sub value {
  return $_[0]->{features}{$_[1]};

sub values {
  my $self = shift;
  return @{ $self->{features} }{ @_ };


=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector - Features vs. Values


  my $f1 = new AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector
    (features => {howdy => 2, doody => 3});
  my $f2 = new AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector
    (features => {doody => 1, whopper => 2});
  @names = $f1->names;
  $x = $f1->length;
  $x = $f1->sum;
  $x = $f1->includes('howdy');
  $x = $f1->value('howdy');
  $x = $f1->dot($f2);
  $f3 = $f1->clone;
  $f3 = $f1->intersection($f2);
  $f3 = $f1->add($f2);
  $h = $f1->as_hash;
  $h = $f1->as_boolean_hash;


This class implements a "feature vector", which is a flat data
structure indicating the values associated with a set of features.  At
its base level, a FeatureVector usually represents the set of words in
a document, with the value for each feature indicating the number of
times each word appears in the document.  However, the values are
arbitrary so they can represent other quantities as well, and
FeatureVectors may also be combined to represent the features of

lib/AI/Categorizer/  view on Meta::CPAN

package AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis;

use strict;

use Class::Container;
use base qw(Class::Container);
use Params::Validate qw(:types);

   all_categories => {type => ARRAYREF},
   scores => {type => HASHREF},
   threshold => {type => SCALAR},
   document_name => {type => SCALAR, optional => 1},

sub all_categories { @{$_[0]->{all_categories}} }
sub document_name  { $_[0]->{document_name} }
sub threshold      { $_[0]->{threshold} }

sub best_category {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $sc = $self->{scores};
  return unless %$sc;

  my ($best_cat, $best_score) = each %$sc;
  while (my ($key, $val) = each %$sc) {
    ($best_cat, $best_score) = ($key, $val) if $val > $best_score;
  return $best_cat;

sub in_category {
  my ($self, $cat) = @_;
  return '' unless exists $self->{scores}{$cat};
  return $self->{scores}{$cat} > $self->{threshold};

sub categories {
  my $self = shift;
  return @{$self->{cats}} if $self->{cats};
  $self->{cats} = [sort {$self->{scores}{$b} <=> $self->{scores}{$a}}
                   grep {$self->{scores}{$_} >= $self->{threshold}}
                   keys %{$self->{scores}}];
  return @{$self->{cats}};

sub scores {
  my $self = shift;
  return @{$self->{scores}}{@_};



=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis - Embodies a set of category assignments


 use AI::Categorizer::Hypothesis;
 # Hypotheses are usually created by the Learner's categorize() method.
 # (assume here that $learner and $document have been created elsewhere)
 my $h = $learner->categorize($document);
 print "Assigned categories: ", join ', ', $h->categories, "\n";
 print "Best category: ", $h->best_category, "\n";
 print "Assigned scores: ", join ', ', $h->scores( $h->categories ), "\n";
 print "Chosen from: ", join ', ', $h->all_categories, "\n";
 print +($h->in_category('geometry') ? '' : 'not '), "assigned to geometry\n";


A Hypothesis embodies a set of category assignments that a categorizer
makes about a single document.  Because one may be interested in
knowing different kinds of things about the assignments (for instance,
what categories were assigned, which category had the highest score,
whether a particular category was assigned), we provide a simple class
to help facilitate these scenarios.

lib/AI/Categorizer/  view on Meta::CPAN

use Params::Validate qw(:types);
use AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet;
use AI::Categorizer::Document;
use AI::Categorizer::Category;
use AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector;
use AI::Categorizer::Util;
use Carp qw(croak);

   categories => {
		  type => ARRAYREF,
		  default => [],
		  callbacks => { 'all are Category objects' => 
				 sub { ! grep !UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'AI::Categorizer::Category'),
					 @{$_[0]} },
   documents  => {
		  type => ARRAYREF,
		  default => [],
		  callbacks => { 'all are Document objects' => 
				 sub { ! grep !UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'AI::Categorizer::Document'),
					 @{$_[0]} },
   scan_first => {
		  type => BOOLEAN,
		  default => 1,
   feature_selector => {
			isa => 'AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector',
   tfidf_weighting  => {
			type => SCALAR,
			optional => 1,
   term_weighting  => {
		       type => SCALAR,
		       default => 'x',
   collection_weighting => {
			    type => SCALAR,
			    default => 'x',
   normalize_weighting => {
			   type => SCALAR,
			   default => 'x',
   verbose => {
	       type => SCALAR,
	       default => 0,

   document => { delayed => 1,
		 class => 'AI::Categorizer::Document' },
   category => { delayed => 1,
		 class => 'AI::Categorizer::Category' },
   collection => { delayed => 1,
		   class => 'AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files' },
   features => { delayed => 1,
		 class => 'AI::Categorizer::FeatureVector' },
   feature_selector => 'AI::Categorizer::FeatureSelector::DocFrequency',

sub new {
  my ($pkg, %args) = @_;
  # Shortcuts
  if ($args{tfidf_weighting}) {
    @args{'term_weighting', 'collection_weighting', 'normalize_weighting'} = split '', $args{tfidf_weighting};
    delete $args{tfidf_weighting};

  my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(%args);

  # Convert to AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet sets
  $self->{categories} = new AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet( @{$self->{categories}} );
  $self->{documents}  = new AI::Categorizer::ObjectSet( @{$self->{documents}}  );

  if ($self->{load}) {
    my $args = ref($self->{load}) ? $self->{load} : { path => $self->{load} };
    delete $self->{load};
  return $self;

sub features {
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_) {
    $self->{features} = shift;
    $self->trim_doc_features if $self->{features};
  return $self->{features} if $self->{features};

  # Create a feature vector encompassing the whole set of documents
  my $v = $self->create_delayed_object('features');
  foreach my $document ($self->documents) {
    $v->add( $document->features );
  return $self->{features} = $v;

sub categories {
  my $c = $_[0]->{categories};
  return wantarray ? $c->members : $c->size;

sub documents {
  my $d = $_[0]->{documents};
  return wantarray ? $d->members : $d->size;

sub document {
  my ($self, $name) = @_;
  return $self->{documents}->retrieve($name);

sub feature_selector { $_[0]->{feature_selector} }
sub scan_first       { $_[0]->{scan_first} }

sub verbose {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{verbose} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{verbose};

sub trim_doc_features {
  my ($self) = @_;
  foreach my $doc ($self->documents) {
    $doc->features( $doc->features->intersection($self->features) );

sub prog_bar {
  my ($self, $collection) = @_;

  return sub {} unless $self->verbose;
  return sub { print STDERR '.' } unless eval "use Time::Progress; 1";

  my $count = $collection->can('count_documents') ? $collection->count_documents : 0;
  my $pb = 'Time::Progress'->new;
  $pb->attr(max => $count);
  my $i = 0;
  return sub {
    return if $i % 25;
    print STDERR $pb->report("%50b %p ($i/$count)\r", $i);

# A little utility method for several other methods like scan_stats(),
# load(), read(), etc.
sub _make_collection {
  my ($self, $args) = @_;
  return $args->{collection} || $self->create_delayed_object('collection', %$args);

sub scan_stats {
  # Should determine:
  #  - number of documents
  #  - number of categories
  #  - avg. number of categories per document (whole corpus)
  #  - avg. number of tokens per document (whole corpus)
  #  - avg. number of types per document (whole corpus)
  #  - number of documents, tokens, & types for each category
  #  - "category skew index" (% variance?) by num. documents, tokens, and types

  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $collection = $self->_make_collection(\%args);
  my $pb = $self->prog_bar($collection);

  my %stats;

  while (my $doc = $collection->next) {
    $stats{category_count_with_duplicates} += $doc->categories;

    my ($sum, $length) = ($doc->features->sum, $doc->features->length);
    $stats{token_count} += $sum;
    $stats{type_count}  += $length;
    foreach my $cat ($doc->categories) {
#warn $doc->name, ": ", $cat->name, "\n";
      $stats{categories}{$cat->name}{token_count} += $sum;
      $stats{categories}{$cat->name}{type_count}  += $length;
  print "\n" if $self->verbose;

  my @cats = keys %{ $stats{categories} };

  $stats{category_count}          = @cats;
  $stats{categories_per_document} = $stats{category_count_with_duplicates} / $stats{document_count};
  $stats{tokens_per_document}     = $stats{token_count} / $stats{document_count};
  $stats{types_per_document}      = $stats{type_count}  / $stats{document_count};

  foreach my $thing ('type', 'token', 'document') {
    $stats{"${thing}s_per_category"} = AI::Categorizer::Util::average
      ( map { $stats{categories}{$_}{"${thing}_count"} } @cats );

    next unless @cats;

    # Compute the skews
    my $ssum;
    foreach my $cat (@cats) {
      $ssum += ($stats{categories}{$cat}{"${thing}_count"} - $stats{"${thing}s_per_category"}) ** 2;
    $stats{"${thing}_skew_by_category"} = sqrt($ssum/@cats) / $stats{"${thing}s_per_category"};

  return \%stats;

sub load {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $c = $self->_make_collection(\%args);

  if ($self->{features_kept}) {
    # Read the whole thing in, then reduce
    $self->read( collection => $c );

  } elsif ($self->{scan_first}) {
    # Figure out the feature set first, then read data in
    $self->scan_features( collection => $c );
    $self->read( collection => $c );

  } else {
    # Don't do any feature reduction, just read the data
    $self->read( collection => $c );

sub read {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $collection = $self->_make_collection(\%args);
  my $pb = $self->prog_bar($collection);
  while (my $doc = $collection->next) {
  print "\n" if $self->verbose;

sub finish {
  my $self = shift;
  return if $self->{finished}++;

sub weigh_features {
  # This could be made more efficient by figuring out an execution
  # plan in advance

  my $self = shift;
  if ( $self->{term_weighting} =~ /^(t|x)$/ ) {
    # Nothing to do
  } elsif ( $self->{term_weighting} eq 'l' ) {
    foreach my $doc ($self->documents) {
      my $f = $doc->features->as_hash;
      $_ = 1 + log($_) foreach values %$f;
  } elsif ( $self->{term_weighting} eq 'n' ) {
    foreach my $doc ($self->documents) {
      my $f = $doc->features->as_hash;
      my $max_tf = AI::Categorizer::Util::max values %$f;
      $_ = 0.5 + 0.5 * $_ / $max_tf foreach values %$f;
  } elsif ( $self->{term_weighting} eq 'b' ) {
    foreach my $doc ($self->documents) {
      my $f = $doc->features->as_hash;
      $_ = $_ ? 1 : 0 foreach values %$f;
  } else {
    die "term_weighting must be one of 'x', 't', 'l', 'b', or 'n'";
  if ($self->{collection_weighting} eq 'x') {
    # Nothing to do
  } elsif ($self->{collection_weighting} =~ /^(f|p)$/) {
    my $subtrahend = ($1 eq 'f' ? 0 : 1);
    my $num_docs = $self->documents;
    $self->document_frequency('foo');  # Initialize
    foreach my $doc ($self->documents) {
      my $f = $doc->features->as_hash;
      $f->{$_} *= log($num_docs / $self->{doc_freq_vector}{$_} - $subtrahend) foreach keys %$f;
  } else {
    die "collection_weighting must be one of 'x', 'f', or 'p'";

  if ( $self->{normalize_weighting} eq 'x' ) {
    # Nothing to do
  } elsif ( $self->{normalize_weighting} eq 'c' ) {
    $_->features->normalize foreach $self->documents;
  } else {
    die "normalize_weighting must be one of 'x' or 'c'";

sub document_frequency {
  my ($self, $term) = @_;
  unless (exists $self->{doc_freq_vector}) {
    die "No corpus has been scanned for features" unless $self->documents;

    my $doc_freq = $self->create_delayed_object('features', features => {});
    foreach my $doc ($self->documents) {
      $doc_freq->add( $doc->features->as_boolean_hash );
    $self->{doc_freq_vector} = $doc_freq->as_hash;
  return exists $self->{doc_freq_vector}{$term} ? $self->{doc_freq_vector}{$term} : 0;

sub scan_features {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $c = $self->_make_collection(\%args);

  my $pb = $self->prog_bar($c);
  my $ranked_features = $self->{feature_selector}->scan_features( collection => $c, prog_bar => $pb );

  $self->delayed_object_params('document', use_features => $ranked_features);
  $self->delayed_object_params('collection', use_features => $ranked_features);
  return $ranked_features;

sub select_features {
  my $self = shift;
  my $f = $self->feature_selector->select_features(knowledge_set => $self);

sub partition {
  my ($self, @sizes) = @_;
  my $num_docs = my @docs = $self->documents;
  my @groups;

  while (@sizes > 1) {
    my $size = int ($num_docs * shift @sizes);
    push @groups, [];
    for (0..$size) {
      push @{ $groups[-1] }, splice @docs, rand(@docs), 1;
  push @groups, \@docs;

  return map { ref($self)->new( documents => $_ ) } @groups;

sub make_document {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;
  my $cats = delete $args{categories};
  my @cats = map { $self->call_method('category', 'by_name', name => $_) } @$cats;
  my $d = $self->create_delayed_object('document', %args, categories => \@cats);

sub add_document {
  my ($self, $doc) = @_;

  foreach ($doc->categories) {

sub save_features {
  my ($self, $file) = @_;
  my $f = ($self->{features} || { $self->delayed_object_params('document') }->{use_features})
    or croak "No features to save";
  open my($fh), "> $file" or croak "Can't create $file: $!";
  my $h = $f->as_hash;
  print $fh "# Total: ", $f->length, "\n";
  foreach my $k (sort {$h->{$b} <=> $h->{$a}} keys %$h) {
    print $fh "$k\t$h->{$k}\n";
  close $fh;

sub restore_features {
  my ($self, $file, $n) = @_;
  open my($fh), "< $file" or croak "Can't open $file: $!";

  my %hash;
  while (<$fh>) {
    next if /^#/;
    /^(.*)\t([\d.]+)$/ or croak "Malformed line: $_";
    $hash{$1} = $2;
    last if defined $n and $. >= $n;
  my $features = $self->create_delayed_object('features', features => \%hash);
  $self->delayed_object_params('document',   use_features => $features);
  $self->delayed_object_params('collection', use_features => $features);



=head1 NAME

AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet - Encapsulates set of documents


 use AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet;
 my $k = new AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet(...parameters...);
 my $nb = new AI::Categorizer::Learner::NaiveBayes(...parameters...);
 $nb->train(knowledge_set => $k);


The KnowledgeSet class that provides an interface to a set of
documents, a set of categories, and a mapping between the two.  Many
parameters for controlling the processing of documents are managed by
the KnowledgeSet class.

=head1 METHODS

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