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Revision history for AE-AdHoc

0.08	Sat Oct 27 2012
        * API: Add ae_action { CODE } for delayed execution.
		* API: Add timeout and soft_timeout options to ae_recv.

0.07    Sun Sep 16 2012
        * API: Add magic variables for error handling
        * FIX: Fix ae_goal, add verbose error messages for leftover callbacks

0.05    Sun Sep 09 2012
        * API: Add multiple goal interface (ae_goal)

0.04    Sun Sep 09 2012
        * API: Add arglist support to callbacks: ae_recv { ae_send->(1..5) };
        * API: Add extra arguments to callback: ae_recv { ae_send(1..5) };
        * Example added (

0.03    Thu Sep 06 2012
        * API: Make empty/zero $timeout illegal.

0.0203  Tue Aug 14 2012
        * Fixed empty $timeout undef warning.
        * Minor code cleanup.

0.02    Sat Aug 11 2012
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
        - ae_recv, ae_send and ae_croak wotk and pass most basic tests

META.json  view on Meta::CPAN

   "abstract" : "Simplified interface for tests/examples of AnyEvent-related code.",
   "author" : [
      "Konstantin S. Uvarin <>"
   "dynamic_config" : 1,
   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.112621",
   "license" : [
   "meta-spec" : {
      "url" : "",
      "version" : "2"
   "name" : "AE-AdHoc",
   "no_index" : {
      "directory" : [
   "prereqs" : {
      "build" : {
         "requires" : {
            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : 0
      "configure" : {
         "requires" : {
            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : 0
      "runtime" : {
         "requires" : {
            "AnyEvent" : 0,
            "AnyEvent::Strict" : 0,
            "Scalar::Util" : 0,
            "Test::Exception" : 0,
            "Test::More" : 0
   "release_status" : "stable",
   "version" : "0.0805"

META.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

abstract: 'Simplified interface for tests/examples of AnyEvent-related code.'
  - 'Konstantin S. Uvarin <>'
  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
dynamic_config: 1
generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.112621'
license: perl
  version: 1.4
name: AE-AdHoc
    - t
    - inc
  AnyEvent: 0
  AnyEvent::Strict: 0
  Scalar::Util: 0
  Test::Exception: 0
  Test::More: 0
version: 0.0805

Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

    NAME                => 'AE::AdHoc',
    AUTHOR              => q{Konstantin S. Uvarin <>},
    VERSION_FROM        => 'lib/AE/',
    ABSTRACT_FROM       => 'lib/AE/',
    ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.3002
      ? ('LICENSE'=> 'perl')
      : ()),
    PL_FILES            => {},
    PREREQ_PM => {
        'Test::More' => 0,
        'Test::Exception' => 0,
        'AnyEvent' => 0,
        'AnyEvent::Strict' => 0,
	'Scalar::Util' => 0,
    dist                => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
    clean               => { FILES => 'AE-AdHoc-*' },

README  view on Meta::CPAN


AE::AdHoc is a simple interface around AnyEvent intended for tests, examples,
and hastily written scripts.

It boils down to:

    use AE::AdHoc;

    my $result = ae_recv {
        do_something ( # the code under test
            on_success => ae_send,  # callback - all done, stop event loop
            on_failure => ae_croak, # callback - something happened, abort event loop
    } 10; # timeout - fail test if it takes too long

    # later
    is ($result, $excepted_result, "...");

This module is under development for now.


To install this module, run the following commands:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.

    perldoc AE::AdHoc

You can also look for information at:

    RT, CPAN's request tracker

    AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation

    CPAN Ratings

    Search CPAN


Copyright (C) 2012 Konstantin S. Uvarin

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use AE::AdHoc;
use AnyEvent::Socket;
use Getopt::Long;

my $timeout = 1;

GetOptions (
	"timeout=s" => \$timeout,
	"help" => \&usage,
) or usage();

my @probe = map {
	/^(.*):(\d+)$/ or die "Expecting host:port. See $0 --help\n"; [$1, $2, $_];
} @ARGV;
usage() unless @probe;

# Real work
eval {
	ae_recv {
		tcp_connect $_->[0], $_->[1], ae_goal("$_->[0]:$_->[1]") for @probe;
	} $timeout;
die $@ if $@ and $@ !~ /^Timeout/;

my @offline = sort keys %{ AE::AdHoc->goals };
my (@alive, @reject);

my $results = AE::AdHoc->results;
foreach (keys %$results) {
	# tcp_connect will not feed any args if connect failed
	ref $results->{$_}->[0]
		? push @alive, $_
		: push @reject, $_;

print "Connected: @alive\n" if @alive;
print "Rejected: @reject\n" if @reject;
print "Timed out: @offline\n" if @offline;
# /Real work

sub usage {
	print <<"USAGE";
Probe tcp connection to several hosts at once
Usage: $0 [ options ] host:port host:port ...
Options may include:
	--timeout <seconds> - may be fractional as well
	--help - this message
	exit 1;

examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use AE::AdHoc;
use AnyEvent::Socket;
use Getopt::Long;

my $timeout = 1;

GetOptions (
	"timeout=s" => \$timeout,
	"help" => \&usage,
) or usage();

my @probe = map {
	/^(.*):(\d+)$/ or die "Expecting host:port. See $0 --help\n"; [$1, $2, $_];
} @ARGV;
usage() unless @probe;

# Real work
my $alive = ae_recv {
	tcp_connect $_->[0], $_->[1], ae_send("$_->[0]:$_->[1]") for @probe;
} $timeout;
print "Connect to $alive succeeded!\n";
# /Real work

sub usage {
	print <<"USAGE";
Probe tcp connection to several hosts at once
Usage: $0 [ options ] host:port host:port ...
Options may include:
	--timeout <seconds> - may be fractional as well
	--help - this message
	exit 1;

lib/AE/  view on Meta::CPAN


Suppose we have a subroutine named C<do_stuff( @args, $subref )>
that is designed to run under AnyEvent. As do_stuff may have to wait for
some external events to happen, it does not return a value right away.
Instead, it will call C<$subref-E<gt>( $results )> when stuff is done.

Now we need to test do_stuff, so we set up an event loop. We also need a timer,
because a test that runs forever is annoying. So the script goes like this:

    use AnyEvent;

    # set up event loop
    my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
    my $timer = AnyEvent->timer(
        after => 10, cb => sub { $cv->croak("Timeout"); }

    do_stuff( @args, sub{ $cv->send(shift); } );

    # run event loop, get rid of timer
    my $result = $cv->recv();
    undef $timer;

    # finally
    analyze_results( $result );

Now, the same with AE::AdHoc:

    use AE::AdHoc;

    my $result = ae_recv {
         do_stuff( @args, ae_send );
    } 10; # timeout
    analyze_results( $result );

=head1 EXPORT

Functions C<ae_recv>, C<ae_send>, C<ae_croak>, C<ae_begin>, C<ae_end>, and
C<ae_goal> are exported by default.


B<Note>: Anywhere below, C<$cv> means L<AnyEvent>'s conditional variable
responsible for current event loop. See C<condvar> section of L<AnyEvent>.

t/10-basic.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 9;
use Test::Exception;

use AE::AdHoc;

throws_ok {
	ae_recv { ; } 0.01;
} qr(Timeout), "empty body => reach timeout => die";

lives_and {
	is ((ae_recv { ae_send->(137); } 0.01), 137 );
} "plain ae_send is fine";

throws_ok {
} qr(outside), "outside = no go";

throws_ok {
} qr(outside), "outside = no go";

my $timer;
throws_ok {
	ae_recv {
		$timer = AnyEvent->timer( after => 0.1, cb => ae_send );
		note "timer ref = $timer";
	} 0.01;
} qr(Timeout), "Start rotten timer test";

# check that later-on callback generates a warning
	my @warn;
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
	throws_ok {
		ae_recv { ; } 0.2;
	} qr(Timeout), "Rotten timer didn't spoil later tests:";
	is (scalar @warn, 1, " - 1 warning issued");
	like ($warn[0], qr(Leftover), " - It was about 'Leftover': $warn[0]");
	ok (ref $timer, " - Rotten timer still alive at this point (but harmless): $timer");


t/11-begin-end.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;

use AE::AdHoc;

my @timers;

plan tests => 5;

lives_ok {
	my $timer;
	ae_recv {
		$timer = AnyEvent->timer( after => 0.01, cb => ae_end );
	} 1;
} "A simple begin/end example works";

throws_ok {
	my $timer;
	ae_recv {
		$timer = AnyEvent->timer( after => 0.01, cb => ae_end );
	} 0.02;
} qr(Timeout), "A simple example with extra begin dies";

my @trace;
my $val;

lives_ok {
	ae_recv {
		my $tm;
		my $iter;
		my $attimer;
		$attimer = sub {
			push @trace, ++$iter;
			$tm = AE::timer 0.01, 0, $attimer;
		$tm = AE::timer 0.01, 0, $attimer;
		ae_begin( sub { ae_send->(++$val) } ) for (1,2);
	} 1;
} "More complex example lives";

is ($val, 1, "Begin's callback executed once");
is_deeply(\@trace, [1, 2], "end->() executed twice");

t/12-nested-dies.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;

use AE::AdHoc;
$AE::AdHoc::warnings = 0;

plan tests => 1;
throws_ok {
	ae_recv {
		ae_recv {
		} 1;
	} 2;
} qr(nested)i, "Nested calls not allowed";

t/13-null-timeout.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Test::Exception;

use AE::AdHoc;

my @warn;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, shift };

plan tests => 4;

throws_ok {
	ae_recv{ };
} qr(timeout.*non-?zero), "No timeout = no go";

throws_ok {
	ae_recv{ } "foo";
} qr(timeout.*non-?zero), "Non-numeric timeout = no go";

throws_ok {
	ae_recv{ } 0.01;
} qr(^Timeout after), "Timeout with empty body";

is (scalar @warn, 0, "no warnings");
note "warning: $_" for @warn;

t/14-xargs.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 5;
use Test::Exception;

use AE::AdHoc;

my @list;
my $scalar;

@list = ae_recv {
} 0.01;

is_deeply (\@list, [1..10], "Extra args in list context");

$scalar = ae_recv {
} 0.01;

is ($scalar, 1, "Extra args in scalar context");

$scalar = ae_recv {
} 0.01;

is ($scalar, 6, "Multiple args in scalar context");

# Error handling

throws_ok {
	ae_recv {
		ae_croak("bump bump")->("real error");
	} 0.01;
} qr(^bump bump), "Extra args in croak";

unlike ($@, qr(real error), "Sorry, no real error for you");

t/15-goals.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Test::More tests => 5;
use Test::Exception;
use AnyEvent::Strict;
use Data::Dumper;

use AE::AdHoc;

my $result;

throws_ok {
} qr(outside), "no ae_recv = no go";
note $@;

# We use sub {} in timers here because timer passes random args to its
# callback. See L<::AnyEvent> timer section.

lives_ok {
	my ($t1, $t2);
	$result = ae_recv {
		$t1 = AnyEvent->timer( after => 0,
			cb => sub { ae_goal("task1")->() }
		$t2 = AnyEvent->timer( after => 0,
			cb => sub { ae_goal("task2", "fixed")->() }
	} 1;
} "No timeout - goals complete";

note "Got: ".Dumper($result);

is_deeply ($result,
	{ task1 => [], task2 => [ "fixed" ]},
	"Results as expected (sans timer callback args)"
is_deeply (AE::AdHoc->results(), $result, "AE::AdHoc::results consistent");
is_deeply (AE::AdHoc->goals(), {}, "AE::AdHoc::goals is empty (all complete)");

t/16-goals2.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 8;
use Test::Exception;

use AE::AdHoc;

throws_ok {
	ae_recv {
	} 0.1;
} qr(^Timeout), "Goals not done, sorry";
is_deeply( AE::AdHoc->results, { always => [] }, "1 goal done");
is_deeply( AE::AdHoc->goals, { never => 1 }, "1 goal left");

ae_recv { ae_send->(137) } 0.1;

is_deeply( AE::AdHoc->results, { }, "results cleared");
is_deeply( AE::AdHoc->goals, { }, "goals cleared");

throws_ok {
	ae_recv {
		ae_goal("never") for 1..3;
		ae_goal("always")->($_) for 1..3;
	} 0.1;
} qr(^Timeout), "Goals not done, sorry";
is_deeply( AE::AdHoc->results, { always => [1] }, "only first goal callback counts");
is_deeply( AE::AdHoc->goals, { never => 3 }, "1 goal left, but 3 times");

t/17-goals-leftover.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 3;
use Data::Dumper;

use AE::AdHoc;
$AE::AdHoc::warnings = 0;

my $timer;
ae_recv {
	$timer = AnyEvent->timer( after => 0, cb => ae_goal("pollute") );
	ae_send->("return right now");
} 0.1;

my $timer2;
ae_recv {
	$timer2 = AnyEvent->timer( after => 0.1, cb => ae_goal("clean") );
} 0.2;

my @keys = sort keys %{ AE::AdHoc->results };
is_deeply( \@keys, ["clean"], "AE results are clean" );
note "Results: ".Dumper( AE::AdHoc->results );

is (scalar @AE::AdHoc::errors, 1, "Exactly 1 error");
like ($AE::AdHoc::errstr, qr(^Leftover.*ae_goal), "Leftover error present");
note "Error was: $AE::AdHoc::errstr";

t/19-soft-timeout.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 2;
use Test::Exception;

use AE::AdHoc;

lives_ok {
	ae_recv { } soft_timeout => 0.1
} "soft timeout";

throws_ok {
	ae_recv { } timeout => 0.1
} qr(Timeout.*seconds), "hard timeout in options";

t/20-ae_action.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 5;
use Test::Exception;

use AE::AdHoc;

my @res;
ae_recv {
	ae_action { push @res, @_ } after=>0.03, interval =>0.1;
} soft_timeout=>0.2;

is_deeply (\@res, [ 0, 1 ], "Timer fired twice");

my $x;
ae_recv {
	ae_action { $x++ };
	ok (!$x, "Action didn't work yet");
} soft_timeout=>0.2;

is ($x, 1, "Action w/o parameters works (finally)");
is_deeply (\@res, [ 0, 1 ], "Timer *still* fired twice");

is_deeply (\@AE::AdHoc::errors, [], "No errors in this test");

t/boilerplate.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!perl -T

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 3;

sub not_in_file_ok {
    my ($filename, %regex) = @_;
    open( my $fh, '<', $filename )
        or die "couldn't open $filename for reading: $!";

    my %violated;

    while (my $line = <$fh>) {
        while (my ($desc, $regex) = each %regex) {
            if ($line =~ $regex) {
                push @{$violated{$desc}||=[]}, $.;

    if (%violated) {
        fail("$filename contains boilerplate text");
        diag "$_ appears on lines @{$violated{$_}}" for keys %violated;
    } else {
        pass("$filename contains no boilerplate text");

sub module_boilerplate_ok {
    my ($module) = @_;
    not_in_file_ok($module =>
        'the great new $MODULENAME'   => qr/ - The great new /,
        'boilerplate description'     => qr/Quick summary of what the module/,
        'stub function definition'    => qr/function[12]/,

#  local $TODO = "Need to replace the boilerplate text";

  not_in_file_ok(README =>
    "The README is used..."       => qr/The README is used/,
    "'version information here'"  => qr/to provide version information/,

  not_in_file_ok(Changes =>
    "placeholder date/time"       => qr(Date/time)



t/manifest.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!perl -T

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

unless ( $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} ) {
    plan( skip_all => "Author tests not required for installation" );

eval "use Test::CheckManifest 0.9";
plan skip_all => "Test::CheckManifest 0.9 required" if $@;

t/pod-coverage.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

# Ensure a recent version of Test::Pod::Coverage
my $min_tpc = 1.08;
eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage $min_tpc";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage $min_tpc required for testing POD coverage"
    if $@;

# Test::Pod::Coverage doesn't require a minimum Pod::Coverage version,
# but older versions don't recognize some common documentation styles
my $min_pc = 0.18;
eval "use Pod::Coverage $min_pc";
plan skip_all => "Pod::Coverage $min_pc required for testing POD coverage"
    if $@;


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