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eg/example.mrjob  view on Meta::CPAN

%# -*- mason -*-
# Copyright (c) 2009 by AdCopy
# Author: Jeff Weisberg
# Created: 2009-Oct-28 11:19 (EDT)
# Function: test
# $Id: example.mrjob,v 1.1 2010/11/01 19:04:21 jaw Exp $

    map reduce example
%# provide values for configurable parameters
%# these override the defaults
%# and params specified on the command line, override these
    system      => blargh
    tasktimeout => 120
%# common block is prepended to all other blocks.
%# used to load modules
    use AC::Misc;
    use AC::Dumper;
%# init block runs once at startup.
%# the return value can be retrieved by other blocks.
%# used to calculate values or fetch things from a db.
    $R->print("starting map/reduce job");

    return {
        mood    => 'joyous',
%# override various parameters
    maxrun      => 300
    sortprog    => /bin/sort
    my $data = shift;   # one record from the input

    # return a key + a value
    return ( $data->{cmp}, 1 );
    my $key = shift;
    my $itr = shift;    # an iterator object

    # count
    my $n = 0;
    $itr->foreach( sub { $n ++ } );

    # return a key + a value
    return ($key, $n);
%# additional reduce blocks can go here
%# final block runs once with the results of the previous reduce.
%# used to generate report or insert to db
%# override various parameters
    use_strict  => 0
    in_package  => My::Private::Space
    # init sub-block runs at start of final block
    my $report;
    # cleanup sub-block runs at end of final block

    # get the values from the init block
    my $iv = $R->initvalue();

    # stdout is tied to $R. so plain print also works.

    print "report for mood: $iv->{mood}\n";
    print $report;

    my($key, $data) = @_;

    $report .= "key: $key, value: $data\n";


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