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lib/Archive/Tar/  view on Meta::CPAN

Returns a new Archive::Tar::File object from an existing file.

Returns undef on failure.

=head2 Archive::Tar::File->new( data => $path, $data, $opt )

Returns a new Archive::Tar::File object from data.

C<$path> defines the file name (which need not exist), C<$data> the
file contents, and C<$opt> is a reference to a hash of attributes
which may be used to override the default attributes (fields in the
tar header), which are described above in the Accessors section.

Returns undef on failure.

=head2 Archive::Tar::File->new( chunk => $chunk )

Returns a new Archive::Tar::File object from a raw 512-byte tar
archive chunk.

Returns undef on failure.


sub new {
    my $class   = shift;
    my $what    = shift;

    my $obj =   ($what eq 'chunk') ? __PACKAGE__->_new_from_chunk( @_ ) :
                ($what eq 'file' ) ? __PACKAGE__->_new_from_file( @_ ) :
                ($what eq 'data' ) ? __PACKAGE__->_new_from_data( @_ ) :

    return $obj;

### copies the data, creates a clone ###
sub clone {
    my $self = shift;
    return bless { %$self }, ref $self;

sub _new_from_chunk {
    my $class = shift;
    my $chunk = shift or return;    # 512 bytes of tar header
    my %hash  = @_;

    ### filter any arguments on defined-ness of values.
    ### this allows overriding from what the tar-header is saying
    ### about this tar-entry. Particularly useful for @LongLink files
    my %args  = map { $_ => $hash{$_} } grep { defined $hash{$_} } keys %hash;

    ### makes it start at 0 actually... :) ###
    my $i = -1;
    my %entry = map {
	my ($s,$v)=($tmpl->[++$i],$tmpl->[++$i]);	# cdrake
	($_)=($_=~/^([^\0]*)/) unless($s eq 'size');	# cdrake
	$s=> $v ? oct $_ : $_				# cdrake
	# $tmpl->[++$i] => $tmpl->[++$i] ? oct $_ : $_	# removed by cdrake - mucks up binary sizes >8gb
    } unpack( UNPACK, $chunk );				# cdrake
    # } map { /^([^\0]*)/ } unpack( UNPACK, $chunk );	# old - replaced now by cdrake

    if(substr($entry{'size'}, 0, 1) eq "\x80") {	# binary size extension for files >8gigs (> octal 77777777777777)	# cdrake
      my @sz=unpack("aCSNN",$entry{'size'}); $entry{'size'}=$sz[4]+(2**32)*$sz[3]+$sz[2]*(2**64);	# Use the low 80 bits (should use the upper 15 as well, but as at year 2011, that seems unlikely to ever be needed - the numbers are just too big...) # ...
    } else {	# cdrake
      ($entry{'size'})=($entry{'size'}=~/^([^\0]*)/); $entry{'size'}=oct $entry{'size'};	# cdrake
    }	# cdrake

    my $obj = bless { %entry, %args }, $class;

	### magic is a filetype string.. it should have something like 'ustar' or
	### something similar... if the chunk is garbage, skip it
	return unless $obj->magic !~ /\W/;

    ### store the original chunk ###
    $obj->raw( $chunk );

    $obj->type(FILE) if ( (!length $obj->type) or ($obj->type =~ /\W/) );
    $obj->type(DIR)  if ( ($obj->is_file) && ($obj->name =~ m|/$|) );

    return $obj;


sub _new_from_file {
    my $class       = shift;
    my $path        = shift;

    ### path has to at least exist
    return unless defined $path;

    my $type        = __PACKAGE__->_filetype($path);
    my $data        = '';

    READ: {
        unless ($type == DIR ) {
            my $fh = IO::File->new;

            unless( $fh->open($path) ) {
                ### dangling symlinks are fine, stop reading but continue
                ### creating the object
                last READ if $type == SYMLINK;

                ### otherwise, return from this function --
                ### anything that's *not* a symlink should be
                ### resolvable

            ### binmode needed to read files properly on win32 ###
            binmode $fh;
            $data = do { local $/; <$fh> };
            close $fh;

    my @items       = qw[mode uid gid size mtime];
    my %hash        = map { shift(@items), $_ } (lstat $path)[2,4,5,7,9];

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