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Command itself is written in Perl, and any kind of Perl style regular
expression can be used in patterns.  See [perlre(1)]( for detail.

Note that multiple line modifier (`m`) is set when executed, so put
`(?-m)` at the beginning of regex if you want to explicitly disable

Order of capture group in the pattern is not guaranteed.  Please avoid
to use direct index, and use relative or named capture group instead.
For example, if you want to search repeated characters, use
`(\w)\g{-1}` or `(?<c>\w)\g{c}` rather than

- **-e** _pattern_, **--and**=_pattern_

    Specify the positive match pattern.  Next command print lines contains
    all of `foo`, `bar` and `baz`.

        greple -e foo -e bar -e baz

- **-t** _pattern_, **--may**=_pattern_

script/greple  view on Meta::CPAN

Command itself is written in Perl, and any kind of Perl style regular
expression can be used in patterns.  See L<perlre(1)> for detail.

Note that multiple line modifier (C<m>) is set when executed, so put
C<(?-m)> at the beginning of regex if you want to explicitly disable

Order of capture group in the pattern is not guaranteed.  Please avoid
to use direct index, and use relative or named capture group instead.
For example, if you want to search repeated characters, use
S<< C<(\w)\g{-1}> >> or S<< C<(?E<lt>cE<gt>\w)\g{c}> >> rather than
S<< C<(\w)\1> >>.

=over 7

=item B<-e> I<pattern>, B<--and>=I<pattern>

Specify the positive match pattern.  Next command print lines contains
all of C<foo>, C<bar> and C<baz>.

    greple -e foo -e bar -e baz

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( run in 0.547 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )