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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

 - Made ModuleInfo's _evaluate_version_line() compatible with 'use
   version ...$VERSION' lines.  [Eric Wilhelm]

 - Added some verbiage in Module::Build::API that officially blesses
   the _build/prereqs file for external consumption. [Suggested by Andreas Koenig]

 - Added test profiles support via the test_types property and "testall"
   target. [Eric Wilhelm, Jeff Lavallee]

 - Use syscopy() on OS/2 in copy_if_modified() so we make sure to
   overwrite any existing target file. [Ilya Zakharevich]

 - Removed seemingly silly '~~' test in t/tilde.t.

 - In our test-time utility library t/lib/, we need to know
   about a few .exe-like extensions on OS/2. [Ilya Zakharevich]

 - In t/ppm.t, use DynaLoader::mod2fname() (if available) to determine
   the correct translation of our test module's name into a DLL
   name. [Ilya Zakharevich]

lib/Module/Build/  view on Meta::CPAN

  my $blib = $self->blib;
  File::Path::mkpath( File::Spec->catdir($blib, 'arch') );

  if (my $split = $self->autosplit) {
    $self->autosplit_file($_, $blib) for ref($split) ? @$split : ($split);

  foreach my $element (@{$self->build_elements}) {
    my $method = "process_${element}_files";
    $method = "process_files_by_extension" unless $self->can($method);


sub ACTION_build {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->log_info("Building " . $self->dist_name . "\n");

sub process_files_by_extension {
  my ($self, $ext) = @_;

  my $method = "find_${ext}_files";
  my $files = $self->can($method) ? $self->$method() : $self->_find_file_by_type($ext,  'lib');

  foreach my $file (sort keys %$files) {
    $self->copy_if_modified(from => $file, to => File::Spec->catfile($self->blib, $files->{$file}) );

sub process_support_files {
  my $self = shift;
  my $p = $self->{properties};
  return unless $p->{c_source};
  return if $self->pureperl_only && $self->allow_pureperl;

  my $files;

t/install_extra_target.t  view on Meta::CPAN

my $subclass = Module::Build->subclass(code => <<'=EOF=');
sub copy_files
	my $self = shift;
	my $dir = shift;

	my $files = $self->rscan_dir($dir, sub {-f $_ and not m!/\.|[#~]$!});

	foreach my $file (@$files) {
		$self->copy_if_modified(from => $file, to_dir => "blib");

#Copy etc files to blib
sub process_etc_files
	my $self = shift;


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