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lib/AnyEvent/KVStore/  view on Meta::CPAN

no autovivification;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw(HashRef);
with 'AnyEvent::KVStore::Driver';

=head1 VERSION



our $VERSION = '0.1.2';


   use AnyEvent::KVStore;
   my $store = AnyEvent::KVStore->new(module => 'hash', config => {});
   $store->write('foo', 'bar');
   $store->watch('f', sub { my ($k, $v) = @_; warn "Setting $k to $v"; });
   $store->write('far', 'over there');


L<AnyEvent::KVStore> ships with a very simple, non-blocking key-value store for
testing, proofs of concepts, and other purposes.  This has all the advantages
and disadvantages of just storing the data in a hash table, but comes with
callback features on write.  You can use this as a glorified enriched hashtable
or you can use other modules in this framework to connect to shared key/value

Each kvstore here has its own keyspace and watch list.

=head2 Watch Behavior

C<AnyEvent::KVStore::Hash> allows for unlimited watches to be set up, and
because this key/value store is private, the callbacks are handled synchronous
to the writes.  If you want asynchronous callbacks, you can use the
C<unblock_sub> function from L<Coro>.

Watches are currently indexed by the first letter of the prefix, or if no
prefix is given, an empty string.  Watches are then checked (and executed)
in order of:


=item First empty prefix watches

These are run (there is no checking) in order of creation

=item Then the first letter of the key is used to match prefixes.

The prefixes are checked and run un order of creation here too.  This may, in
the future, change to be more alphabetically ordered.


This behavior is subect to change.


has _store    => (is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, default => sub { {} });

has _watches  => (is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, default => sub { {} });

=head1 METHODS

Unless otherwise noted, these do exactly what the documentation in 
C<AnyEvent::KVStore> and C<AnyEvent::KVStore::Driver> suggest.

=head2 read

=head2 exists

=head2 list

=head2 write

=head2 watch

In this module, watches are run synchronously, not via AnyEvent's event loop.

If you wish to use AnyEvent's event loop, use condition variables with
callbacks set and C<send> them.


sub read($$) {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->_store->{$key};

sub exists($$) {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    my $href = $self->_store;
    return exists $href->{$key};

sub list($$) {
    my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
    return grep { $_ =~ /^$prefix/ } keys %{$self->_store}
        if defined $prefix and $prefix ne '';
    return keys %{$self->_store};

sub write($$$) {
    my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
    # check watches
    if (exists $self->_watches->{''}){
        for my $w (@{$self->_watches->{''}}){
            $w->{cb}($key, $value);
    my $first_letter = substr($key, 0, 1);
    if (exists $self->_watches->{$first_letter}){
        for my $w (@{$self->_watches->{$first_letter}}){
            $w->{cb}($key, $value) if $key =~ /^$w->{pfx}/;
    if (not defined $value) {
        delete $self->_store->{$key};
        return 1;
    $self->_store->{$key} = $value;

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