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lib/AnyEvent/  view on Meta::CPAN

has size => (is       => 'ro',
             lazy     => 1,
             builder  => '_build_size',
             isa      => Int,
             init_arg => undef

sub _build_size {
    my $s   = shift;
    my $ret = 0;
    $ret += $_->{length} for @{$s->files};
    AE::log debug => '_build_size() => ' . $ret;

sub _open {
    my ($s, $i, $m) = @_;
        trace => 'Opening file #%d (%s) for %s',
        $i, $s->files->[$i]->{path}, $m;
    return 1 if $s->files->[$i]->{mode} eq $m;
    if (defined $s->files->[$i]->{fh}) {
        AE::log trace => 'Closing %s', $s->files->[$i]->{fh};
        flock $s->files->[$i]->{fh}, LOCK_UN;
        close $s->files->[$i]->{fh};
        $s->files->[$i]->{fh} = ();
    if ($m eq 'r') {
        AE::log trace => 'Opening %s to read', $s->files->[$i]->{path};
        sysopen($s->files->[$i]->{fh}, $s->files->[$i]->{path}, O_RDONLY)
            || return;
        flock($s->files->[$i]->{fh}, LOCK_SH) || return;
        weaken $s unless isweak $s;
        my $x = $i;
            = AE::timer(500, 0, sub { $s // return; $s->_open($x, 'c') });
    elsif ($m eq 'w') {
        AE::log trace => 'Opening %s to write', $s->files->[$i]->{path};
        my @split = File::Spec->splitdir($s->files->[$i]->{path});
        pop @split;    # File name itself
        my $dir = File::Spec->catdir(@split);
        File::Path::mkpath($dir) if !-d $dir;
                O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)
            || return;
        flock $s->files->[$i]->{fh}, LOCK_EX;
        truncate $s->files->[$i]->{fh}, $s->files->[$i]->{length}
            if -s $s->files->[$i]->{fh}
            != $s->files->[$i]->{length};    # XXX - pre-allocate files
        weaken $s unless isweak $s;
        my $x = $i;
            = AE::timer(60, 0, sub { $s // return; $s->_open($x, 'c') });
    elsif ($m eq 'c') { $s->files->[$i]->{timeout} = () }
    else              {return}
    return $s->files->[$i]->{mode} = $m;
has piece_cache => (is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, default => sub { {} });

sub _cache_path {
    my $s = shift;
                        (scalar @{$s->files} == 1 ? () : $s->name),
                            . uc(substr(unpack('H*', $s->infohash), 0, 10))
                            . '.dat'

sub _write_cache {
    my ($s, $f, $o, $d) = @_;
    my $path = $s->_cache_path;
        debug =>
        'Attempting to store %d bytes to cache file (%s) [$f=%s, $o=%s]',
        length($d), $path, $f, $o;
    my @split = File::Spec->splitdir($path);
    pop @split;    # File name itself
    my $dir = File::Spec->catdir(@split);
    File::Path::mkpath($dir) if !-d $dir;
    sysopen(my ($fh), $path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)
        || return;
    flock $fh, LOCK_EX;
    my $pos = sysseek $fh, 0, SEEK_CUR;
    my $w = syswrite $fh, $d;
    flock $fh, LOCK_UN;
    close $fh;
    $s->piece_cache->{$f}{$o} = $pos;
    AE::log debug => 'Wrote %d bytes to cache file', $w;
    return $w;

sub _read_cache {
    my ($s, $f, $o, $l) = @_;
    $s->piece_cache->{$f} // return;
    $s->piece_cache->{$f}{$o} // return;
    my $path = $s->_cache_path;
        debug =>
        'Attempting to read %d bytes from cache file (%s) [$f=%s, $o=%s]',
        $l, $path, $f, $o;
    sysopen(my ($fh), $path, O_RDONLY)
        || return;
    flock $fh, LOCK_SH;
    sysseek $fh, $s->piece_cache->{$f}{$o}, SEEK_SET;
    my $w = sysread $fh, my ($d), $l;
    flock $fh, LOCK_UN;
    close $fh;
    return $d;

sub _read {
    my ($s, $index, $offset, $length) = @_;
        debug =>
        'Attempting to read %d bytes from piece %d starting at %d bytes',
        $length, $index, $offset;
    my $data         = '';

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( run in 2.130 seconds using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-72ae3ad1e6da )