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lib/Amazon/MWS/XML/  view on Meta::CPAN

has sku => (is => 'ro', required => 1);

has feeds_needed => (is => 'rw', isa => ArrayRef,
                     default => sub { [qw/product inventory price image variants/] });

sub is_feed_needed {
    my ($self, $feed) = @_;
    return unless $feed;
    return scalar(grep { $_ eq $feed } @{ $self->feeds_needed });

has timestamp_string => (is => 'ro',
                         default => sub { '0' });
has ean => (is => 'ro',
           isa => sub { _check_length($_[0], 8, 16) });

has asin => (is => 'ro');

has title => (is => 'ro',
              isa => sub { _check_length($_[0], 1, 500) },
has description => (is => 'ro',
                    isa => sub { _check_length($_[0], 0, 2000) },
has brand => (is => 'ro',
              isa => sub { _check_length($_[0], 0, 50) },
has condition => (is => 'ro',
                  default => sub { 'New' },
                  isa => sub {
                      my %condition_map = (
                                           Club                   => 1,
                                           CollectibleAcceptable  => 1,
                                           CollectibleGood        => 1,
                                           CollectibleLikeNew     => 1,
                                           CollectibleVeryGood    => 1,
                                           New                    => 1,
                                           Refurbished            => 1,
                                           UsedAcceptable         => 1,
                                           UsedGood               => 1,
                                           UsedLikeNew            => 1,
                                           UsedVeryGood           => 1,
                      my $cond = $_[0];
                      die "Unrecognized condition $cond, must be one of the following: "
                        . join(' ', keys %condition_map) unless $condition_map{$cond};
has condition_note => (
                       is => 'ro',
                       isa => sub { _check_length($_[0], 0, 2000) },
has category_code => (is => 'ro');
has product_data => (is => 'ro');
has manufacturer_part_number => (is => 'ro',
                                 isa => sub { _check_length($_[0], 0, 40) }
has manufacturer => (is => 'ro',
                     isa => sub { _check_length($_[0], 0, 50) });

has search_terms => (is => 'ro', isa => ArrayRef);
has features => (is => 'ro', isa => ArrayRef);

sub _check_length {
    my ($value, $min, $max) = @_;
    if (defined $value) {
        die "Max characters is $max" if length($value) > $max;
        die "Min characters is $min" if length($value) < $min;

sub _check_units {
    my $unit = $_[0];
    my %units = (
                 GR => 1,
                 KG => 1,
                 LB => 1,
                 MG => 1,
                 OZ => 1,
    die "Wrong unit. Possible are :"
      . join(" ", keys %units) unless $units{$unit};

=over 4

=item package_weight

Weight of the package.

=item package_weight_unit

Unit for the package weight. Possible values are C<GR>, C<KG>, C<LB>,
C<MG>, C<OZ>. Defaults to C<GR>.

=item shipping_weight

Weight of the product when packaged to ship.

=item shipping_weight_unit

Unit for the package weight for shipping. Possible values are C<GR>,
C<KG>, C<LB>, C<MG>, C<OZ>. Defaults to C<GR>.



has package_weight => (is => 'ro');

has package_weight_unit => (is => 'ro',
                            default => sub { 'GR' },
                            isa => \&_check_units,

has shipping_weight => (is => 'ro');

has shipping_weight_unit => (is => 'ro',
                             default => sub { 'GR' },
                             isa => \&_check_units,

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