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t/data/etlists.etx  view on Meta::CPAN

Checking lists with no start-end tags.

	* list 1

	* l1 i2

	* l1 i3

Next! I prefer this one I think.

	1. foo

t/etlists.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use lib '.'; use lib 't';
use EtTest; ettext_t_init("etlists");
use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 17 };

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

%patterns = (

  <p>Checking lists with no start-end tags.
</p><ul><li>list 1
</li><li>l1 i2
</li><li>l1 i3

Next! I prefer this one I think.
</p><ol type="1"><li>foo

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