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     * Whether or not the view tracks and responds to the browser mouseover event on contained elements (defaults to
     * true). If you don't need mouseover event highlighting you can disable this.
    trackMouseOver: true,
     * @cfg {Boolean} enableFx
     * Determines whether or not visual effects for CRUD actions are enabled (defaults to true). If this is false
     * it will override any values for {@link #enableAddFx}, {@link #enableUpdateFx} or {@link enableRemoveFx} and
     * all animations will be disabled.
    enableFx: true,
     * @cfg {Boolean} enableAddFx
     * True to enable a visual effect on adding a new event (the default), false to disable it. Note that if 
     * {@link #enableFx} is false it will override this value. The specific effect that runs is defined in the
     * {@link #doAddFx} method.
    enableAddFx: true,
     * @cfg {Boolean} enableUpdateFx
     * True to enable a visual effect on updating an event, false to disable it (the default). Note that if 
     * {@link #enableFx} is false it will override this value. The specific effect that runs is defined in the
     * {@link #doUpdateFx} method.
    enableUpdateFx: false,
     * @cfg {Boolean} enableRemoveFx
     * True to enable a visual effect on removing an event (the default), false to disable it. Note that if 
     * {@link #enableFx} is false it will override this value. The specific effect that runs is defined in the
     * {@link #doRemoveFx} method.
    enableRemoveFx: true,
     * @cfg {Boolean} enableDD
     * True to enable drag and drop in the calendar view (the default), false to disable it
    enableDD: true,
     * @cfg {Boolean} monitorResize
     * True to monitor the browser's resize event (the default), false to ignore it. If the calendar view is rendered
     * into a fixed-size container this can be set to false. However, if the view can change dimensions (e.g., it's in 
     * fit layout in a viewport or some other resizable container) it is very important that this config is true so that
     * any resize event propagates properly to all subcomponents and layouts get recalculated properly.
    monitorResize: true,
     * @cfg {String} ddCreateEventText
     * The text to display inside the drag proxy while dragging over the calendar to create a new event (defaults to 
     * 'Create event for {0}' where {0} is a date range supplied by the view)
    ddCreateEventText: 'Create event for {0}',
     * @cfg {String} ddMoveEventText
     * The text to display inside the drag proxy while dragging an event to reposition it (defaults to 
     * 'Move event to {0}' where {0} is the updated event start date/time supplied by the view)
    ddMoveEventText: 'Move event to {0}',
     * @cfg {String} ddResizeEventText
     * The string displayed to the user in the drag proxy while dragging the resize handle of an event (defaults to 
     * 'Update event to {0}' where {0} is the updated event start-end range supplied by the view). Note that 
     * this text is only used in views
     * that allow resizing of events.
    ddResizeEventText: 'Update event to {0}',

    //private properties -- do not override:
    weekCount: 1,
    dayCount: 1,
    eventSelector: '.ext-cal-evt',
    eventOverClass: 'ext-evt-over',
    eventElIdDelimiter: '-evt-',
    dayElIdDelimiter: '-day-',

     * Returns a string of HTML template markup to be used as the body portion of the event template created
     * by {@link #getEventTemplate}. This provdes the flexibility to customize what's in the body without
     * having to override the entire XTemplate. This string can include any valid {@link Ext.Template} code, and
     * any data tokens accessible to the containing event template can be referenced in this string.
     * @return {String} The body template string
    getEventBodyMarkup: Ext.emptyFn,
    // must be implemented by a subclass
     * <p>Returns the XTemplate that is bound to the calendar's event store (it expects records of type
     * {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord}) to populate the calendar views with events. Internally this method
     * by default generates different markup for browsers that support CSS border radius and those that don't.
     * This method can be overridden as needed to customize the markup generated.</p>
     * <p>Note that this method calls {@link #getEventBodyMarkup} to retrieve the body markup for events separately
     * from the surrounding container markup.  This provdes the flexibility to customize what's in the body without
     * having to override the entire XTemplate. If you do override this method, you should make sure that your 
     * overridden version also does the same.</p>
     * @return {Ext.XTemplate} The event XTemplate
    getEventTemplate: Ext.emptyFn,
    // must be implemented by a subclass
    // private
    initComponent: function() {
        this.setStartDate(this.startDate || new Date());;

             * @event eventsrendered
             * Fires after events are finished rendering in the view
             * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this 
            eventsrendered: true,
             * @event eventclick
             * Fires after the user clicks on an event element
             * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this
             * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that was clicked on
             * @param {HTMLNode} el The DOM node that was clicked on
            eventclick: true,
             * @event eventover
             * Fires anytime the mouse is over an event element
             * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this

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