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lib/FAST/Bio/SearchIO/  view on Meta::CPAN


=head2 next_result

 Title   : next_result
 Usage   : my $hit = $searchio->next_result;
 Function: Returns the next Result from a search
 Returns : FAST::Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object
 Args    : none


sub next_result{
   my ($self) = @_;
   local $/ = "\n";
   local $_;

   $self->{'_last_data'} = '';
   my ($reporttype,$seenquery,$reportline);
   my @hit_signifs;
   my $seentop;
   my (@q_ex, @m_ex, @h_ex); ## gc addition
   while( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) {
       # warn( "Reading $_");
       if( /^\s*Query:\s+(\S+)\s*(.+)?/ ) {
	   if( $seentop ) {
	       $self->end_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
	       return $self->end_document();
	   $seentop = 1;
	   my ($nm,$desc) = ($1,$2);
	   chomp($desc) if defined $desc;
	   $self->start_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
	   $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-def',
			   'Data' => $nm });
	   $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-desc',
			   'Data' => $desc });
	   $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_program',
			   'Data' => 'Exonerate' });
	   $self->{'_seencigar'} = 0;
	   $self->{'_vulgar'}    = 0;

       } elsif ( /^Target:\s+(\S+)\s*(.+)?/ ) {
	   my ($nm,$desc) = ($1,$2);
	   chomp($desc) if defined $desc;
	   $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
	   $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_id',
			   'Data' => $nm});
	   $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_desc',
			   'Data' => $desc});
	   $self->{'_seencigar'} = 0;
	   $self->{'_vulgar'}    = 0;
       } elsif(  s/^vulgar:\s+(\S+)\s+         # query sequence id
		 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+\.])\s+ # query start-end-strand
		 (\S+)\s+                      # target sequence id
		 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+   # target start-end-strand
		 (\d+)\s+                      # score
		 //ox ) {
	   next if( $self->cigar || $self->{'_seencigar'});
	   # Note from Ewan. This is ugly - copy and paste from
	   # cigar line parsing. Should unify somehow...
	   if( ! $self->within_element('result') ) {
	       $self->start_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
	       $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-def',
			       'Data' => $1 });
	   if( ! $self->within_element('hit') ) {
	       $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
	       $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_id',
			       'Data' => $5});

	   ## gc note:
	   ## $qe and $he are no longer used for calculating the ends,
	   ## just the $qs and $hs values and the alignment and insert lenghts
	   my ($qs,$qe,$qstrand) = ($2,$3,$4);
	   my ($hs,$he,$hstrand) = ($6,$7,$8);
	   my $score = $9;
#	   $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-len',
#			   'Data' => $qe});
#	   $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_len',
#			   'Data' => $he});

	   ## gc note:
	   ## add one because these values are zero-based
	   ## this calculation was originally done lower in the code,
	   ## but it's clearer to do it just once at the start
	   my @rest = split;
	   my ($qbegin,$qend) = ('query-from', 'query-to');

	   if( $qstrand eq '-' ) {
	       $qstrand = -1; $qe++;
	   } else {
	       $qstrand = 1;
	   my ($hbegin,$hend) = ('hit-from', 'hit-to');

	   if( $hstrand eq '-' ) {
	       $hstrand = -1;
	   } else {
	       $hstrand = 1;
	   # okay let's do this right and generate a set of HSPs
	   # from the cigar line/home/bio1/jes12/bin/exonerate  --model est2genome --bestn 1 t/data/exonerate_cdna.fa t/data/exonerate_genomic_rev.fa

	   my ($aln_len,$inserts,$deletes) = (0,0,0);
	   my ($laststate,@events,$gaps) =( '' );
	   while( @rest >= 3 ) {
	       my ($state,$len1,$len2) = (shift @rest, shift @rest, shift @rest);
	       # HSPs are only the Match cases; otherwise we just
	       # move the coordinates on by the correct amount

	       if( $state eq 'M' ) {
		   if( $laststate eq 'G' ) {
		       # merge gaps across Match states so the HSP
		       # goes across
		       $events[-1]->{$qend} = $qs + $len1*$qstrand - $qstrand;
		       $events[-1]->{$hend}   = $hs + $len2*$hstrand - $hstrand;
		       $events[-1]->{'gaps'} = $gaps;
		   } else {
		       push @events,
		       { 'score'     => $score,
			 'align-len' => $len1,
			 $qbegin => $qs,
			 $qend  => ($qs + $len1*$qstrand - $qstrand),
			 $hbegin => $hs,
			 $hend   => ($hs + $len2*$hstrand - $hstrand),
		   $gaps = 0;
	       } else {
		   $gaps = $len1 + $len2 if $state eq 'G';
	       $qs += $len1*$qstrand;
	       $hs += $len2*$hstrand;
	       $laststate= $state;
	   for my $event ( @events ) {
	       $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
	       while( my ($key,$val) = each %$event ) {
		   $self->element({'Name' => "Hsp_$key",
				   'Data' => $val});
	       $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_identity',
			       'Data' => 0});
	       $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});

	   # end of hit
	   $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_score',
			   'Data' => $score});
	   # issued end...
	   $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
	   $self->end_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});

	   return $self->end_document();

       } elsif(  s/^cigar:\s+(\S+)\s+          # query sequence id
		 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+   # query start-end-strand
		 (\S+)\s+                      # target sequence id
		 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+   # target start-end-strand
		 (\d+)\s+                      # score
		 //ox ) {
	   next if( $self->vulgar || $self->{'_seenvulgar'});

	   if( ! $self->within_element('result') ) {
	       $self->start_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
	       $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-def',
			       'Data' => $1 });
	   if( ! $self->within_element('hit') ) {
	       $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
	       $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_id',
			       'Data' => $5});
	   ## gc note:
	   ## $qe and $he are no longer used for calculating the ends,
	   ## just the $qs and $hs values and the alignment and insert lenghts
	   my ($qs,$qe,$qstrand) = ($2,$3,$4);
	   my ($hs,$he,$hstrand) = ($6,$7,$8);
	   my $score = $9;
#	   $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-len',
#			   'Data' => $qe});
#	   $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_len',
#			   'Data' => $he});

	   my @rest = split;
	   if( $qstrand eq '-' ) {
	       $qstrand = -1;
	       ($qs,$qe) = ($qe,$qs); # flip-flop if we're on opp strand
	       $qs--; $qe++;
	   } else { $qstrand = 1; }
	   if( $hstrand eq '-' ) {
	       $hstrand = -1;
	       ($hs,$he) = ($he,$hs); # flip-flop if we're on opp strand
	       $hs--; $he++;
	   } else { $hstrand = 1; }
	   # okay let's do this right and generate a set of HSPs
	   # from the cigar line

	   ## gc note:
	   ## add one because these values are zero-based
	   ## this calculation was originally done lower in the code,
	   ## but it's clearer to do it just once at the start
	   $qs++; $hs++;

	   my ($aln_len,$inserts,$deletes) = (0,0,0);
	   while( @rest >= 2 ) {
	       my ($state,$len) = (shift @rest, shift @rest);
	       if( $state eq 'I' ) {
	       } elsif( $state eq 'D' ) {
		   if( $len >= $MIN_INTRON ) {
		       $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});

		       $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_score',
				       'Data' => $score});
		       $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_align-len',
				       'Data' => $aln_len});
		       $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_identity',

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