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zopflib/src/zopfli/blocksplitter.c  view on Meta::CPAN

The "f" for the FindMinimum function below.
i: the current parameter of f(i)
context: for your implementation
typedef double FindMinimumFun(size_t i, void* context);

Finds minimum of function f(i) where is is of type size_t, f(i) is of type
double, i is in range start-end (excluding end).
Outputs the minimum value in *smallest and returns the index of this value.
static size_t FindMinimum(FindMinimumFun f, void* context,
                          size_t start, size_t end, double* smallest) {
  if (end - start < 1024) {
    double best = ZOPFLI_LARGE_FLOAT;
    size_t result = start;
    size_t i;
    for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
      double v = f(i, context);

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