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lib/WWW/Suffit/  view on Meta::CPAN

=head2 user_setkeys

            username => "admin",
            public_key => $public_key,
            private_key => $private_key,
        ) or die $authdb->error;

This method sets keys for user

=head2 user_tokens

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lib/WWW/Suffit/  view on Meta::CPAN

    die $jwt->error if $jwt->error;

    use WWW::Suffit::RSA;
    my $rsa = WWW::Suffit::RSA->new(key_size => 1024);
    my $private_key = $rsa->private_key;
    my $public_key = $rsa->public_key;
    my $jwt = WWW::Suffit::JWT->new(
        private_key => $private_key,
        payload => {foo => 'bar'},
        algorithm => 'RS512',
    my $token = $jwt->encode->token or die $jwt->error;
    my $payload = $jwt->public_key($public_key)->decode($token)->payload;

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lib/Weather/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $wk = Weather::WeatherKit->new(
        team_id    => $apple_team_id,          # Apple Developer Team Id
        service_id => $weatherkit_service_id,  # WeatherKit Service Id
        key_id     => $key_id,                 # WeatherKit developer key ID
        key        => $private_key             # Encrypted private key (PEM)
    my $report = $wk->get(
        lat      => $lat,      # Latitude
        lon      => $lon,      # Longitude

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examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

use WebService::Cryptsy;
use lib qw(lib  ../lib);

my $cryp = WebService::Cryptsy->new(
    public_key => 'YOUR PUBLIC KEY',
    private_key => 'YOUR PRIVATE KEY',

my $market_data = $cryp->marketdatav2
    or die "Error fetching data: " . $cryp->error;

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lib/WebService/Fastly/  view on Meta::CPAN

# @param string $placement Where in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed. If not set, endpoints with `format_version` of 2 are placed in `vcl_log` and those with `format_version` of 1 are placed in `v...
# @param string $response_condition The name of an existing condition in the configured endpoint, or leave blank to always execute. (optional)
# @param string $format A Fastly [log format string]( Must produce JSON that matches the schema of your BigQuery table. (optional)
# @param int $format_version The version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. The logging call gets placed by default in `vcl_log` if `format_version` is set to `2` and in `vcl_deliver&#x60...
# @param string $user Your Google Cloud Platform service account email address. The `client_email` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified. (optional)
# @param string $secret_key Your Google Cloud Platform account secret key. The `private_key` field in your service account authentication JSON. Not required if `account_name` is specified. (optional)
# @param string $account_name The name of the Google Cloud Platform service account associated with the target log collection service. Not required if `user` and `secret_key` are provided. (optional)
# @param string $dataset Your BigQuery dataset. (optional)
# @param string $table Your BigQuery table. (optional)
# @param string $template_suffix BigQuery table name suffix template. Optional. (optional)
# @param string $project_id Your Google Cloud Platform project ID. Required (optional)

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lib/WebService/Xero/Agent/  view on Meta::CPAN

  return $self->_error('CONSUMER_SECRET not valid')  unless ( $self->{CONSUMER_SECRET} =~ /.{20,}/m ); ## min 20 chars - 30 is typical
   #     KEYFILE 
   #     PRIVATE_KEY
  if ( not defined $self->{pko} and $self->{PRIVATE_KEY} =~ /BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY/smg )
    $self->{pko} = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key(  $self->{PRIVATE_KEY} ) || return $self->_error('PRIVATE_KEY not valid'); 
    ## TODO - sort out catching error - currently crashes if fails not return undef
    ##  could try to catch the error .. eg. RSA.xs:178: OpenSSL error: too long
    ## FROM Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA docs
#       NOTE: Many of the methods in this package can croak, so use eval, or
#'s try/catch mechanism to capture errors.  Also, while some

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corpus/root2/installed/vcpkg/info/openssl-windows_1.1.1d-1_x64-windows.list  view on Meta::CPAN


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lib/XML/Compile/WSS/Sign/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub init($)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;

      ( $args->{private_key}
      , hashing => $args->{hashing}
      , padding => $args->{padding}

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lib/XML/  view on Meta::CPAN

        require Crypt::OpenSSL::X509;
    confess "Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 needs to be installed so that we
            can handle X509 Certificates." if $@;

    my $x509Key = Crypt::OpenSSL::X509->new_private_key( $key_text );

    if ( $x509Key ) {
        $self->{ key_obj } = $x509Key;
        $self->{key_type} = 'x509';

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exaples/  view on Meta::CPAN

my $x=$s->build_xpath;

# sign our first xml chunk with our rsa key!
my $rsa_str=join '',IO::File->new(File::Spec->catfile($Bin,'x509_key.pem'))->getlines;
my $rsa=Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key($rsa_str);
my $cert_str=join '',IO::File->new(File::Spec->catfile($Bin,'x509_cert.pem'))->getlines;

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lib/XML/  view on Meta::CPAN

    eval {
        require Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA;
    confess "Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA needs to be installed so that we can handle RSA keys." if $@;

    my $rsaKey = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key( $key_text );

    if ( $rsaKey ) {
        $self->{ key_obj }  = $rsaKey;
        $self->{ key_type } = 'rsa';

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ldns/host2str.c  view on Meta::CPAN

                                status=ldns_algorithm2buffer_str(output, (ldns_algorithm)ldns_key_algorithm(k));
#ifndef S_SPLINT_S
				ldns_buffer_printf(output, ")\n");
                                if(k->_key.key) {
                                        EC_KEY* ec = EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(k->_key.key);
                                        const BIGNUM* b = EC_KEY_get0_private_key(ec);
					if(!ldns_print_bignum_b64_line(output, "PrivateKey", b))
						goto error;
                                        /* down reference count in EC_KEY
                                         * its still assigned to the PKEY */

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local/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread/Net/  view on Meta::CPAN


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ext/channel_credentials.xs  view on Meta::CPAN

    if ( items % 2 ) {
      croak("Expecting a hash as input to channel credentials constructor");

    // @param string pem_root_certs PEM encoding of the server root certificates
    // @param string pem_private_key PEM encoding of the client's private key
    //     (optional)
    // @param string pem_cert_chain PEM encoding of the client's certificate chain
    //     (optional)
    // @return ChannelCredentials The new SSL credentials object

    const char* pem_root_certs = NULL;

    grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pair;
    pem_key_cert_pair.private_key = pem_key_cert_pair.cert_chain = NULL;

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < items; i += 2 ) {
      const char *key = SvPV_nolen(ST(i));
      if (!strcmp( key, "pem_root_certs")) {
        if (SvOK(ST(i+1)))
          pem_root_certs = SvPV_nolen(ST(i+1));
      } else if (!strcmp( key, "pem_private_key")) {
        if (SvOK(ST(i+1)))
          pem_key_cert_pair.private_key = SvPV_nolen(ST(i+1));
      } else if (!strcmp( key, "pem_cert_chain")) {
        if (SvOK(ST(i+1)))
          pem_key_cert_pair.cert_chain = SvPV_nolen(ST(i+1));

    ctx->wrapped = grpc_ssl_credentials_create(
        pem_key_cert_pair.private_key == NULL ? NULL : &pem_key_cert_pair, NULL
        , NULL

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lib/jQuery/File/Upload/  view on Meta::CPAN

		$_->{thumbnail_upload_dir} = $_->{upload_dir} if $_->{thumbnail_upload_dir} eq '';

		my $path = $_->{upload_dir} . '/' . $self->filename;
		my $thumb_path = $_->{thumbnail_upload_dir} . '/' . $self->thumbnail_filename;

		if(($_->{user} ne '' and $_->{public_key} ne '' and $_->{private_key} ne '') or ($_->{user} ne '' and $_->{password} ne '')) {
			my $ssh2 = $self->_auth_user($_);

			#if it is an image, scp both file and thumbnail
			if($self->is_image) {
				$ssh2->scp_put($self->{tmp_file_path}, $path);

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lib/jQuery/File/  view on Meta::CPAN

		$_->{thumbnail_upload_dir} = $_->{upload_dir} if $_->{thumbnail_upload_dir} eq '';

		my $path = $_->{upload_dir} . '/' . $self->filename;
		my $thumb_path = $_->{thumbnail_upload_dir} . '/' . $self->thumbnail_filename;

		if(($_->{user} ne '' and $_->{public_key} ne '' and $_->{private_key} ne '') or ($_->{user} ne '' and $_->{password} ne '')) {
			my $ssh2 = $self->_auth_user($_);

			#if it is an image, scp both file and thumbnail
			if($self->is_image) {
				$ssh2->scp_put($self->{tmp_file_path}, $path);

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Apache-Test/lib/Apache/  view on Meta::CPAN

database         = $db          # database index file.
serial           = serial       # The current serial number

certificate      = $cacert      # The CA certificate
crl              = $cacrl       # The current CRL
private_key      = $cakey       # The private key

default_days     = 365          # how long to certify for
default_crl_days = 365          # how long before next CRL
default_md       = $dgst        # which md to use.
preserve         = no           # keep passed DN ordering

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lib/OxdPackages/  view on Meta::CPAN

    #	string $op_discovery_path - (Optional) Path to discovery document
    #	array $scope - (Optional) Scope
    #	string $authentication_method - (Optional) If value is missed then basic authentication is used. Otherwise it's possible to set `private_key_jwt` value for Private Key authentication.
    #	string $algorithm - (Optional) Required if authentication_method=private_key_jwt. Valid values are none, HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512
    #	string $key_id - (Optional) Required if authentication_method=private_key_jwt. It has to be valid key id from key store.
    # Returns:
    #	void
    # This module uses `getResponseObject` method of OxdClient module for getting response from oxd.

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       zx_strf zx_ref_str zx_ref_len_str zx_dup_str zx_dup_len_str zx_dup_cstr
       zx_new_len_str zx_str_to_c
       zx_ref_attr zx_ref_len_attr zx_attrf zx_dup_attr zx_dup_len_attr
       zx_new_str_elem zx_ref_elem zx_ref_len_elem
       zx_url_encode zx_url_encode_len zx_url_encode_raw unbase64_raw
       zx_rand zx_report_openssl_err zx_memmem zxid_mk_self_sig_cert zxid_extract_private_key );

push @ignore_callee,
    qw(hi_pdu_alloc hi_dump nonblock setkernelbufsizes zxid_get_ent_ss zx_pw_authn
       xmtp_decode_resp test_ping http_decode smtp_decode_req smtp_decode_resp );

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