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lib/Rex/JobControl/Helper/Project/  view on Meta::CPAN

      if ( exists $srv_object->{auth}->{public_key} ) {
        $ENV{REX_PUBLIC_KEY} = $srv_object->{auth}->{public_key};

      if ( exists $srv_object->{auth}->{private_key} ) {
        $ENV{REX_PRIVATE_KEY} = $srv_object->{auth}->{private_key};

      if ( exists $srv_object->{auth}->{user} ) {
        $ENV{REX_USER} = $srv_object->{auth}->{user};

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lib/SPVM/Net/SSLeay/  view on Meta::CPAN

  static method NID_pkcs9_unstructuredName : int ();

Gets the value of C<NID_pkcs9_unstructuredName>. If this constant value is not defined on this system, an exception is thrown with the error id set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::NotSupported|SPVM::Error::NotSupported> class.

=head2 NID_private_key_usage_period

  static method NID_private_key_usage_period : int ();

Gets the value of C<NID_private_key_usage_period>. If this constant value is not defined on this system, an exception is thrown with the error id set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::NotSupported|SPVM::Error::NotSupported> class.

=head2 NID_rc2_40_cbc

  static method NID_rc2_40_cbc : int ();

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lib/Slovo/Controller/  view on Meta::CPAN

  # POST to Econt to create order
  my $_order_struct = $c->_order_struct($o);
  my $eco_res       = $app->ua->request_timeout(5)->post(
    $shop->{crupdate_order_endpoint} =>
      {'Content-Type' => 'application/json', Authorization => $shop->{private_key}},
    json => $_order_struct
    'req_url: '        => $shop->{crupdate_order_endpoint},
    ' $_order_struct:' => $_order_struct

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xs/sc_ssl/CTX.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

=head2 Functions in alphabetical order




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lib/Syntax/Highlight/Engine/Kate/  view on Meta::CPAN


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lib/Syntax/Highlight/Universal/hrc/inet/php-gen.hrc  view on Meta::CPAN

    <word name="openssl_public_encrypt"/>
    <word name="openssl_seal"/>
    <word name="openssl_sign"/>
    <word name="openssl_verify"/>
    <word name="openssl_x509_checkpurpose"/>
    <word name="openssl_x509_check_private_key"/>
    <word name="openssl_x509_export"/>
    <word name="openssl_x509_export_to_file"/>
    <word name="openssl_x509_free"/>
    <word name="openssl_x509_parse"/>
    <word name="openssl_x509_read"/>

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lib/Syntax/Kamelon/XML/php.xml  view on Meta::CPAN


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lib/Test/  view on Meta::CPAN

Location used to save data bewteen runs (i.e. generated user and host
key pairs).

The default is C<~/.libtest-ssh-perl>

=item private_keys =E<gt> \@key_paths

List of private keys that will be used for login into the remote host.

The default is to look for keys in C<~/.ssh>.

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ext/uid2-client-cpp11/lib/external/httplib.h  view on Meta::CPAN


    class SSLServer : public Server {
        SSLServer(const char* cert_path, const char* private_key_path,
            const char* client_ca_cert_file_path = nullptr,
            const char* client_ca_cert_dir_path = nullptr);

        SSLServer(X509* cert, EVP_PKEY* private_key,
            X509_STORE* client_ca_cert_store = nullptr);

        ~SSLServer() override;

        bool is_valid() const override;

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clib/tests/  view on Meta::CPAN


    err = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, key.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);

    err = SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx);

    err = SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, cert.c_str(), nullptr);

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t/lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub get_ssl_ctx {
    my $SERV_CERT = "t/cert/ca.pem";
    my $serv_ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new();
    Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_certificate_file($serv_ctx, $SERV_CERT, &Net::SSLeay::FILETYPE_PEM) or sslerr();
    Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_PrivateKey_file($serv_ctx, "t/cert/ca.key", &Net::SSLeay::FILETYPE_PEM) or sslerr();
    Net::SSLeay::CTX_check_private_key($serv_ctx) or die Net::SSLeay::ERR_error_string(Net::SSLeay::ERR_get_error);
    return $serv_ctx unless wantarray();
    my $client_ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new();
    Net::SSLeay::CTX_load_verify_locations($client_ctx, $SERV_CERT, '') or die "something went wrong";

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lib/  view on Meta::CPAN

		generate_vapid_keys => [qw/all generate/],
		generate_future_expiration_timestamp => [qw/all generate/],
		generate_vapid_header => [qw/all generate/],
		validate_subject => [qw/all validate/],
		validate_public_key => [qw/all validate/],
		validate_private_key => [qw/all validate/],
		validate_expiration_key => [qw/all validate/],
		validate_expiration => [qw/all validate/],

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bin/  view on Meta::CPAN

# Create a temporary key for ssh'ing
    print STDERR "Creating a temporary ssh key...\n";
    my $keypairname = "${Program_name}_$$";
    $KeyFile        = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir,"$keypairname.pem");
    $KeyPair        = $ec2->create_key_pair($keypairname);
    my $private_key = $KeyPair->privateKey;
    open my $k,'>',$KeyFile or die "Couldn't create $KeyFile: $!";
    chmod 0600,$KeyFile     or die "Couldn't chmod  $KeyFile: $!";
    print $k $private_key;
    close $k;

# Create a temporary security group for ssh'ing
    print STDERR "Creating a temporary security group with ssh enabled...\n";
    $Group          = $ec2->create_security_group(-name        => "${Program_name}_$$",

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lib/VM/HetznerCloud/API/  view on Meta::CPAN

=head2 create

Creates a new Certificate.

The default type **uploaded** allows for uploading your existing `certificate` and `private_key` in PEM format. You have to monitor its expiration date and handle renewal yourself.

In contrast, type **managed** requests a new Certificate from *Let's Encrypt* for the specified `domain_names`. Only domains managed by *Hetzner DNS* are supported. We handle renewal and timely alert the project owner via email if problems occur.

For type `managed` Certificates the `action` key of the response contains the Action that allows for tracking the issuance process. For type `uploaded` Certificates the `action` is always null.

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WSFC_wrap.c  view on Meta::CPAN


        void wsf_set_security_data_to_rampart_context(axutil_env_t *env,
						  rampart_context_t *rampart_context,
						  axis2_char_t *private_key,
						  axis2_char_t *certificate,
						  axis2_char_t *receiver_certificate,
						  axis2_char_t *user,
						  axis2_char_t *password,
						  axis2_char_t *password_type,
						  int ttl)
	    if (NULL != private_key) {
		    if (rampart_context_set_prv_key(rampart_context, env, (void *) private_key) == AXIS2_SUCCESS)
			     AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[wsf_sec_policy] setting pvt key ");
		    if (rampart_context_set_prv_key_type(rampart_context, env, AXIS2_KEY_TYPE_PEM) == AXIS2_SUCCESS)
			    AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[wsf_sec_policy] setting pvt key format ");

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lib/WWW/FCM/HTTP/V1/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my ($json, $scopes) = @_;
    my $secret = decode_json($json);

    return +{
        client_email   => $secret->{client_email},
        private_key    => $secret->{private_key},
        private_key_id => $secret->{private_key_id},
        scopes         => $scopes,
        token_url      => $secret->{token_url} || $DEFAULT_TOKEN_URL,

sub get_token {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $cache_key = $self->jwt_config->{private_key_id};
    if ($self->cache) {
        if ($args{force_refresh}) {
        } else {
            my $token_cache = $self->cache->get($cache_key);
            return $token_cache if $token_cache;

    my $claims = $self->_construct_claims($self->jwt_config);
    my $jwt = JSON::WebToken->encode($claims, $self->jwt_config->{private_key}, 'RS256');
    my $res = $self->ua->post(
        ['Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
        ['grant_type' => $self->grant_type, assertion => $jwt],

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  use WWW::Facebook::FQL;

  ## Connect and log in:
  my $fb = new WWW::Facebook::FQL key => $public_key, private => $private_key;
  $fb->login($email, $password);

  ## Get your own name and pic back:
  $fb->query("SELECT name, pic FROM user WHERE uid=$fb->{uid}");

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lib/WWW/Google/Cloud/Auth/  view on Meta::CPAN

        scope => $self->scope,
        aud => '',
        exp => $self->clock->() + 600,
        iat => $self->clock->(),
    my $key = $creds->{private_key};
    return encode_jwt(alg => 'RS256', payload => $payload, key => \$key);

sub get_token {
    my $self = shift;

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lib/WWW/Google/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $config = Config::JSON->new($self->secret_json);

    my $time = time;

    my $service_acc_id     = $config->get("client_email");
    my $private_key_string = $config->get("private_key");

    my $jwt = JSON::WebToken->encode(
            iss   => $service_acc_id,
            scope => $self->scope,

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examples/  view on Meta::CPAN

use WWW::Marvel::Response;

my $cfg = WWW::Marvel::Config::File->new();
my $client = WWW::Marvel::Client->new({
	public_key  => $cfg->get_public_key,
	private_key => $cfg->get_private_key,

my $total_records = undef;
my $founded = 0;
my $offset = 0;

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lib/WWW/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub new {    ## no critic (ArgUnpacking)
    my $class = shift;
    my %args  = @_ % 2 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;

    for (qw/subdomain public_key private_key/) {
        $args{$_} || croak "Param $_ is required.";

    $args{endpoint} ||= "https://" . $args{subdomain} . "";
    $args{timeout}  ||= 60;                                                  # for ua timeout

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